
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Toddlers and bumps on head?

My 2 yr old son was climbing on the kitchen chair, he was reaching for the table when he lost his footing and fell. He hit his head on the table (made of thick wood) and then on the floor. It left a big "goose egg" on his forehead. He cried but not for long and seemed alittle dazed. He was soon back to normal, with a bruise and a red mark along with the bump. A few days later he had fallen again and hit the same spot causing it to rebump again. Everynight he says his head hurts where the bump is. He doesn't remember falling off the chair and hitting his head on the table. He thinks he did it tripping over his sisters shoes, which happened a few hours after the first fall. That trip did not resault into a hit on the head. Should I be worried about him not remembering the fall or the fact that he has hit it again in the same spot causing it to bump again?

Toddlers and bumps on head?
The fact that you can see the bump on the outside is great. It's when the "goose egg" is on the inside that you need to be worried. If it's been a few days ago and nothing bad has happened, I wouldn't worry. As far as him not remembering, he's 2. 2 year olds get hurt all the time; scrapes, scratches, bumps, and if you ask him/her where that owie came from 5 minutes later, chances are they are going to say something else. Like that time they fell off the slide or something. That's nothing to be worried about. It probably just dazed him a little. However, if you start noticing something funny, you should definately take him to your practitioner. Also, if you made a big deal of the owies when they happened, he'll remember that and bring it up for as long as he remembers the attention he got from it.

skin problems

Hey will you read this and give me your comment? (<was the question)?

Confessional I By Andrew Wogas

A story my friend wrote. I loved it.

Confessional I

I had my first sexual experience when I was fourteen years old. It was with that boy, Damien Reed, who lives two houses down from me. I was fourteen, he was sixteen. Of course, it was only innocent exploration, when my parents were out. We were up in my bedroom, as these things generally go, tentatively discovering aspects of our boyhood, what feels good, what doesn't, playing with fingers, tongues and lips. We weren't really old enough to understand the social and religious concepts of how what we were doing was essentially wrong, To us this sort of thing was really what boys our age did. Wasn't it?

Well, it was for us, and as would be expected our exploration and discovery intensified over the next few months, every Sunday afternoon after church when both our parents would stay for a special bible discussion group and sent us home to get ready for school, but of course as I have previously recounted, getting ready for school was hardly what we did. What started out as casual playing became something far too serious for boys of our age, and soon a strange bond appeared between us, the likes of which neither of us had ever felt before. It was one such Sunday afternoon when we were laying in bed together, stark naked, holding each other as if completing the bond that was the act we had just taken part in, that Damien turned to me.

"Do you realize how beautiful you look in the afternoon light?" He said slowly, as if mentally testing each syllable before it left his lips. I looked into his bottomless blue eyes, losing myself for a moment, not understanding how to interpret that sentence, resolving to tell him the same thing to put the pressure on him, seeing as I had no idea what to say. However, just as I opened my mouth to do so, he quickly interjected.

"Domenic" He started,"I'm in love with you." He turned away. "I don't know what to do because of Laura, she and I are supposed to be dating you know"

Now it was my turn to look away. I had no idea of this Laura, and if I had, his words (Using my full first name, as he so seldom did), would not have affected me so deeply, because what he felt for me I also felt for him.

"Damien," I began, pausing, "I'm also in love with you. Every time I see you, it feels like my heart beats so fast that it would surely burst. I feel so nauseated that it's like I am seasick from a cruise ship crossing turbulent water. Every time I see you, those little things in my life which don't seem to have a point all begin to make sense. I don't think you can fully understand how much you mean to me."

Damien's blue eyes began to well with tears. He moved to embrace me, climbing on top of and kissing me, my hand wandering for our two engorged members.

"Let us never get separated" he whispered to me, "I will end my limited relationship with Laura and I can be guilt free in loving you."

Unknown to us at the time, these were the last words we were to share, the last sexual bonding we would experience, for quite some time, as we had been too careless in our play this one darkening afternoon, and did not hear my strict Roman Catholic parents pull up in their old style sedan, did not hear them venturing inside and across the wooden floors, did not hear them over our own carelessly raised voices as we climaxed, did not hear as my father turned the door handle as Damien fell exhausted onto me for a deep, loving kiss. We heard, however, when he and my mother both began at the same time.

"Domenic Martin Phillips, what in the name of our almighty god is going on here?" My parents shrieked, my father bounding across the room to where we lay, a tangled sticky testament to our love.

Damien was the first to react, cursing and rolling off me in an attempt to save himself from what was inevitably going to happen. I however, just moaned out of sheer desperation, wishing at that moment to be anywhere but in my own house, and tried to hide under a pillow.

My father then ripped the coverings off of the bed, exposing us in all our nakedness, and with a roar of what sounded like primal instinct, ripped Damien out of my bed, drove a knee into his groin, and almost hurled him across the room, his lean body sliding across the wooden floors and coming to rest in the center of my bedroom, tears of pain and sadness now evident from those deep blue eyes of his. Using the pillow to hide my shame from my parents, I sat up, screaming and pleading for my father to stop, yelling anything I could about god's wishes and the commandments, but nothing could deter him. He approached where Damien lay, grabbing him by his messy blond hair and hoisting him to his feet, practically screaming in his face.

"If I ever see you anywhere near my son again, I will have you killed. Do I make myself clear?" My father yelled, his square face turning a deep shade of red as small flecks of spittle flew from his mouth. Damien just nodded.

"Damien, get your things, and get out of our house, you are no longer welcome under our roof" was all my mother said. It was all that was needed, as if on command my father released is grip on Damien's hair, allowing him to fall to his knees, before he got up and hastily pulled on his jeans, grabbing his shirt and shoes and darting out of my house as fast as he could. My father could barely contain himself.

"How dare you!" he turned and roared at me. "How dare you do this to us! To yourself! To god!" He stormed over to the bed, his six-foot-six form literally towering over me as I cowered behind the pillow, trying to hold on to what little dignity I had left.

"You have shamed us!" he continued, "all of the neighbours would have seen a half naked boy running from our house. We'll never be allowed in the church again! As for your words before, how dare you say gods name! You are not one of his children. You are not one of my children. As far as I'm concerned, I no longer have a son. I want you to get out of my house. You aren't welcome here anymore than that godless Damien now." And as if to drive the point, he sent a hard fist straight into my stomach, winding me. He was about to inflict more pain when my mother placed a slim hand on his shoulder.

"Marcus, I think he has learned his lesson. Stop hurting him. Dominic, pack your bags. Get dressed. I want to talk to you in the dining room when you're done."

By Andrew Wogas

Hey will you read this and give me your comment? (%26lt;was the question)?
This is a very moving story which I loved reading. For any young teen dealing with their sexuality and experimentation and the way their parents react. Thank you for posting this
Reply:Poignant and well written. Gut wrenching honesty makes for good reading. All I could find wrong with it was a few grammatical mistakes. If I were grading the paper for composition, it would most definately receive an A.
Reply:Ummm, thanks for sharing it, but Y!A is not very conducive to lengthy reads.
Reply:omg, that brought tears to my eyes, remembering a similar time in my young life, i love you Kerry, wherever you are!

Is the story true? What happened to Domenic?

God - people think being gay is a choice. Who would choose that?
Reply:Oh my, That is so heart wrenching. What happened though. I would love to know what happened. It just broke my heart, it really did.
Reply:oh that is such a sad/sweet story
Reply:It is too long to read.
Reply:is there a part 2??? that could definately be developed more!!
Reply:Not really my cup of tea, but its amusing though.


Is it getting tougher to trespass into America?

Guard makes border breachings tougherBy BARBARA BARRETT

McClatchy Newspapers


Army National Guard Spc. Gustavo Gutierrez, 23, of Las Cruces, N.M., scans the U.S./Mexico border from the top of Radar Hill, near Columbus in southwestern New Mexico. He is part of Operation Jump Start.

More photosLOS ALGODONES, Mexico -- Not five minutes after the boatload of migrants slipped across the Colorado River at dusk, the "dogcatchers" arrived.

First came U.S. Border Patrol trucks, tearing down a dirt road and cutting their headlights. Then the helicopter with its deafening blades, dipping and circling, casting spotlights across the water and the mountainside, again and again and again.

On the Mexican side, above the town of Los Algodones, Francisco Lopez watched and listened. For a month, he said, he's been waiting. He sleeps under the shade of trees, scrounges food. Three times he almost crossed.

"They're here day and night," said Lopez, 42, who traveled from the state of Michoacan, hoping to reach New York. "When I got here, I was surprised to see so much force on the other side."

The show of force now includes Operation Jump Start, which President Bush announced in May. About 6,000 National Guard troops are coming to the border, to reinforce the Border Patrol "perreras": dogcatchers.

The deployment is meant to discourage migrants from risking the dash into the United States. The increased security is pushing them into remote areas -- including harsh desert and mountains -- forcing more to use smugglers and leading those who are caught to make repeated attempts that sap their strength and money. Many walk for days with little food or water.

"Short term, you might see more deaths, because they think they can beat the system," said Lt. Col. Randy Powell, the commander of the North Carolina National Guard's 252nd Combined Arms Battalion. Over time, he said, the death toll should drop.

The Guard is coming

Word has spread throughout Mexico: The Guard is coming.

"I read the newspapers," said Hector Encinas, 29, who lives in San Luis Rio Colorado, just south of San Luis, Ariz. He used to cross routinely to work in the United States, paying $300 a trip. Now the price is $1,500. He used to help others, but no more.

"It's more hard right now," Encinas said, standing in the shade near an opening in the border wall where three Border Patrol trucks were parked. "They got a fence, more soldiers, more Border Patrol."

Of the Guard, he said, "They're cool. They're cool." He knows the troops aren't allowed to make apprehensions, just to call in border agents.

Still, in the more urban Mexican crossing points south of Arizona, something has changed.

In Los Algodones, tucked into the crook of the border with California and Yuma, Ariz., the travelers who hope to sneak across the border -- known as "pollos," or chickens -- gather at dusk in the park.

Fabiola Salazar, 25, figures the smugglers the locals call "polleros" -- chicken herders -- make up 30 percent of the summer business at her family's grocery. Every morning, the smugglers buy water and food for the journey.

Lately, she said, business is way down.

Dangerous detours

What sends migrants farther out are the images of the National Guard standing watch. The North Carolina Guard troops are scattered in strategic spots along the western half of the Arizona border, including some posts so distant they're best reached by helicopter.

Near San Luis, Ariz., the troops work under camouflage nets, setting up observation points every quarter-mile on a levee near the Colorado River, above stretches of dirt and fields of tall, swaying grasses.

The scrutiny is pushing migrants toward a land so vast that travelers can walk three days before crossing a paved road. During heat like last week's, with temperatures climbing toward 115 degrees, the migrants can't carry enough water.

The Sonoran Desert is littered with their castoffs: empty water bottles, shoes, jackets. The daytime heat is blistering, and only a very brave man would walk the rugged landscape at night, said the Rev. Robin Hoover, the founder of Tucson-based Humane Borders Inc.

Yet people get through. About 60 miles north of the border lay evidence that Hoover thought came from a recent smugglers' pickup: Two dozen backpacks were discarded among the cactuses. Some held deodorant or unopened tuna cans; Hoover unfolded a scrap of paper with a Florida hotel phone number scrawled across it.

Because more men are staying in the United States, more are sending for their families. More women and children are crossing.

Migrants pass through the cotton and alfalfa fields around Rebeca Moreno's store, a quarter-mile from the Colorado River, ignoring the signs warning "Peligroso!" -- danger. Pointing across the cotton field, she said in Spanish: "There is the river. The migrants try to swim across."

They're caught, sent home and try again.

A man died right there, she said, pointing to a spot in the dirt road.

Is it getting tougher to trespass into America?
We can ONLY PRAY it keeps getting tougher and tougher every day.
Reply:Yes it is getting more difficult. This is a great article, thank you.

It should be even more difficult to get here illegally and am glad our borders are more secure now days.
Reply:I'm glad it's getting harder. That makes me happy.
Reply:My heart weeps for those who have died somebody tell them to please stop trying to cross illegally and for those who have already crossed please let them stay I am one of the NG's that guard the borders and that is how I feel

Mi corazón llora para los que han muerto a alguien les digan que

satisfacer la parada que intenta cruzarse ilegal y para los que se han cruzado ya por favor déjelos permanecerme son una del NG que guarden las fronteras y que sean cómo me siento
Reply:Thanks for posting ... good article ... we need more news like this ... :)
Reply:To the rest of the world this preoccupation with the 'illegals' issue quite amusing. Keep it up. The expressions of hate and the threats of violence are revealing
Reply:Yes it is getting tougher

hair accessories

My 8mo.old Fila Brasileiro has BAD separation anxiety.It's like he can't get close enough to me.Is this normal

It is unbearable to leave the house.If I start to curl my hair or put on perfume it's like a signal to him that I am going out.He starts whimpering %26amp; by the time I am putting my shoes on, his crying is uncontrolled. I can be gone 5 minutes or 5 hours, when I come home, heis out of control jumping on me climbing on me, he sits on me or lays between my feet.He is also jealous of anyone else who is getting my atention. Not to the point of agression, but what I consider strange- as I was cutting my 7 y/o son's nails,the dog came over, forced his way between my son %26amp; I and put his paws on me until I cut his nails-which he never lets me do.He follows me around all of the time and is always sure that he is 'touching' me.If we are sitting and I move so that he is no longer touching me,he moves until he is somehow in direct physical contact with me.My vet seems unconcerned and thinks its funny.I'm not sure its healthy.Can anyone familiar with Filas %26amp; their temperament offer advice?

My 8mo.old Fila Brasileiro has BAD separation anxiety.It's like he can't get close enough to me.Is this normal
I've never owned a Fila but they are beautiful dogs!

My peke can sometimes get that way. So what I started to do was whatever triggered him to think I was 'leaving' I just did randomly throughout the day. With you, I would try to get up a little earlier if you know you're going out (I know its hard being a mom but I'm sure this will help!); so get up earlier and curl your hair and put on your perfume and shoes and then go watch some TV or play with him. So he doesnt always assume once you get ready you're going out.

Also, before you leave take him for a walk or have him romp around the yard. Too much rigorous exercise can be bad on growing joints but a walk around the block to tire him out should be fine. (you can also ask your vet how much exercise is good for his age). You can also have your son help out and run around the yard with the dog too.

I wouldnt think its healthy, and it can become a problem. Do you crate train him? That would be a good idea incase he becomes destructive in the house when you're gone.

Also try leaving him in the house for 5 minutes each day until he gets used to it. Like, take your son for a walk around the block and crate up the dog. To see how he acts when you're gone, put him in a crate and put a video camera on him. Once you see he is getting comfortable being left alone for 5 minutes, move it up to 10 minutes.

It will take time but things will work out! If not, try to consult a trainer if you can.

Good luck with you and your dog!

dancing quotes

What clothes to wear for Alaska in January?

It's only for a few days. I know it's going to be really cold, but could you tell me just what sort of clothes to take? And shoes/boots? There will probably be some sight seeing, shopping, and just walking around, not mountain climbing or anything like that. Thanks SO much for your help!!

What clothes to wear for Alaska in January?
The answer to that lies in a simple question...

Where in Alaska are you going?

The suggestions so far are good for Anchorage, or down in Southeast (Juneau, Ketchikan), but a bit light for Fairbanks, or other areas of Alaska's Interior.

January is one of our coldest months with temperatures getting below zero; in Fairbanks near -40 or colder.

Focus on your parka, and boots. Polar Fleece is a great layering product so layer up.

There are good reasonably priced stores in Alaska, but again not knowing where your destination is, I can't make any recommendations.

Reply:Cabela’s is an outdoor sports supply store that has warm winter clothes for women as well as men.

I would agree with the answer Richard as far as clothes. But dress in layers so you can take off a layer when you are in a store or some thing. Pack boots are a must, a parka with hood, insulated gloves, thermo under wear, and thick warm socks.

Many of us here wear one size larger pack boots so we can wear 2 heavy socks on each foot.

It gets darn cold In Anchorage in the winter. Below zero is the norm for January.

BTW you do not need expedition grade parka or pack boots, the ones rated to 20 below will do fine.
Reply:Woolen sweaters and pants/slacks. Woolen or down jacket. Woolen hat. Earmuffs, gloves, winter scarf or two. Heavy socks and winter shoes (nothing dainty).

fashion accessories

What does it mean when a guy does not want me to wear shorts to a party?

So I was out on rock-climbing date (I was wearing shorts at the time for the athletic adventure) and the guy asked me out again to a birthday party with him that night. I noticed that on our rock-climbing adventure, he kept looking at my legs. But then he warned me not to wear shorts to the birthday party. And that irritated me a bit, since I was planning wearing shorts (shorts are in right now! it can be worn to look dressy with the right top and shoes. And it's summer! and we were in a desert state). I was offended. Does that mean he thinks my legs are ugly? or what? that I shouldn't go to a party with him having ugly legs?

What does it mean when a guy does not want me to wear shorts to a party?
He doesn't want the other guys at the party flirting with you!

He's got a jealous temper.
Reply:wear whatever you like.. it's your body...

if he thinks he has to dress you, what is next?
Reply:well that depends on what you think your legs look like. Are they in shape or do you think they need work?? Maybe the attire for the party isn't for casual dress. Maybe he is a little protective. You don't know unless you ask??
Reply:Wearing shorts to go to a party is not appropriate,unless it is a barbecue party. I know that shorts are always in fashion. I am a bikini and shorts woman,but when I go out with a guy I wear dress or blouse and skirt. Any man I have dated never tells me what not to wear.I think he is not thinking about your legs to show of,he is thinking about a good impression of you to others,so he can be proud of you.
Reply:Maybe he's afraid that if you wear them you'll have every guy's attention at the party, and he'll be jealous..seems like a typical guy way of thinking.
Reply:Did you ask him why?
Reply:Why don't you just ask him. He may not want anyone to seeyour beautiful legs or hemay be controlling or he may be protecting you soo ask him and you should not beafraid to ask him and he should be cool about it never date a controlling hot tempered man.
Reply:However he feels about the condition of your legs, he sounds very controlling. I'd stay clear of this guy. No one has a right to tell you what to wear - ever!
Reply:it could b that or maybe he just doesnt want guys to be all over his date.idk its kinda wierd.
Reply:Or maybe you're legs look really good, and he doesn't want anybody else looking at them. Probably just wants them all to himself. :D
Reply:maybe he really likes them, but he doesn't want to seem like a freak by staring at your legs the whole time, instead he wants to focus on you instead, believe me some guys are really into legs, some find it the sexiest part. anyways maybe he just doesn't want to be distracted and just know you and not just that you have nice legs... possible... that kinda happened to me after this party i went to, a lot of guys only started talking about my legs after that...
Reply:It probably means he thinks your legs are hot and he doesn't want other guys drooling. You can get him back for putting you through this dilemna by wearing a mini skirt to the dance. Guys can drool and when he gets mad you can remind him you didn't wear shorts, just as he asked. Of course, all us guys out here could more easily study your problem if you posted a picture of you in shorts or a skirt. for research purposes only, of course.
Reply:Maybe he thinks you have hot sexy legs and he doesn't want ayone else seeing them...He wants it all for himself...
Reply:probably just means he doesn't want other guys checking you out...especially if you were his date to the party
Reply:i dont think he was impressed with your legs sorry
Reply:It depends,

but he could have been checking you out on the rock climbing date, lol.

And he just might not want other guys hitting on you lol.
Reply:well, maybe he thinks you have GORGEOUS are like man does not like me wearing anything above my knee...unless im in the before you get all mad and offended, why dont you ask him...and plus...honey, do you honestly think he would ask you out AGAIN if he thought you had ugly legs??? I dont think so!!!

Shorts are NOT really all that attractive on girls.
Reply:They weren't those stupid shorts that go to just below your knees and are usually black and look really stupid? Because those are freaking ugly, no matter how fashionable they may be. Make your legs look stupid and fat. Don't ever wear them!
Reply:Regardless of why he doesn't want you wearing shorts, it seems to me that he is controlling. Who does he think he is, telling you what you can or can't wear on a date with him? Rethink this one.
Reply:Maybe he said that because it's a little dressier type of party and he didn't want you feel out of place or embarrassed. I think he was trying to be considerate, so that you would have a good time. ........OR.......

He figures it would be easier to get to the "goodies" if you wore a short skirt!

hair care

Oj another survey!!!?????

orange juice or soda?

sofa er love seat?

adventure film or chick flick?

guy er gurl?

40 er older?

jarassic park or king kong?

cat er dog?

rodent er reptile?

mother er father ?



wet seal er american eagle?

italian er mexican food?


agility er obiedience for dogs?

shoes fer dogs?

tank top er t shirt?

capris er shorts?

golfing er rock climbing?

chickens or turkeys?

tape er dvd? ya!!!

Oj another survey!!!?????
Orange Juice


Adventure Film



Jarassic Park





Wet Seal





Tank Top


Rock Climbing


Reply:orange juice

love seat

adventure film



jarassic park





wet seal




tank top


rock climbing


Reply:Orange Juice





King Kong




Are evil....


Wet Seal







Golf (it's lame, but it can't kill me)

Chickens (I used to have pet chickens!)


You're welcome, love ya too!


chick flick

guy (to like)

don't get it

jurassic park



can't choose


hate it

american eagle






blue jeans

rock climbing


Reply:orange juice


adventure film



king kong






american eagle

italian food




t shirt






Did your dog change your way of life?

I am divorced 41 y/o career woman living in a fancy condo with white carpet, white furnitures and white silk curtains. For a few years life has been about making money and climbing to the top in my field...till %26lt;Duncan%26gt; my American cocker came into my life.

Now life is about him.

My floors are covered with dog's toys...I don't care

My precious white carpets have spots all over...I don't care

My fancy furnitures are covered with blankets ....I don't care

He lays at the bottom of my silk curtains and....I don't care

My black suits are covered with blond dog hair...I don't care

My running shoes are wet inside, not sure if it's dog pee or spit....I don't care...haha.

I am at the dog park every day, my city will issue me my own tag soon.

I used to spend my weekends shopping for shoes, now I shop for fat and sugar free dogs treats.

He's in the back of my mind all the time and going home to him is something I look forward every minute of the day.

Did your dog change your way of life?
I used to spend my days off playing video games and avoiding being at home.

Now Im home playing tug-o-war and fetch.

I hated being just outside during the day

Sarge doesnt like darkness, so we do an hour walk every day in the beating sun.

Slobber has always revolted me. I almost didnt get him because Rotties are so well known for their gaping mouths full of goo.

Now I happily pick up the slobber soaked dog toys all over my car and house (he is still learning to put them away--from what Ive read most dogs never fully learn that).

I hadnt touched fast food in 6 months before we went through a drive thru one day in a hurry. He liked the experience (he doesnt get the food of course, but the people all talk to him) so now I eat fast food once or twice a week.

I spend hours every week homemaking food for him.

Like everyone else, I wouldnt have this any other way. I didnt know what I was getting into getting a dog-Ive always had farm dogs who just run around on their own before now. Sargent has been so much work and so much time that I never spent on an animal before, but he's also one of the most fulfilling parts of my life. Everything done for him or with him is worth it. Even the poop stain on the driver's seat of my car doesnt make me angry anymore-it just makes me smile and be glad he's fully potty trained these days.
Reply:That is the nicest thing I have read in a long time. I am glad you are so happy. And have someone to look forward to coming home to.

All animals can change people's lives. They sure have changed mine. I love them all and miss them when they or I am gone.

Thank you for shareing your story.
Reply:haha I love your story!

Yes my dog has changed my life in so many ways - including the types of ways you have already mentioned.

The biggest way is that he has taught me that dogs are wonderful and life is so much better with them around. You see, I was scared of dogs all my life until I fell in love with black labs. We brought Maverick home 3.5 years ago now and he is my best friend. I love him so much - he brightens my day! I look forward to the work day ending just so I can go home and cuddle with him. Thanks to him, I am no longer afraid of dogs, he opened a whole new world to me - a much better one. (and we're bringing home doggy #2 in a few weeks!!!)
Reply:What an awesome post! Your dog has given you an unconditional gift of love and companionship. And you've embraced it whole heartedly. Love it!

My husband had never had an inside dog before we got married (we were in our late 30's when we tied the knot). We have FIVE dogs and everyone of them sleeps with us! No kidding. He loves these dogs like they were his kids. They have changed is obsessive-compulsive personality. He has some dog hair on him when walking out the door and picks up any accidental poop or pee without thinking twice.

YES! I think a dog completes your home. Good for you!!!
Reply:this never happened to me but it might happen coz dogs are lovable and they are like anything that would make u in love so you are not weird .
Reply:Most definitely! I just got a 3 month old Maltese, he comes to work with me but he has changed my life in all aspects!!!
Reply:My life was changed by a b*tch who I bought as a pet.... and whose breeders talked me into "just try a show or two".

Now I dream of pedigrees and breedings, have nightmares about puppy placements gone wrong (which they haven't) and winning the big one.

I can't imagine my life without dogs... it would be cleaner, I'd have time to do different things... but I'm sure I wouldn't be happier without the unconditional love they give me.
Reply:You never really know how wonderful they are until you have one. I'm 46 and divorced, also. I have had dogs all my life and insisted I take custody of ALL pets when I got divorced. That included 2 Cockatiels, 1 cat, 1 tarantula, 2 dogs. (and I can't forget the human kids!) My dogs at that time (Chow and Min Pin) were allowed to be on the beds and furniture at their discretion. I also had eggshell colored carpet and would have them cleaned every 3 months and like you, I didn't care! They were happy. After my divorce, I moved to a different house 12 years ago, but bought the house because of the yard and the layout of the house for the dogs, not the kids. It's ALL about the dogs!


I have to say that my daughter, now 21, thinks there is something wrong with me because when we go shopping, I MUST bring home a surprise EVERY single time. I think she's a bit jealous. My son, 25, thinks it's amusing and just laughs at my obsession.
Reply:I can totally relate. My living room is covered with toys, there's a dog bed in the living room and the bedroom, even though my dog Roxi (Westie Mix) sleeps on the big bed. My life revolves around her. When I have to go somewhere without her, I can't wait to get back home to her. I even bought her a stroller, so I can take her to almost anywher I can go. When I go on vacation, it has to be a place where she can go. No cruises for me!

I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!

Kim at:
Reply:Oh yes he's changed my life! LOL

But I would'nt have it any differently.

Soon I'll need a new vacuum cleaner because I need to vacuum almost everyday.

My truck has been bapitzed with nose prints all over the windows.

My seven year old cat has lost weight from playing tag instead of being a couch potato.

I've become "good buddies" with the owner of our town's specialty pet supply store and local butcher.

I feel safer than ever before.

My home is now redecorated with an array of throw rugs and a doggie towel at each door.

I've become extremely familiar with every inch of our 3 acre yard.

Instead of being happy to see the deer on my property, I think "Oh no... more ticks!"

I wouldn't have it any other way. The love and devotion he shows me is unlike anything I've ever experienced.

Dogs and other pets are members of the family. They love you unconditionally, don't gossip or make cutting comments behind your back, and they are always glad to see you.

My female german shepherd died at the age of 13, and it was hard to lose her. She was so loving and gracious.
Reply:My dog changed my life from the day webrought her home from the Humane Society.
Reply:What a great question! Ya, our lives have changed dramatically since we have had dogs. We found one wandering the streets 12 years ago, which we took in. We just lost her to a sudden onset of a disease this past May. We still have 2 toy breeds and 3 cats. Our lives seem to revolve around the animals. We love it that way because they enrich our lives tremendously! We really don't have much of a social life other than going to work. Just about everything we do is planned around the animals.

We have toys everywhere..we don't care

We have spots on our carpets...we don't care

Our furniture is covered with blankets...we don't care

Our living room windows and doors are covered with nose prints and dog spit...we don't care

We get awakened every morning by cold noses poking at us or being smothered with kisses..wouldn't have it any other way!

What we love most is that no matter how long or how short of time it has been since you walked out the door, as soon as you come in, these little guys are so happy to see you, and just smother us with kisses. The minute we sit down, they jump up on the recliner, couch, bed, whatever, and insist on being in your lap or right by your side. The toy poodle crawls up on our lap, stands on her rear legs, puts her front legs around our neck and just kisses and kisses and kisses. We are truly blessed to have such loving and adorable animals in our lives. And you are so right- they are constantly on your mind, no matter what. Thank God.
Reply:Yup! My house has gone to the dogs for many years! I always said if you dont like dog hair don't come to visit! lol

My home is full of Golden Retrievers! I don't care either! lol
Reply:Yes they have changed my life. I used to have a bit of OCD when it came to orderliness and cleanliness. Dogs have helped me to relax some. Also, I am quit shy in person, they have helped me to overcome that. They have made me more active'less bored. I used to get, so bored all the time, then I would start having negative thoughts, and end up having a crying jag. I don't do that anymore. I'm just to busy to think about myself. They keep me company and safe while my husband is in Iraq. They really help me to relax about things. Yesterday we were in the woods. They became intrested in a mud puddle I started to say no come back to me, but I thought why not I can just rinse them off when I get home let them have some fun. The old me would of been thinking, dirt, bacteria, filth, stench!
Reply:My famillies dogs have changed the way we do everything. Our vacations include them, any day trips,if we go somewhere on the weekend we try to go to a place that is dog friendly.They have complete run of the house(beds,couch,upstairs,downstairs) and we spent quite a bit of time and money making our home and yard dog appropriate so they don't get hurt or eat something they shouldn't. Anytime we go shopping we buy something for them(new chew toy,treats)and they are loyal beyond belief.They follow my children around no matter where they go,even if it's to the other side of the room.I don't think we could live without them-well at least live happily without them.
Reply:i don't have a dog but i have a cat and i just love him to death his fur gets on my clothing all the time but i don't care either. I just love him so much he has changed my life in so many ways. If someone offered me a million dollars but the catch would be that i would have to give up my cat screw the money i love my cat.
Reply:Yeah. Dogs are the most amazing things everrrr. People mistake them for being stupid. They are highly intelligent actually. Lmao. I don't care either :D
Reply:Yes! He changed the lives of every member in my family - we are all yelling:






Don't let it get out of control - go watch "Year of the Dog" with Molly Shannon...LOL

and for you those that think what I said above was just utterly horrible...I was being sarcastic!
Reply:If my dog had to die- I'd die.

I got him when I was really really young- and he's on his aging now. I suppose if i didn't get him- io would have grown up differently...
Reply:Definitely, both of our dogs have changed our lives. My husband and I have two dogs who are our top priority. If we are doing something after work we make sure that someone can go home at lunch and play with them, let them out, and feed them. Their health and well being are always on my mind. I love the impact they have made on my life and on our marriage. We are more caring and thoughtful people because they are in our lives.
Reply:My first Basset Hound (not my first dog) changed my way of life. I took him to a dog show and discovered a whole new world.

Now I have a houseful of bassets and my life revolves around them.
Reply:It is amazing how a little wet nose will change a life.

I have a mixed (G.S/ Border Collie) female that I got when she was 10 weeks now this spring she will be 12 yrs...The 2 of us have seen 4 states, divorce, re marriage, new houses, travel.

My world will go dark when she passes.

In April of 07 my husband and I have bought a 6wk old male Boxer puppy, now at 9 months there is not a lot of quiet time in the house but he has seen 3 states, traveling with us and having a ball..

Can't imagine our lives without a cold wet nose rooting around in the covers of the bed every morning.
Reply:The spots would bother me. Why are there spots all over your carpeting?

You need to get control of your dog. Peeing in shoes? Spots on carpeting. You are the pack leader, so you need to show him what to do.

BTW, our dog (a shar-pei) is named Duncan as well. Duncan Hines Brownie. He has more toys than we do.
Reply:I love my dogs too i think they are amazing pets and they become part of your family after a while.
Reply:In my book, you are perfect home. There are others like you, but they are few and far between. You are what I look for when I place one of my rescues.

And to answer your question, YES. My dogs have most definitely changed the way I live my life.
Reply:yes, my dog peed and pooped all over my floor and even on my couch, that is a change that I will never forget.
Reply:Absolutely, my house has become their house. Their toys are everywhere along with blankets, pillows and anything else they drag out.

My family and I are big on camping. Every year we go for 2 weeks. We use to tent camp but we got 2 dogs so we got a camper. This year we got another dog in June and our camper is not big enough for the family and the dogs so we did not go this year. Hopefully next before next summer we can get a larger camper to accommodate the 3 dogs-7 yr old lab/retriever mix, 6 yr old lab/shepherd mix and a 9 mth old lab-and our family. I just could not leave them in a kennel while we camping, would not have been the same.
Reply:My wife and I have 2 dogs. One is a lab and the other is a lab/shepard mix. We could not picture our lives without them.


What should I do about smelly guy at work?

I started a new job last month and there is this really fat guy who stinks. He comes into the office sweating after climbing the stairs and then stinks the room out. He sweats all day and wears the same clothes so the smell you get is of stale sweat in his clothes.

He also blows his nose really really loudly, I have earphones on with music up full and can still hear him and the noice turns my stomach.

When its a hot day he takes off his shoes and socks and that mixed with the smell from his clothes does not make a good day in the office.

How does this guy not realise his personal habits are not effecting other people? If I had a sweaty top and it smelled a bit I would damn well not be wearing it the next day.

Is he completly oblivious to other people? How can he take off his shoes and socks and not think other people don't mind it?

As I've only been here a month I don't think I can go to the boss and tell him of the sitution. Do I wait 6 months is over then request another office?

What should I do about smelly guy at work?
I would go buy a bar of Irish Spring, a can of Shower to Shower powder, and some Odor Eaters insoles, and a trial size box of laundry soap, put them in a plain brown bag, write "Take a Hint" on the bag, and leave it anonymously on his desk.

He might not be aware that others can smell him, after all, a Fox can't smell his own hole.
Reply:you might try one of those fragrant candles, or you might just make the comment wow you need to cool down a little before you come in here you are ripe!!!!!!! That is probably why the last person left and yes I think I would mention it to the boss, he knows it anyway, but ask him for some ideas at least. That is miserable!!!!! One way I handled a similiar situation years ago with a lady co worker, is I gave her some clothes a family member had outgrown and then explained to her how they sure last longer if they are washed often and gave her a few hints on how to take care of the things I gave her..........she got a lot better about changing anyway...............
Reply:Leave him or try to make friendship with him so that u can advice him nicely as a good friend.
Reply:go to
Reply:Tell your supervisor. All jobs have rules on hygiene, and your co-worker shouldn't be an exception.
Reply:In this situation tact is the key. Discreetly have a little talk with the person. Try not to sound offensive or disgusted just try and let him see things from your point of view. I'm sure you are not the only person that has experienced this at the office so probably others will be willing to point out the same problem to him.

Take care and good luck.
Reply:well tell him he needs anti pesperant, and he should buy some new shoes. and put goot powder in them and get skinnier u fat ***...
Reply:Maybe the problem is you. You should find another job. Or quit working all together. It worked for me.
Reply:If there are other employees that feel the same way all of you get together and report it to supervisor.
Reply:Hey buddy..... You reek man..... take a shower and keep the shoes on cause you make me want to CHUCK

The worst he can do is be mad at you.....who cares he's a pig

maintenance repairs

What is appropriate for a female to wear to a jury trial to testify?

I have 2 trials coming up soon that i will be testifying at, both times i will be climbing many steps and would prefer not to wear a skirt, dress or dress shoes if i can avoid it. Any suggestions would be wonderful.

What is appropriate for a female to wear to a jury trial to testify?
You're right.

No dress.

No skirt

No high heels.

***It's not just the stairs, darlin', it's the sitting on that platform with your sweet petunia at eye level***

That leaves lower dress shoes and a business suit (or something approaching it.
Reply:Wear whatever you're comfortable in, but still dress nice, professional, and conservative. You can wear a pair of nice slacks and a nice blouse with flats. I very rarely wore dresses when I had to testify for anything. The only time I did, was I was trying to look more "holsom" lol :)
Reply:wear slacks or jeans with a nice tucked in blouse
Reply:You didn't indicate whether you are testifying for the prosecution, the defense, or for yourself. It does make a difference. I am going to assume that you are testifying for the defense, but it will not matter if you follow my instructions. Do not wear red, purple, yellow, or green. Go to a thrift store. Don't be ashamed to buy used clothes. You are recycling! Buy a tasteful blue or brown pantsuit. It should cost you no more than $10.00. Buy a tasteful white blouse without ruffles or anything else extraordinary. Buy a tasteful scarf with a little splash of color. If you choose a blue suit, stay with red, white, %26amp; blue. Should you choose brown, then stay with autumn colors like light brown, yellow, and red. It may sound ridiculous, but dress does matter in court, especially in front of a jury. Good for you for reaching out and asking for a little advice in this area. It truly is important. Good luck to you.



What is appropriate for a female to wear to a jury trial to testify?

I have 2 trials coming up soon that i will be testifying at, both times i will be climbing many steps and would prefer not to wear a skirt, dress or dress shoes if i can avoid it. Any suggestions would be wonderful.

What is appropriate for a female to wear to a jury trial to testify?
I think a pant suit would work very well. Try black, brown, dark blue or grey. Those are the most professional colors. you dont want to walk in wearing orange or pink, you'll stand out to much and wont be taken seriously. Try pin stripe pant (i like grey with thin black stripes, not only do they look professional, but they elongate the legs to make you look thinner. yay) and wear a tight white shirt with not too much clevage underneath, and wear the jacket over it buttoned enough but still show the shiry. And with that you can wear like 2 inch heals (which dont hurt, you can wear them all night.) I wouldnt reconmend flats because its not very professional. try 1-3inch whatevewr you can handle, but remember to try on the shoes in the mid day after your foot has had time to swell a little bit, because of you go in the morning your foot isnt its " regular" self and after you have been walking around, it will hurt. Good luck!
Reply:I think anything that is acceptable to wear to church, is good for court. You can wear a nice pair of slacks and flats.
Reply:Dress pants are probably the best !
Reply:A pants suit is fine. Actually you don't even need to wear a pants suit. As long as you wear pants and a nice blouse and sweater and nice shoes you should be fine. You are testifing, not on trial, just look as professional, well, not professional, but nice as possible. As long as it's not jeans you should be fine. I agree that a dress, unless it's a pretty long one,but not one you are going to trip on, is not a good idea. But neat, ironed pants will be fine. If you wear a pretty blouse, you will look great. If you do have a blazer that would work, so it doesn't really have to be a total suit.

Hope I helped and good luck.
Reply:To testify at a jury trial, you should dress conservatively. Since you do not want to wear a skirt or dress, I would recommend dress slacks with a nice blouse and jacket. You could wear either a low heel or flat with this. No sneakers. Fair or not, juries judge witnesses, at least in part -- and perhaps in large part, by their appearance. We are a very image-conscious society.

The party who subpeonaed you (or the attorney) may be able to shed more light on customary dress of witnesses in your particular region.
Reply:pants, shirt and a jacket. make sure they are plain, smart and feminine because that'll give you more credibility.

also not too bright colours or too much jewellery, you don't want to take the focus away from what you're saying.

the golden rule: keep it simple and plain.


Which boreal shoe would you recommend?

I am planning to buy a boreal shoe soon, but i am not sure which boreal shoe is best, pls recommend ( i usually climb around 7a routes)

Which boreal shoe would you recommend?
one that fits. well no one else said Any thing.

maintenance repairs

Help with arranging bike rental for climb of l'alpe d'Huez in France?

I am visiting France in September and I wish to rent a road bike and climb the famous l'alpe d'Huez. I would like answers to know the following: 1) Name of a good rental shop 2) What kind of pedals would the rental have 3) If the pedals are the clipped in variety, then do they also rent shoes 4) Are helmets or gloves provided with a rental.

I would like to bring as little with me from the US, and have not been able to find this info on the net. Thanks.

Help with arranging bike rental for climb of l'alpe d'Huez in France?
I'm sure you can find all that over there easily....I hope you know what you're getting into, cuz if not it will be hell, if you do good luck and have the ride of your life.

Happy Trails
Reply:follow ur mind. u will get the answers

insurance registration

I don't think blondes are dumb but their jokes are funny so here’s blonde joke part 3?

A Brunette, a Redhead, and a Blonde escape a burning

Building by climbing to the roof. The Firemen are on the street below, holding

a blanket for them to jump into.

The firemen yell to the Brunette, "Jump! Jump! It's your only chance to


The Brunette jumps and SWISHES! The firemen yank the blanket away...the

Brunette slams into the sidewalk like a tomato.

"C'mon! Jump! You got to jump!' say the firemen to the


"Oh no! You're going to pull the blanket away!" says the redhead.

"No! Its Brunettes we can't stand! We're OK with


"OK" says the Redhead, and she jumps. SWISH! The

Firemen yank the blanket away, and the lady is flattened on the pavement like

a pancake.

Finally, the Blonde steps to the edge of the roof. Again,The firemen yell

"Jump! You have to jump!"

"No way! You're just going to pull the blanket away!" yelled the Blonde.

"No! Really! You have to jump! We won't pull the blanket away!"

"Look," the Blonde says, "Nothing you say is going to

Convince me that you're not going to pull the blanket away! So what I want you

to do is put the blanket down, and back away from it . . ."


The silver haired lady confronted her doctor with a

Complaint of pains all over her body.

"Be more precise," he said. "So I can help you, try pointing to some of the

places that hurt.

The silver-haired doll put her finger on her arm and said, "Ouch!" then her

finger to her hip and said, "Ouch!" and then to her rib cage and said, "Ouch!"


The doctor stopped her and asked, "Were you a blonde before your hair grayed"?

"Why yes!" she said excitedly, "But how did you know?"

The Doc answered, "Your fingers broken."


A businessman got on an elevator in a building. When he

entered the elevator, there was a blonde already inside and she greeted him by

reciting the letters, "T-G-I-F."

He smiled at her and replied, "S-H-I-T." She looked at him, Puzzled, and said

"T-G-I-F" again.

He acknowledged her remark again by answering, "S-H-I-T."The blonde was trying

to be friendly, so she smiled her biggest smile and said, as sweetly as

possible, "T-G-I-F" another time.

The man smiled back to her and once again replied with a Quizzical expression,


The blonde finally decided to explain things, and this time she

said, "T-G-I-F,Thank Goodness it’s Friday, get it?"

The man answered,"S-H-I-T: Sorry Honey, its Thursday."


Once upon a time there was a magic mirror that could tell when you were lying.

If you were, ZAP! It would suck you in and you were gone forever.

One day, an old lady, a brunette, and a blonde happened by the mirror. The old

lady looked in it and said, "I think I'm the most beautiful woman in the world."

ZAP! The mirror sucked her in and she was gone.

The brunette looked in and said, "I think I'm the most

Beautiful woman in the world." ZAP! The mirror sucked her in and she, too,


The blonde looked in and said, "I think. . ."



A young blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana.

She wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes in the worst way, but was very

reluctant to pay the high prices the local vendors were asking.

After becoming very frustrated with the "no haggle" attitude of one of the

shopkeepers, the blonde shouted, "Maybe I'll just go out and catch my own

alligator so I can get a pair of shoes at a reasonable price!"

The shopkeeper said, "By all means, is my guest. Maybe

You’ll luck out and catch yourself a big one!"

Determined, the blonde turned and headed for the swamps, set on catching

herself an alligator.

Later in the day, the shopkeeper is driving home, when he spots the young

woman standing waist deep in the water, shotgun in hand. Just then, he sees a

huge 9 foot alligator swimming quickly toward her. She takes aim, kills the

creature and with a great deal of effort hauls it on to the swamp bank. Laying

nearby were several more of the dead creatures.

The shopkeeper watches in amazement. Just then the blonde flips the alligator

on it's back, and frustrated, shouts out, "Damn it, this

One isn't wearing any shoes either!"

Star if you want me to add part 4 =D

I don't think blondes are dumb but their jokes are funny so here’s blonde joke part 3?
very funny.....cute

excellent...awesome..........good job......keep up the good jokes.....made me laugh...lmao

you are awesome
Reply:oh my goodness the last 2 are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:haha that's great
Reply:All your blond jokes are so funny!!!
Reply:very funny! star!
Reply:mmpphhh..hwahahaahahaahahah..I laughed loudly in my office!!!

car makes

What is the best kampung games you ever played when you are little kid?

i used to love playing 'konda-kondi' and 'galah panjang' and not too forget climbing up langsat tree ad having fun plucking it and smash it to the boys on the other tree!!


it is a game with 2 teams. the leaders must collect every player's shoes and build somewhat look like a cone/pyramid of shoes..then, one of them will stand a few distance away and try to smash the pyramid down with another shoe until its collapse..once it collapse, the opposite team will run and chase the other the whole chaos, one player must build the pyramid again..whoever manage to build it without getting chase, that player's team wins!

lol..i never forget playing this game..

how about you guys?..any sweet memories wanna share?

What is the best kampung games you ever played when you are little kid?
When we were small, we use to use "pungkis", made of rattan to scoop fishes from the river. There are so many variety of fish like sepat, puyu, guppy, haruan, keli and so many others, but our favourite is Fighting Fish. We use Fish fight each other which normally ended up wth fist fight %26amp; brawl. All go back bruise , and blue black. The next day we are the best of friend and using "Lastik" to shoot stones at anything stationery %26amp; moving.Then we go to the "Benteng" or dam at the river mouth to catch crab %26amp; siput sedut.

But the best thing of all , is that we go out in a group of betweeen 2 to 30 kids(Boys %26amp; Girls )from our village.

James C
Reply:hide and seek.

lompat getah.

and ride bicycle in the rain with plastic bag as our helmet..
Reply:getah, congkak and takraw, if they count...

had a broken limb from getah when i was 7
Reply:When I was little, I used to spend a lot of time day dreaming on trees. If not, I'll be hiding in the nearest mini jungle. Hahahah.

Played soccer, rounders, hide and seek (sampai termasuk tong taik-stucked in there for not less than 15mins), galah panjang (yes!), biji saga, pondok-pondok, hmm lots. Those were the good old days.
Reply:"TOI" and some places called it galah panjang.

mine will be tuju lemak or tuju kasut..
Reply:main kejar2 up the tree.... hahahahaha...

very syok la....
Reply:our favourite pastime was playing hide and seek in and around the barns and houses of our neighbours - who were invariably always more tolerant to our attics than our parents...
Reply:play hide n seek until midnight..

telling ghost stories

play pokemon cards..

ring people house n run away

play cooking game

n most of all.. getting scold from mom for playing in mud,,

hehe its were so fun when i was a kid..


What is force?

A 64 kg rock climber is climbing a "chimney" between two rock slabs. The static coefficient of friction between her shoes and the rock is 1.06; between her back and the rock it is 0.84. She has reduced her push against the rock until her back and her shoes are on the verge of slipping. What is her push against the rock?

What fraction of her weight is supported by the frictional force on her shoes?

What is force?
When she's on the verge of slipping, the max friction available will add up to her weight. The normal force, N, that you use in the friction equation will be the same at her back and her feet. (Newton's 3rd)

So write the equations for the 2 frictions, add them and set that sum equal to her weight. Solve for N.

Knowing N, you can figure the friction at her feet and calculate the fraction of her weight.

credit report

Find magnitude?????

A 64 kg rock climber is climbing a "chimney" between two rock slabs. The static coefficient of friction between her shoes and the rock is 1.06; between her back and the rock it is 0.84. She has reduced her push against the rock until her back and her shoes are on the verge of slipping. What is her push against the rock?

What fraction of her weight is supported by the frictional force on her shoes?

Find magnitude?????
I don't know


Find work??

A 64 kg rock climber is climbing a "chimney" between two rock slabs. The static coefficient of friction between her shoes and the rock is 1.06; between her back and the rock it is 0.84. She has reduced her push against the rock until her back and her shoes are on the verge of slipping. What is her push against the rock?

What fraction of her weight is supported by the frictional force on her shoes?

Find work??
Total static coefficient of friction is 1.9

so the push against the rock = µ mg = 1.9 x 64 x 9.8 = 1192N

Fraction of weight = 1.06 / 1.9 = 0.56

car financing

Is there a cure for babies tasting everything?


Is there a cure for babies tasting everything?
not much you can do about it, it's just part of growing up!

try having him play with toys instead.
Reply:just watch what he puts in his mouth. if its a toy, let him explore. shoes are normal, mine still do it. try to keep the hard things away from him, it might break his little teeth, and try to keep paper and small objects out of his reach.


Find force??????

A 64 kg rock climber is climbing a "chimney" between two rock slabs. The static coefficient of friction between her shoes and the rock is 1.06; between her back and the rock it is 0.84. She has reduced her push against the rock until her back and her shoes are on the verge of slipping. What is her push against the rock?

What fraction of her weight is supported by the frictional force on her shoes?

Find force??????
The normal force on each surface is F

summing forces in the vertical


solve for F


that is the push

The shoes support


fraction of her weight


skin problems

Find force?????

A 64 kg rock climber is climbing a "chimney" between two rock slabs. The static coefficient of friction between her shoes and the rock is 1.06; between her back and the rock it is 0.84. She has reduced her push against the rock until her back and her shoes are on the verge of slipping. What is her push against the rock?

What fraction of her weight is supported by the frictional force on her shoes?

Find force?????
the gravitational force pulls her down by


she must compensate (exactly) this force by the friction force. The friction force is given by the force acting on the rock and the static coefficient f


because of action and reaction, the force of her shoes Fs and her back Fb will be the same, only each of them has different coefficient of friction:

Fb=F*fb, Fs=F*fs

And Fb + Fs compensate the gravitational force:

Fg = Fb + Fs


from here her push against rock is


putting values there


hope it helps:-)


Bertrand mpigabahizi?

Bertrand Mpigabahizi

English 11 PAP A4

5 – 8 - 08

“To Kill a Mockingbird “Journal Project”

Themes ( Courage ) #1

Bravery , is a recurring theme in literature and it has been probably since the beginning of time , the Greeks talked about bravery , the Egyptians talked about bravery , and the Victorians talked about bravery . And To Kill A Mockingbird is not left out in this phase , even though bravery comes in different forms and sizes the amount of bravery still counts even when it has no or little impact….also the other great thing about bravery is that sometimes you don’t even know your being brave . One of the earliest and most accountable forms of bravery that plays part in this story is that of Atticus when he a respected white males from a long line of respected long males decided to be the attorney of a unrepresented black man from a long line of unrepresented black males and puts everything on the line for the name of Justice and equality , that was probably one of the biggest impact of bravery in the novel .Another form of bravery that we saw in the book that was caused by emotions that had nothing to truly do with bravery was when Scout ran in front of a murderous mob and fought them off with a smile and some nice words(Don’t you remember me, Mr. Cunningham? I'm Jean Louise Finch. You brought us some hickory nuts one early morning, remember? We had a talk. I went and got my daddy to come out and thank you. I go to school with your boy. I go to school with Walter; he's a nice boy.) , her intensions may never be unveiled but we do know that Scout showed a act of stupidly and bravery that day but that may be because of the lack maturity because she was quite young at the time . But one of the most noticeable acts of bravery that appeared in the pages of To Kill A Mockingbird and was in no way accidental was when Jem protected and tried to fight of Mr. Ewell when he attacked him and his sister after a dance at school ( “ Run , Scout ! Run, Run!” Jem screamed ……..Jem risks his life for scout to make it to safety), this may have been instinct from his new found maturity or it may have been instinct from a brother trying to make sure his sister was safe from such an attack . In the end like so many other works of literature bravery is well represented in this story , we get to see many different types of bravery from big and small from physical and internal but in the end they are all an act of bravery . The theme of bravery in the novel represents the fact that sometimes you need to step out your comfort zone in times of need and show a little bit of bravery .

Theme (Walking in someone’s shows) # 2

The theme of walking in someone else’s shoes has been heavily preached by Atticus and others in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird .Atticus unlike so many others at the time saw things at a different view that saw from what both sides had to say and in the end that’s what made him a great lawyer and was the cause that made him able to present Tom Robinson a great case , even though he lost he was able to put a doubt in the mind’s of the jury taking them two hours for them to decide on the decision on Tom’s life . One of the greatest incidents that happens in the book that have to deal with the saying and theme ( walking in someone else’s shoes ) happens when Scout in the end of the book when she finally caught on the idea of a not so perfect world walks with Boo her once upon a time night mare and decided to look out from the place Boo used to and still looks outside , and at that moment Scout experienced a out of body experienced and saw what Boo has been seeing from the start .Another incident that happens though out the story is by the main person that preached this philosophy and that was Atticus I’m sure Atticus was always a man that apposed the treatment of blacks in the United States of America but taking a cause like the Tom Robinson case was so risky even some of the more passionate activist would back down , I believe that Atticus was able to look deep into Tom and try to feel what he felt and use the capability to help the accused man and from there help him as mush as possible . And last but not least is more like stepping in the shoes of a group of people , and by that I’m talking about Calpurnia’s success and ability to see the point of view of both the whites and blacks and able to live , work , and survive with both of them , that I believe took a lot of time and effort on Calpurnia part ('It's not necessary to tell all you know. It's not ladylike - in the second place, folks don't like to have somebody around knowin' more than they do. It aggravates 'em. You're not gonna change any of them by talkin' right, they've got to want to learn themselves, and when they don't want to learn there's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language.'). In the end it’s always nice to see how the shoe of another person feels from Prada stilettos to Nike sneakers to smelly or fresh .

Theme ( Family background / social classes ) # 3

Family background is important to everyone some more important then others . It can be a good thing to know about someone ‘s past and understand your lineage and family tradition that most of the time travels down from generation to generation . But in the send good things sometimes gets affected by evil or things that could go on used fro example when family background becomes what sets you apart from other and puts you in a class with other most times things can get dirty pretty fast . In the novel To Kill a mockingbird the social class is cut up in 4 levels or caste’s this mirroring what was going on in the US at that time . The first level is consumed of whites , well – educated richer whites with stable family homes and long family ties ( the Finch’s and Mr. Tate ) , the next level is consumed with mid – class farmers and small business owners which may be educated or not but have similar morals with the 1 class ( Cunninghams ), and the then the third class consumes of town drunks , fools , poor trash with no or little education and bad morals ( Ewells) , and the 4th class who are put down under not for there weekly amount or morals but because of there skin color ( tom Robinson ) . The importance of family background plays out in one incident when Aunt Alexander has a chat with Atticus about what he is doing to the family name how people will start looking at him if he keeps on being a n***** - lover ( she did not say that but , what other ‘s will say ). Another incident that happens often but is shown rarely is how Calpurnia and other adult blacks have to call little white boys and girls Mr. and Miss showing the racist looks on life and on the so called caste system . Another example about how connections and family background are important in Maycomb is how people who associate with people of lower classes seem to be pulled down in the social ranking for example Atticus seems to lose his hand in the town he is branded a n***** - lover by the towns people . in the end Family background is very important to understanding one’s past and later future , but like everything else in this world things are often changed to be used for something more sinister.

Theme ( Prejudice / racism ) # 4

Prejudice is a large group which we all belong to. It damages not only our eyes, but also our thoughts and actions. When we getted grouped into the group prejudice ( we all our at some point in time ), not everyone can set them selves free from such hate and racism. Sometimes we see people and think they are our enemies when really they are just a little bit different then us, just because they are a different race or even a different sex. These prejudice views are not uncommon, even though most of the time they are wrong just imagined by fear and hate . To Kill a Mockingbird presents many different types of prejudice, the situations also show that prejudice can be overthrown and banished. An example of viewing things differently is when Aunt Alexandra forbid Scout to play with Walter Cunningham, a poor boy which Scout attends school with. This is because Aunt Alexandra sees Walter and his family as poor and beneath the Finches who our considered by most to be one of the top families in the area, in her words," ...they're good folks. But they're not our kind of folks." Scout on the other hand with her personality and the teaching she hears from her father ,doesn't care about how much money Walter has but about his potential to be a friend. She doesn't let stupid and illogical things like money damage her judgment of people. The most typical of all prejudice views is that of race , but to me and many others their only one race the human race black , white , yellow we are all human. An example of this is during Tom Robinsons trial. Tom was a black man accused of raping a white woman, a crime that is punishable by the death penalty , in the form of the diabolical form of the electric chair. Even though all the facts proved that he didn't do it, the jury still found him guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt". Tom's life has been sacrificed to racism by the people who were there to protect him. The justice system didn't allow this man to have a fair trial because of the color of his skin. They disregarded his citizenship or that of the other minorities, all they could focus on was his race because that was all racism let them see. But Prejudice can be overcome if you let it , and it is proven over and over again. There are many people out there that are willing to lose everything they have to fight for what's right. Take Atticus Finch for example, he knew that Tom wouldn't win but he defended him anyway. He didn't care what people thought, he just knew that the truth had to be heard even if it was not considered. The children also show that there is hope in the future for people to be nonjudgmental. They didn't understand how a jury could convict a man whom they knew was innocent and it shocked them. Atticus explained to them that it has happened before and will happen again, sadly he also told them,"... when they do it - it seems that only the children weep. .." Prejudice showed it's face many times in To Kill a Mocking Bird, and in some of those instances it showed itself being overcome. From economical prejudice against the Cunninghams to racial prejudice against Tom Robinson, the book has displayed every aspect of how people can look to the wrong side of the highway and see things completely differently then the person standing next to them. It's situations like the ones given in this book that make me angry that society gives people ideas like these to write about. If we can wipe prejudice clean, people who know what's right wouldn't have to hold the guilt for all those people who do wrong. In the end , I know prejudice and racism will be no more with people starting to understand there reall is not a difference maybe people will start to embrace themselves more

Theme ( Coming of age / loss of innocence )

To Kill A Mockingbird was not made to be a fairytale or to be a book a child was supposed to read and come out thinking the same they did before they read the book . This book was made to try to show what was really like in the real world and how it was really like to be faced with things you had no control over , you never plan when you’re going to see the thing that makes you grow up and helps you come of age or when you experience a moment where you finally lose your innocence . This book is based around young children finding them selves in a difficult world and time a time of differences and battles that will change their lives forever . One of the main characters that I believe had what you call a change of attitude or look of life . He began to understand what was really going on in the world he began to see what justice was like his father has been doing for all his adult life he began to grow up. One of the incidents that evolved Jem was when Dill still a small boy ran all the way from to stay with his aunt but to scared to confront her he hinds under Scouts bed , Scout extremely happy to have one of her best friends under bed plans to keep Dill under there but Jem seeing this decides to the right thing and tell his father who will know more on what to do with Dill . Another incident is with Scout in the end of the book where relies where she went wrong in figuring Boo out and how mush she has changed in the past year , at this point Scout is moving away what she used to be and know trying to be what her brother has already down now. The fact is the loose of innocence is not terribly a bad thing but a time for moving on and growing to a better and securing person .

Character # 1( Atticus )

Atticus is one of those characters that are characterized with such great qualities that it makes himself a more admirable and loveable character . Atticus is what you call a real southern gentlemen on of the few men in Maycomb that can truly claim lineage in the small Alabama town . but he never holds himself at high regard or puts himself on petal stool , not once in the novel did atticus claim to be superior to anyone in the book even if he did hold higher morals and character then some of Harpers many interesting and developed characters .One of the main characteristics that I believe makes Atticus a more better of a man to read about is his intelligence , he unlike so many other people from his crop does not depend on his family inheritance or pride to help him get his way. Being a Law school graduate Atticus knows a lot of interesting and important things that the town people of Maycomb will never know about , for example since the being Atticus was shown to be a man that held education at the highest regard and made sure to install it in his children in a early age , he also seemed to know what racism really was and how easy it corrupt even the finest of gentlemen and ladies . another great thing about example about Atticus is wisdom and the ability to see through other people’s shoes and try to understand their point of view and pain and he preaches this philosophy every chance he gets especially to his young children that will use his teaching to better understand them selves and others around him (“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view — until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” --Atticus (pg. 30) .Another great thing about Atticus is his great love for justice and all the great qualities that comes along with the terrioty for example Atticus is willing to give way everything he’s got , everything he has rightfully won just for doing the right thing and defending a innocent black man at a time when Alabama was fighting the wounds of racism and the Great Depression . ( "As you grow older you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it— whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, of how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash.”--Atticus (pg. 200)) and (“It’s not okay to hate anybody.”—Atticus (pg. 246)) are great quotes made by Atticus that truly showed his true colors and what he truly stood for . In the end Atticus Finch has proven him self to be an intelligent , brave which he showed by going against what was thought to be the right thing and jumping on a idea of freedom and equality , wisdom , and last but not least sympathy for what is evil and embracing what is good . Atticus Finch is the true definition of a southern gentlemen with a good head on his shoulders.

Character # 2 ( Jem )

Jem Finch born into a pretty stable family with a great educated father who comes from a long line of respected southern men seemed to have every thing going for him and in fact things never really got to bad for him but he did experience great disappointments, grief, and had a lot of rapid changes happen to him in his life. To me and many other Jem Finch seems to be the most changed and the one with the most evolution between the beginnings of the book to the end of it. He has experienced some akward situations and has found himself in some pretty dangerous places but he still seemed to hold his important and primary characteristics and morals taught by his father. One of the earlier characteristics of Jem the showed early on was the willingness to learn and listen which he and scout both carry and where most likely taught by that by Atticus . even thought that characteristic has proven to be useful it has landed him in some trouble for example how easy for him to believe the stories about Boo and how realistic he told them to Scout and Dill (Jem: Well, judgin' from his tracks, he's about six and a half feet tall. He eats raw squirrels and all the cats he can catch. There's a long, jagged scar that runs all the way across his face. His teeth are yella and rotten. His eyes are popped. And he drools most of the time.). Another characteristic that proves to be one of the deepest once to date is his bravery and how fast he is to show his strengths , this characteristic ends up to be very important when he shows it when one of the most important people in his life comes close to death ( “ Run , Scout ! Run, Run!” Jem screamed ……..Jem risks his life for scout to make it to safety). Also another great characteristics that he probably learned from his father is his thoughts on the importance of justice and the actions he does to try to get a little bit closer for finch line ( Jem If there's just one kind of folks, why can't they get along with each other? If they're all alike, why do they go out of their way to despise each other? )Since the start of the novel we always know that Jem know a little bit more in about what was happening in this world then Scout and even then some of Maycombs adults. By the end of the book it seemed like we had finally saw what Jem really represented and we had finally had saw a full swing of evolution of Jem’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. Jem started out in the book as a small innocent youngster that most important interest was boogie monsters and scary stories to a young man that understood the bases of good ( loving and understanding each other )and the effects of evil ( racism and prejudice ) . Jem finch truly is the most evolved character and I don’t believe his story ends when the book closes.

Character # 3 ( Scout )

Scout Finch is a very unusual girl especially a girl in the Great depression in the 1930’s when girls where expected to were hand made dresses and learn etiquette and strive to be a the perfect southern bell, Scout is out climbing tree’s with her brother and play mate, rolling around in tires and harassing cranky old women down the street. But scout is also unusual in something else also and that is that she is unusually smart actually very smart ,she has already been able to read and write with the help with her father and has already thinking about the worlds many and diverse problems ( Scout There's just one kind of folks. Folks. ) . But even though she is a very intelligent girl she is also very hard headed and feisty which adds to her tom – boy appeal that makes her so loveable and a kind of feminist icon , scout carries great confidence and does not back down to any battle not even when the opponent seems and is the one with the upper hand , even though Scout knows that what she does sometimes is not necessary she still has no problem in breaking the rules because that’s her personality and she is not ready into being someone that truly doesn’t embody her presence (Atticus had promised me he would wear me out if he ever heard of me fightin' any more. I was far too old and too big for such childish things, and the sooner I learned to hold in, the better off everybody would be. ). Another great thing about Scout is that she truly does what is right what she believes is right, scout never truly had any bad intention behind any of her motives even if they sometimes turned into something unnecessary or very quite foolish for example when she went in front of a lynching mob that were at the point of there momentum and challenged them with only a smile and some few words (Don’t you remember me, Mr. Cunningham? I'm Jean Louise Finch. You brought us some hickory nuts one early morning, remember? We had a talk. I went and got my daddy to come out and thank you. I go to school with your boy. I go to school with Walter; he's a nice boy.) In the end Scout is able to prove her self to be one of the rare creatures of yester year the woman ( girl ) with a personality , a say , a real head on her shoulders , and the willingness to be independent and strong for your self and many other in your presence , she may have made some foolish and childless mistakes but she has also been able to learn and better understand life and come out a better and more mature lady (Neighbors bring food with death, and flowers with sickness, and little things in between. Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a knife, and our lives. )

Character # 4 ( Calpurnia )

We don’t really get to experience Calpurnia’s character and appeal as mush as we like but we to get to see many beautiful and motherly characteristics from what we do know about her. We know Calpurnia is an American woman of African descent , we also know that she is probably a lady who is the daughter of a man who’s father was a slave and not one of recent immigration . but on of the most important things we know about Calpurnia is the she is since the death of the Finch’s childrens mothers death the primary care taker or motherly figure of both Scout and Jem and by how the children treat they also see Calpurnia as a great mother role and a very important figure in their lives .And by the way she treats the young children we now know that she is more of the disciplinarian to the children of the Finch house ( Calpurnia -Don't matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house, they are company and don't let me catch you remarking on their ways like you were so high and mighty.)………(.That boy is your company. And if he wants to eat up that tablecloth, you let him, you hear) And ……….( “ if you can't act fit to eat like folks, you can just set here and eat in the kitchen.”) We also find some other interesting characteristics like for example that she is a very intelligent even though she and many other African – Americans at the time are robbed to their right at education. But it’s not knowledge of mathematics and history but knowledge at how she is able to translate her behavior from one race to another without being false to her. She is both successful to appear very knowledgeable to her “white family “and the people of their world, but also is still same old Calpurnia when she is at home with other black people in her every day environment ('It's not necessary to tell all you know. It's not ladylike - in the second place, folks don't like to have somebody around knowin' more than they do. It aggravates 'em. You're not gonna change any of them by talkin' right, they've got to want to learn themselves, and when they don't want to learn there's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language.') . Calpurnia like so many other woman and men of minority classes at the time ,found a healthy line of interacting with both higher class whites and blacks , Latino’s , Asians , and native Americans from their own neighborhood without feeling like they abandoning their culture and their lineage . Calpurnia is the primary mother figure in the story and without her strong will scout and Jem would not have turned out like they did, Miss. Maudi and other motherly figures are great but not of them can compare to the strong willing, tough, loving, and very uniquely smart Calpurnia .

Character # 5 ( Miss. Maudie )

Miss. Maudie is considered to most kids in the neighborhood as the most trust worthy and friendly adult for her more clear understanding of younger children and her unusual act of not tattle telling on the mischievous act some of the children commit. Maybe one of Miss. Maudie most loveable fans is Scout, other then her father Miss. Maudie is one of the most respected adults in Scout’s life. Unlike some adults Miss. Maudie does not seem to mind Scouts rash attitude, tom – boy looks, and fiery temper. In fact she seems to enjoy like if it is a look back in to her child hood in some way. So from the start of the novel we found out some amazing characteristics about Miss. Maudie for example that she is a very optimistic person that she chooses to see things from a brighter light like when her house was unfortunately burned to the ground Miss. Maudie was able to look at a different angle and see the better out come from this dire situation ( Mrs. . maudie – “ I was planning to get a smaller place anyway …just a better way to get rid of it “) this characteristic makes Miss. Maudie a more loveable and admirable character in a book that is filled with many unpleasant men and woman . Another great characteristic the brightens Miss. Maudie is the love for justice and equality that she shares with Atticus maybe the reason they are quite great friends, her dislike for racism is shown by how she talks about the matter (2) "What I meant was, if Atticus Finch drank until he was drunk he wouldn't be as hard as some men are at their best. There are just some kind of men who-who're so busy worrying about the next world they've never learned to live in this one, and you can look down the street and see the results." -Miss Maudie (52) ) .And last but not least another thing that characterizes Miss. Maudie is the love a simple like and her sympathy for other who have nothing , she shows it when she is one of the only people that do not attend the Tom Robinson case for the sake that she’s it as a blood bath or helping pulling the trigger to an innocent man ( Miss. . Maudie - “ There’s’ no reason for me to go there ..what’s the fun to watch a man walk to his death “ ) In the end Miss. Maudie proved her self to be a loyal and helpful character to our main characters in the time of need , she was there when you needed a talk and she was also their when you needed someone to protect you , Miss. Maudie has rightfully won a place with Calpurnia as a great mother figure , feminist personal, and in the end a good old southern lady .

Character # 6 ( Dill )

Charles Baker Harris known by Dill by the closest of his friends is scouts and Jem’s summer play pal and close friend . Dill is around the same age as Scout and you can tell by his childish behavior him and Scout share while Jem is starting to grow up and becoming a man and starting to see the world as it is . In most of the story Jem is seen has a overly , funny , diminutive , and imaginative boy , his character does not experience the amount of change that Scout and Jem experience but maybe he does but because his role in the novel is not large he still under goes some changes , and his sensitive behavior comes to bloom when he sees the injustice of the “Tom Robinson Case “. In the start of the novel Dill is introduced as Mrs. Rachel’s nephew who comes to visit over summer because of family issue’s ( later introduced in the book ) we also find out one of Dill’s characteristics and that’ gullibility , Dill seems to be easily swayed by the existences of the legend of Boo Riley ( Dill Harris: Let's go down to the courthouse and see the room that they locked Boo up in. My aunt says it's bat-infested, and he nearly died from the mildew. Come on. I bet they got chains and instruments of torture down there.) We also fing out that Dill is very dependent over other’s and quickly attachs him self with the Finch siblings especially Jem , when they first met you king of felt Dill wanted to out do the siblings , but that quickly changed when there adventures with Boo started (Jem: There goes the meanest man that ever took a breath of life. Dill Harris: Why is he the meanest man? Jem: Well, for one thing, he has a boy named Boo that he keeps chained to a bed in the house over yonder. Boo only comes out at night when you're asleep and it's pitch-dark. When you wake up at night, you can hear him. Once I heard him scratchin' on our screen door, but he was gone by the time Atticus got there.

Dill Harris: I wonder what he does in there? I wonder what he looks like?

Jem: Well, judgin' from his tracks, he's about six and a half feet tall. He eats raw squirrels and all the cats he can catch. There's a long, jagged scar that runs all the way across his face. His teeth are yella and rotten. His eyes are popped. And he drools most of the time.)So we know that Dill was very gullible , and also dependent but we later find out that Dill also very sensitive no matter how mush he tries to make him self look like in front of Jem and sometimes Scout , for example during a time when Dill was not staying at his aunts house he randomly appeared at the Finch’s house under Scout’s bed to be in fact , for the reason that his parent were not treating him the way he liked ( Dill : “ they don’t care about me any more ….they don’t love me “ ) another innocent was during the Tom Robinson trials when Dill saw the harsh treatment that the prosecutors were forcing down on Tom , he burst in to tears with Scout trying to quite him down . So in conclusion we find out that Dill is only just a boy that finds him self at a time of desperate situations , he may not have been in the front line of the battle but he sure was there to experience the amount of hatred and prejudice in the town at that time .

Documentation Sheet

• Title : To Kill A Mockingbird …. By : Harper Lee copyright @ 1960 (Warner Books , Inc-1271 Avenue of the Americas New York , N.Y.10020

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