
Saturday, October 24, 2009

My dog is horrible.?

Ok, we have a 1/2 rat terrier 1/2 jack russel. We have done all the house breaking stuff for him, but he still won't go outside. We will walk him several times a day wwe will stay out there forever. When we come back in he will go the bathroom. Any advice on how to stop it? Also, this same dog will pass up all of the shoes all over the house that are on the floor, but will climb to get to my shoes. Why is it only my shoes? Any advice on how to fix that?

My dog is horrible.?
Crate training is the easiest way to housebreak a dog.

Jack Russels are high energy dogs. Get him something to do to keep him interested. Try obstacle courses or running.

He likes your shoes because he thinks he owns you. You are his personal toy. You need to work on dominance issues for that.
Reply:You have to stay outside until he goes. No.matter.what.

Use a buzz word like "go potty" and when he does say "good dog, go potty!"

Put your shoes in a closet. Don't set him up for failure. Eventually the appeal of them will be assuaged. If you catch him with a shoe, shake a can of pennies at him until he drops it while saying "Drop it!"

Good luck.
Reply:As far as the shoe question goes, I can't offer any advise.

As far as the house breaking question. One thing that worked twice for me was (have your husband, son, or male friend) take the dog out in the dark in a private place and pee. If this is you husband, the dog will identify him as the pack leader or alpha male and will copy the behavior accepting that he is to go outside. The only catch to this is to keep the dog out of the bathroom while anyone is in there.
Reply:Two words for the potty issue: crate training.

As for the shoes, he wants them because they smell like you, and he loves you. Provide him his own chew toys, and do not allow him access to things you don't want destroyed.
Reply:Your shoes = your scent. You need to work with a dog behaviorist or the local shelter's experts or an obedience school. Jack Russels and rat terriers are a very active brred -- he has the best of both brreds in him -- they are very very active and you need to know how to become the Alpha dog in his eyes. They are also very trainable and you need to train hi -- get the adivce of an expert. Things WILL get better.
Reply:If he's going to the bathroom inside then he was not house trained. We suggest this:

Put the dog on a feeding schedule. Feed him at the same time every day. This will help get his body on a "elimination schedule" which will make it easier for you to anticipate when he'll need to go potty.

Don't leave food out for him all day; if he eats all day, he'll poop all day.

Take him outside 15-20 minutes after every meal, when he first gets up in the morning, and when he wakes up from a nap. When you let him outside STAY OUTSIDE with him until you see him go potty. When he does what he's supposed to outside, give him a happy "yes!" or "Thank you!" to mark the good behavior and then give him lots of praise. That will help to reinforce the pottying outside. (When you take him for a walk and he pees or poos, mark that good behavior with a "yes!" and praise, too.)

If he's been using your house for a toilet, you are going to have to thoroughly clean the areas where he's been eliminating indoors. Remember, dogs can smell things you can't, so it if that spot on the floor smells like a bathroom to him, he'll eliminate there. Clean the areas with an odor-eliminating substance like "Nature's Miracle" (soap, bleach or carpet cleaner isn't enough.) And don't use ammonia-based cleaning products because they smell like urine to dogs.

If the dog pottys in the house but you don't actually see him do it, do not hit him or yell at him. [He won't understand that you're mad at him now for something he did 10 minutes ago.] Clean up the mess and IGNORE him. (If he gets praised for pottying outside, and gets nothing for pottying inside, he'll be more apt to potty outside.)

If you catch him lifting his leg or starting to squat, give him a firm but calm "No potty in the house", and take him immediately outside. Stay with him until he empties his bowel or bladder, and then, once again, mark his good behavior with a "Yes!" and lots of praise. You have to be consistent. He needs correction every single time he does something wrong, and praise every single time he does something right until he "gets it".

As for your shoes: He's seeking them out because they smell like YOU, his favorite human. If you don't want him in them, don't leave them on the floor, or better yet, train him to "leave it" (stay away from) everyone's shoes altogether.

Sounds like you have a fun, smart, energetic little guy... he just needs more training.
Reply:I've got a dog quite similar to what you are speaking of. It is a Terrier mix with most likely Jack Russell, Rat Terrier and Border Collie.

Make sure that when he does go in the house, you don't shove his face in it and make him feel terrible about what he did. When he goes, tell him no, pick him up, and put him back outside. Do this everytime he goes in the house. After a while he will begin to associate outside with going to the bathroom. (Don't leave him outside all day like somebody suggested in an early post. That's inhumane for a dog like that. The need/love their master's affection).

As for the shoe. He likes it because it's a toy and it reminds him of you. If you have any old shoes you dont like, maybe let him play with those and he won't try to work and get your good shoes. Make sure he has plenty of toys to chew on. They really like the squeeky ones.

Be patient and continue to try and housebreak him. If it doesn't seem to get better, ask your vet for some advice. Good luck!
Reply:Well it is summer time dont let him in the house during the day. Put food out and dog house with a couple pillows, blankets, and toys. AT like 9:00pm let him in.
Reply:i had the same problem with my pup and i was using pads..acully i still do... i started to give him treats everytime he went outside.

on the begining it was hard but soon after he started to catch up that everytime he goes outside he gets award. also you have to look the way he bahaves, and then you notice when he is gettign ready to poop. you have to take him outside then- carry him so he wont do it at the house. he is small you shouldnt have a problem wiht that. ( my malamute is to big for carring so we had a little bit harder)

after a while you will notice improvment.

when it comes to shoes.... just put them somwhere where he cant reach them , and if you see hi talkign other shoes just make sure he knows he is doing wrong, but dont hit him!!!

(my pit bull used to eat shoes, i just sacrifice one pair and gave it to him ..acully he chose after he got " his shoe" he stopped runnign after rest and now i can have shoes on the floor and he doesnt take them.

good luck

accessories belts

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