
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Anyone from Jersey City, N.J. gone to PS School #15 in 1949 had "Crazy" Mrs. Dressel in 6th grade?

Looking for anyone who is approximately 69 years old now,that went to Public School 15 on Dwight Street in Jersey City, N.J. and was in the 6B Class of Mrs. Dressel, the alcoholic teacher who, took off her shoes, climbed up on her chair and then the desk, and swung the yardstick over her head and called us a "bunch of bums and hoodlums" and the boys that wore neckties to school was "a sissy". Yes, this is true - everytime she came out of the cloakroom - as it was called then, she would nod off on her desk, she was (we didn't understand it then) intoxicated. I have my reportcards with 2 yes - 2 marking periods without grades to prove to you what went on in that school at that time - When she stopped coming to school I asked around "what happened to Mrs. Dressel?" and was told she was "sent to Marlboro". At that time I didn't know what that meant.But the school didn't see what the hell was going on in our class. We kids had a blast doing nothing everyday , but that finally wore off.

Anyone from Jersey City, N.J. gone to PS School #15 in 1949 had "Crazy" Mrs. Dressel in 6th grade?
Im too young to have been in your class, but sounds like a crazy experience!


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