
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What is the best way to get my mini schnauzer to STOP CHEWING MY SHOES?

I have tried to be really good about not leaving shoes around but he has jumped up on things nad climbed under the bed to get my shoes. He doesn't chew my husband's shoes (which are all over the house). He has plenty of chew toys and we give him carrots to help with teething. I have tried the "bait and switch" but it doesn't work. The moment he catches me slipping...i have lost another pair of shoes.

Do they ever just grow out of it? I have lost 6 pairs...

What is the best way to get my mini schnauzer to STOP CHEWING MY SHOES?
You must correct the dog when you catch him in the act and use a correction that has meaning. Then give the dog what he is allowed to chew on and praise him for chewing it.
Reply:Easy , on the every time it chews your shoes , use the same shoes to give it a little slap on the face . Do it every time , and i find out that it always works when it knows the pain . I'm not joking.
Reply:YOU'RE the problem,NOT the dog!

PICK UP your STUFF %26amp;/or CONFINE the DOG!!
Reply:kick him really hard wearing one of the shoes that he just chewed. point to the chewed part and tell him that what he did was bad. say this in a commanding voice. instantly stopped.
Reply:tabasco sauce!! Put a little on the soals of your shoes.
Reply:There is a spray called Bitter Apple, that is a chew repelent. The bitter taste will encourage your dog not to chew your shoes and anything else you spray it on. You can find "Bitter Apple" spray at any local pet store. Good Luck
Reply:puppys chew - thats what they do and the smellier the more they like to chew - so shoes are naturally a good choice

chew toys - they need 3 textures - hard - nylabone type

medium - rubber kong type

soft - stuffed animal type

you can encourgage chewing on kong type by filling them with peanut butter or dog food

you can buy sprays that deter chewing, such as BITTER APPLE SPRAY

not all dogs outgrow it - but usually they chew less and less over time
Reply:Never give the dog an item of YOUR clothing to play with. Put your shoes away!!! Putting a muzzle on them after they chew (for a while) can also work.
Reply:Buy a choke collar and give a correction every time he even looks at it. As soon as he turns his back on it then he gave in!
Reply:Tough one...maybe sprinkle an old pair with cayenne and leave them out so she WILL chew....I think after a few minutes she'll stop....Is he a puppy? Maybe new teeth coming in...maybe a tooth infection? I don't know....Call The Dog Whisperer!
Reply:Bitter Apple spray works well. After a taste of that nasty stuff, the chewing will stop. Just spray it on things that you don't want him to chew on. I have stopped my dogs from chewing on furniture and shoes that way.

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