
Saturday, October 24, 2009

My 8mo.old Fila Brasileiro has BAD separation anxiety.It's like he can't get close enough to me.Is this normal

It is unbearable to leave the house.If I start to curl my hair or put on perfume it's like a signal to him that I am going out.He starts whimpering %26amp; by the time I am putting my shoes on, his crying is uncontrolled. I can be gone 5 minutes or 5 hours, when I come home, heis out of control jumping on me climbing on me, he sits on me or lays between my feet.He is also jealous of anyone else who is getting my atention. Not to the point of agression, but what I consider strange- as I was cutting my 7 y/o son's nails,the dog came over, forced his way between my son %26amp; I and put his paws on me until I cut his nails-which he never lets me do.He follows me around all of the time and is always sure that he is 'touching' me.If we are sitting and I move so that he is no longer touching me,he moves until he is somehow in direct physical contact with me.My vet seems unconcerned and thinks its funny.I'm not sure its healthy.Can anyone familiar with Filas %26amp; their temperament offer advice?

My 8mo.old Fila Brasileiro has BAD separation anxiety.It's like he can't get close enough to me.Is this normal
I've never owned a Fila but they are beautiful dogs!

My peke can sometimes get that way. So what I started to do was whatever triggered him to think I was 'leaving' I just did randomly throughout the day. With you, I would try to get up a little earlier if you know you're going out (I know its hard being a mom but I'm sure this will help!); so get up earlier and curl your hair and put on your perfume and shoes and then go watch some TV or play with him. So he doesnt always assume once you get ready you're going out.

Also, before you leave take him for a walk or have him romp around the yard. Too much rigorous exercise can be bad on growing joints but a walk around the block to tire him out should be fine. (you can also ask your vet how much exercise is good for his age). You can also have your son help out and run around the yard with the dog too.

I wouldnt think its healthy, and it can become a problem. Do you crate train him? That would be a good idea incase he becomes destructive in the house when you're gone.

Also try leaving him in the house for 5 minutes each day until he gets used to it. Like, take your son for a walk around the block and crate up the dog. To see how he acts when you're gone, put him in a crate and put a video camera on him. Once you see he is getting comfortable being left alone for 5 minutes, move it up to 10 minutes.

It will take time but things will work out! If not, try to consult a trainer if you can.

Good luck with you and your dog!

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