
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Toddlers and bumps on head?

My 2 yr old son was climbing on the kitchen chair, he was reaching for the table when he lost his footing and fell. He hit his head on the table (made of thick wood) and then on the floor. It left a big "goose egg" on his forehead. He cried but not for long and seemed alittle dazed. He was soon back to normal, with a bruise and a red mark along with the bump. A few days later he had fallen again and hit the same spot causing it to rebump again. Everynight he says his head hurts where the bump is. He doesn't remember falling off the chair and hitting his head on the table. He thinks he did it tripping over his sisters shoes, which happened a few hours after the first fall. That trip did not resault into a hit on the head. Should I be worried about him not remembering the fall or the fact that he has hit it again in the same spot causing it to bump again?

Toddlers and bumps on head?
The fact that you can see the bump on the outside is great. It's when the "goose egg" is on the inside that you need to be worried. If it's been a few days ago and nothing bad has happened, I wouldn't worry. As far as him not remembering, he's 2. 2 year olds get hurt all the time; scrapes, scratches, bumps, and if you ask him/her where that owie came from 5 minutes later, chances are they are going to say something else. Like that time they fell off the slide or something. That's nothing to be worried about. It probably just dazed him a little. However, if you start noticing something funny, you should definately take him to your practitioner. Also, if you made a big deal of the owies when they happened, he'll remember that and bring it up for as long as he remembers the attention he got from it.

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