
Friday, November 6, 2009

Do you remember ???????

Before the internet or computer,before semi auto's,crack cell phones,cd's,dvd's,voicemail and email,playing kickball and dodgeball,redlight/greenlight,hide and seek until the the third streetlight came on,bedtime prayers and goodnight kisses,climbing trees and swinging so high you could almost touch the sky,ice cream from the good humor truck,sticky fingers and a million mosquitoe bites.laughing so hard your stomach hurt.your first crush,ahhh your first kiss under the full moon of summer,a drink from the garden hose,giving friends a ride on your handle bars,new shoes,when a quarter was a fair allowance,being old was like 20,getting in trouble at school was nothing compared to the trouble you'd be in at home,triple dog dares,cuts and scrapes were always kissed by mom and miraculously got better.spinning around till you got dizzy and fell down,and water balloons were THE ultimate weapons,just a few thoughts,can you remember when life was easy????

Do you remember ???????
Reply:Yes I do. And thanks for the memories !
Reply:You just described the childhood of me and my brother. I am so glad I grew up during a time you described so well. The world today is just too complicated for kids to be just kids.
Reply:Aah those are the little things that matter the most. Unfortunately life isn't that way anymore.
Reply:yes I remember those, also my only worry was whether I had my homework done or not
Reply:Aaawwww Mystery ♫I remember you.♫.. telling all that before %26amp; you took me down some of memory lane..HEY??♫they were the days my friend we thought they'd never end♫ hugsss Mr.. hope you are good..xxxx
Reply:Yeppers%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;I do remember!!! I like to look back sometimes!!!
Reply:Wow that was a nice trip down memory lane. I am not that old (30) lol, I remember doing all those things. I remember going out and playing sports rather then playing them on a video console. This is such a great question and thank you for taking me back to a time when we were Innocent, before having to do the 9 to 5 routine. I loved reminiscing about it. I long for those times again
Reply:yes,sweetie!!those were the days!!having snowball fights,playing hide and seek,till your mom called you in!racing our bikes on our little adventures!playing cops and robbers,swimming in the ocean,till our lips turned blue!sharing love letters,having loads of good friends,and a time when a best friend,was really a BEST friend!the good humor ice cream truck?i can still hear the little tune it used to play,as we waited what seemed like hours,for it to eventually come to your neighborhood!!yes,my friend,those were the best of times!!
Reply:oh my gosh!! you just took me back to 1977!!

now i feel relaxed!!
Reply:Oh my yes!!!!I remember that keeping in touch meant writing a letter:-)
Reply:Yes I do . I did not know how good I had it. None of us did.
Reply:I've been born into the computer age, Im fine with it. I have experienced the whole sunset/crush/first kiss/mum making scrapes better. Life isnt that scary, the 80's looks it though!
Reply:i sure do remember those days, and one great thing was climbing a great big fat tree, and having the rope with a stick to sit on,, and the excitement of leaving the tree and swinging down was fab,, do kids know about that today.. i doubt it very much.. they were great days, ye and instead of on the handle bars,, it was also know as giving someone a saddle they sat on your saddle while you stud up and peddled.. oh great fun and so fit..
Reply:Now I really feel old, gee, thanks alot! No I am kidding--those were definately the days my friend, and I would like them back! ♥ Daisy chains, white fake cigarettes, silly putty, etch-a-sketch, playing double-dutch and hopscotch, Ring-around-the Rosie,dodge ball, making snowflakes with white paper and scissors, eating paste, even learning now to tie your shoes for the very 1st time!
Reply:awww my friend, you have caught me at a very melancholy time......everything you wrote is EXACTLY what i am feeling.....don't you wish you would have known how much fun you were having, while you were having it?????? oh the good ol days!!!!
Reply:I sure do....

*tears in eyes*


Remember when Jiffy Pop was the quick popcorn?

Reply:I do. And now I think how much it stinks for a kid to grow up nowadays only because all of these things are now lost in a past generation.
Reply:wow you just brought back so many memories I remember those days, to bad kids now-a-days don't do things like that stupid technology
Reply:Yes, remember it well...
Reply:yes, i remember those days ... technology is wonderful too but we are such an instant gratification generation now and that is ... well, bad in some situations. i'm glad i'm not coming of age in this generation.
Reply:i think it is easier now
Reply:I can't remember life ever being easy, just a little innocent.

My fav childhood memories involve riding my bike anywhere on a big adventure, making cubbyhouses and forts out of whatever and not getting home til dusk.

The next best thing is to provide for your children a childhood with just as much imagination, fun and wonder; granted it will be different, but definitely possible.
Reply:yes...ahhh the days i miss them dearly!
Reply:yes that was many years ago. Damn I'm getting old.
Reply:That was really nice. I am only 19 but still made me remember some of those things from a young kid.
Reply:Yea, it makes me sad to know those days are gone forever. Good times.
Reply:come on idiot thats too much to me half way will ya?


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