
Friday, November 6, 2009

Is she a good friend?

my friend is a pretty boring person..we talked a lot to each other at the meetings (a school's club), but what annoys me about her is that she doesn't want to do/go anywhere. all she does is watching t.v. at home. she sometimes goes out, but most of the time, she doesn't. when she goes out, she always thinks that place is dull. i ask her to go out and have fun a little, and she usually says no. i mean, it's not like we will party at some club or bar. i'm not a party type of person anyway. i like to experience new adventures such as mountain climbing..and travel (anywhere). i'm pretty out-going. i dont know, my friend is boring. i like to talk to her, but she doesn't want to go anywhere when i ask her.

i enjoy our conversation to a certain extent..well, i dont really enjoy much sometimes because she talks about fashion and i'm not into fashion. i like to talk about other things beside new shoes and clothes (boring subjects to discuss, don't ya think?)

should i be her friend?

Is she a good friend?
It doesn't sound like the two of you have much in common. It is certainly acceptable to be friendly with her and not endear her as your best buddy. You can try telling her about how boring she is, but you might hurt her feelings, or she might not care. I would just phase out of the picture and move on. She sounds like a knot on a log to me. Go out without her and enjoy your life. Let her sit home and be boring if she wants to. Life is all about choices, isn't it?
Reply:be her friend; but just not a close one; like find other friends with similaritys and hang out w/ them (:
Reply:Yes, but find other friends that are interested in doing things with you. It's good to have a variety, since on friend might love going places, but is paranoid of heights. Everyone is different and good, or not good at certain things. Just appreciate your friend for who she is, but you don't have to sit at her house all day and talk about shoes!
Reply:keep on being her friend but find more friends that like to do what you do.
Reply:I don't think you should stop being friends with a person just because they don't share your interest. I am an outdoors person and most of my girl friends aren't, so whenever I want to do something outdoors I get together with my guy friends. You don't have to be close friends, but I guess when you just want to sit and watch a good movie you could do it with her!
Reply:theres a reason to why you two became friends in the frst place. go back to that. everyone is fun in their own way. obviously you guys aren't 'two peas in a pod' (or whatever) but just because someone is boring doesn;t mean you should just ditch them or not be their friend. if it really botehrs you, than talk to her about it. no i do not mean tell her that she is boring i mean ask her why she doesn't want to go out. you never know, maybe she just doesn't feel comfortable doing new things.
Reply:Umm..... tough question........I think you should talk to her about it and if she doesn't agree don't be annoyed. There are tons of friends out in the world!!!!!! Go out there and I bet you can find a friend like.....that! Leave her alone for a few days and she might decide to go out more.

get pale skin

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