
Friday, November 6, 2009

Can dogs be vengeful?

Sometimes my dog, who is completely house trained will go to the bathroom on the floor if I scold him or don't share my food. One time my sister wasn't paying him enough attention, so he pushed his way into her room, climbed up on her dresser and chewed up her new shoes! I love my dog very much, but I swear he does things just to get revenge. Can dogs be that cleaver?

Can dogs be vengeful?

especially my chihuahua...

and he goes for my victoria secret panties when he's pissed...not the walmart ones...oh no...he can husband didn't believe me at first but now he does...this is his dog who gets jealous when i show affection for my hubby or lock him out of the room if we are going to get intimate...he's murdered my shoes,shirts and other things...not my girls or my husbands...only mine...
Reply:They sure can. Thay are alot like children....
Reply:Yes, I believe so... I had a chihuahua who would get mad at me if i was reading a book and not playing with her, when i set the book down she would pee on it, another time a friend of mine kicked her out of her fav chair, she ran into his bedroom and peed on the bed, also if she could smell another dog on me she would growl at me when i tried to touch her until i took a shower.

But I think only the smarter dogs have that kind of knowledge. It's irritating yet impressive in a way.
Reply:No, they have no vengeance in them. They just want to be entertained and loved.
Reply:yes I believe dogs can be jealous..........of lack of attention, as well as being jealous of other dogs.

They can become very vicious. Try and spend equal time with pet. He is member of house hold........Treat him like he is.

But he should know his place also. He is a pet not a person. He must follow the rules. He just want attention. Take care of his needs first. He is just a dog.
Reply:I don't think it's being vengeful as much as it is just wanting attention.
Reply:yes when they want attention
Reply:Dogs are very intelligent and some will do destructive things to get your attention because bad attention is better than no attention at all. I would recommend asking your vet or an obedience trainer about what you can do to help improve this behabior.

Puppy Teeth

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