
Friday, November 6, 2009

How do i get my son to stop being so rough?

My 4 yr old is sooo rough. He is constantly injuring me (not on purpose), just little things, stepping on my toes with his shoes on, digging elbows into me as he tries to climb on me, he just now went to jump onto my lap and went head first into my nose and gave me a bloody nose. I dont want to yell at him, or punish him, because theyre always accidents, but how do i get him to calm down to where he wont always hurt me? Or do i just have to wait and hope i make it out alive?

How do i get my son to stop being so rough?
I have to agree with whoever suggested timeouts. Punishments are not always to, well, punish; they are also to correct and modify behavior. Actions, even accidental ones, have consequences; and if he doesn't learn that, he will never stop being careless.
Reply:just talk to him, my daughter used to do that until i got her and sat their and told her that those things hurt. He'll understand.
Reply:You might have to put him in time out and tell him there are certain ways that you handle people. Let him know the correct way and make sure he apologizes for his actions. He is old enough to know right from wrong.
Reply:Use words like, "gentle hands". Then tell him that rough hands aren't good for hugging or cuddling...But rough hands are good for digging or throwing a ball. Kind of like the indoor/outdoor voice. Show him there is a place for both. Kids will be kids after all...

Also, you could get him something fragile-but kid safe- like a paper plane- and show him that rough hands crush the plane, but that gentle hands allow the plane to be able to fly...Uh, you would need two planes for this,lol!

Hope that helps!


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