
Friday, November 6, 2009

If you were stranded on an island with ten other people.?

The people you are stranded with are; An exarmy guy, a farmer, a psychiatrist, beauty pageant winner, a priest, an elderly woman, a woodsman, a New York city guy, a pregant lady, and a teenage boy who is in to rock climbing.

The food available on the island are; coconuts and bananas but they are up in the trees, fish if you catch it, tree leaves, and grubs. In the early early mornings the beach is filled with large crabs.

The tools you have are; a net, pocket knife, a kit that teaches you how to make fire, your shoes, crochet needles that the elderly lady had, a metal cane from the elderly lady,and your clothes.

1. What would be the first thing you would do?

2. Would you pick a leader?

3. How would you get to the fruit up in the trees?

4. Would you eat grubs or raw fish?

5. When would you build shelter?

6. Where would you sleep and be protected against the weather?

7. Do you think that you would be a survivor?

8. What jobs would you assign to each person.

If you were stranded on an island with ten other people.?
i grew up on a farm, i know how to hunt and fish as well as make a fire. i also know how to build shelter, so obviously i would be the leader, not because i wanted it, but because it would be practical. the first thing would be to find fresh water (ingesting salt water will dehydrate you and you'll die) then build a shelter of some sort, in a protected location, a ways inland. then fire and food. i wouldn't eat raw fish, i would take branches and skewer them and cook them, or wrap them in banana leaves and bake them in the coals from the fire. obviously the rock climbing kid would be able to shimmy up the tree and get the fruit. i know i would survive, i am strong with my heritage and Mother Earth provides all that is needed.
Reply:First thing I would do Is look at what we had

I would be leader, not cause I'm selfish, I'm just good at that

rock climber and farmer would get fruit

I would have the fire kit so I would cook the fish

Shelter first thing to do

Sleep in shelter, or maybe a cave

I wouldn't survive cause I would need my insulin

assign jobs

Psychiatrist - gathering grubs

Ex Army Guy - Build shelter and defence against any animals

Old Lady - Try and make clothes

Farmer - Food, Shelter

Beauty Pageant winner - to be my mistress, looking after shelter

Priest - try and signal for help

New Yorker - Shelter

Pregnant Lady - Cooking

Rock Climber Boy - find supplies and food from trees

Me - catch fish and crabs
Reply:send off nine people in a raft to freedom.keep the pregnant lady because pregnant ladies have the best survival instincts and she will be grateful for saving her and the baby ,which you can then deliver into a better world.

i could go on but its all pointless anyway.
Reply:OMG. you really thought this out!!
Reply:i like corn
Reply:1.hey, what happened to the elderly lady that you now have her cane? leader, unless the priest and the ex-army guy decide to duke it out.

3. send the rock-climibng teen into the trees-- he actually comes from the Philippines and practiced rock climbing in the banana and coconut trees at home before taking this little trip to Fateful Island

4. No... I'm vegan; also know that I would be healthier fasting completely (with drinking water) for 40 days vs. eating crab

5. I'd build a shelter right away when I was still feeling strong enough to haul around trees

6. I'd sleep up the slope with the keel of the boat facing the wind that would blow up towards me

7. I thought the premise was that we were ALL survivors... oh, I see what you're saying, would we survive long or would one of us actually end up dining on the other nine? Well, I wouldn't do that-- again, I'm vegan -- but I just might separate myself out from the other vagrants early on and maybe team up with the rock-climbing teen (I am a grandmother) and then just go hiking inland until I came to the nearest Holiday Inn or whatever

8. Does this mean I am actually the Leader that was chosen in #2? I must beg off, I fear-- much too introverted to be a good administrator-- tried it once during a long social work career and it was my unmaking (burn-out). Looks like anarchy will reign if you're looking at me to do the job assignments to this little crew-- and didn't I already say that I went AWOL with the kid?
Reply:1) build a fire and go on to #2

2) couldn't / wouldn't have to. if I was in a position to pick a leader, i must already be the leader

3) climb

4) no, the grubs could be used for bait, and the fish could be cooked on the fire. i guess the grubs could be too.............

5) while doing #1

6) in or on the sand, sounds tropical, sleep on the beach. if that is too much, dig a whole in the sand and use the leave to cover your face

7) yes. it only says that we are stranded on the island. it does not say the island i deserted.

8) refer to #2

what ever they can do best
Reply:Sorry, I'm gonna have to watch reruns of Gilligan's Island and come back to you on that!
Reply:Sounds like you script writers at Survivor are in need of some help..
Reply:call steven spielberg %26amp; make a movie out of it!
Reply:I would complain that I wanted to get off the island, while everyone eles tells me to shut up and stop my complaining, and get my @ss to work, then I would get mad at them and walk off because I would really need a cigarette, and I wouldn't want to start throwing coconuts at them because of my nicotine fit, and I'm very lazy, if not for them I would die.
Reply:1. The first thing I would do is assess the situation: how bad it is (it looks pretty bad), determine if there are any means of escape or communication with civilization.

2. I'd probably self-appoint myself leader and start bossing people around, telling them that we should all stick together as a group and work as a team to try to survive.

3. As for the fruit on the trees, I'd get the rock-climbing boy to do it. I myself would also etry to climb up there using a nearby tree for footage (if possible), or try throwing rocks up there and hoping some of it will fall down.

4. I'd rather starve than eat grubs or raw fish... although if I absolutely had to choose, I guess I'd take the grubs. I couldn't eat a living fish, sorry.

5. I would build shelter as soon as possible (i.e., as soon as I find out I'm stranded on a deserted island).

6. I'd probably sleep next to a tree or rock or something if I didn't build a shelter. I wouldn't sleep near the beach because of the unpredictability of the tide.

7. I would try to survive as long as possible, but since I don't know how to hunt and since I would have few survival skills in that situation, I don't think I'd last longer than a couple weeks, at most.

8. The ex-army guy, NYC guy, and teenage boy would be responsible for the hunting; teenage boy and woodsman would explore the area and see if there's any new food or materials we can use; the priest, elderly woman, and pregnant lady can help pick berries and other fruits; and the psychiatrist would keep up the fire so it doesn't go out and think hard about how to get out of this mess.
Reply:Oh this is too much I feel like Its a reality show, hell I take the one who can climb and use the dead bodies 4 shelter LOL
Reply:1. Make an SOS sign.

2. Not a leader but a moderator.

3. Have the rock-climbing teenage boy go up the trees.

4. Maybe.

5. The very first day.

6. The makeshift shelter.

7. I could be.

8. Ex-army guy, farmer, woodsman, New York city guy and the teenage boy to do most of the physical tasks and finding food for all. The elderly woman and the beauty pageant winner to look after the pregnant lady. The priest and psychiatrist to console and encourage everyone.
Reply:1 word...SUICIDE

pale skin

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