
Friday, November 6, 2009

Do you like this joke?

A Republican wearing a GOP pin on his lapel gets on an airplane and sits in an aisle seat. A Democrat wearing a "donkey" pin on his lapel is seated next to him. The airplane takes off.The Republican then removes his shoes to relax. The Dem then says that he needs to get up so he can go get a coke. The Republican says that he will get the coke for him so there is no need for the Dem to climb over him. While the Republican is getting the coke the Dem picks up his shoes and spits in them. The Republican returns with the coke and the Dem drinks it. This scenario plays out 3 more times during the flight. As the captain announces to prepare for landing, the Republican puts on his shoes. He then discovers the slimy mess the Dem has left in his shoes. The Republican turns to the Dem and exclaims: "Our political parties must stop fighting! Nor more spitting in shoes and pis*ing in cokes"!!

Do you like this joke?
Thanks for the laugh!!! :)
Reply:Ha ha...I love it. I needed a good laugh too! Thanks a bunch.

Take care and later days.
Reply:Ha ho. Not funny!
Reply:ok, probably not the funniest joke in the book... likely because it's too close to true :)
Reply:It's ok. I have a better one.

Last weekend, Bush, Cheney and Clinton decided that the fighting between the parties was getting out of hand, so they set up a secret summit in Kansas. As they were sipping their drinks, discussing the matter, the tornado hit, lifting the meeting house up and carrying it away.

The house finally landed and they cautiously opened the door to find they had landed in Oz!

George said "Oh good. I'm the decider, and I've decided to ask the Wizard for a brain"

Dick Cheney said " I guess while I'm here, I should ask the wizard for a heart. The batteries in my defibrillator are getting low."

Bill Clinton said "Where's that Dorothy chick?"
Reply:I liked the joke and it shows the stubborness of both parties.
Reply:Love it!


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