
Friday, November 6, 2009

Does anyone like my story?

The House of Death Evil's Awakening

It all started in 1902, an English Man named Richard Prinston fell in love with a beautiful woman. He loved her so much that he built a marvelous Mansion just for her. She was so flattered by his gift that on September 24, 1902 they were married. After their wedding Richard held a massive party at the Mansion, and as he walked down the grand staircase holding his glass in the air toasting his guests, gunshots were heard as robbers burst through shooting guests. Richard ran to his bride but she was shot in the head. A fire then broke out and the house burned killing all the guests. The Mansion was left untouched, until one man happened to fall onto its presence, this very man is about to have a life changing experience. After his visit to the famous HOUSE OF DEATH!

Every story has its beginnings, while others have endings. This Story is not yet closed. A Private investigator named Kody Watson was sent a message by an anonymous client. The Message gave Kody specific instructions on what his assignment would be. Kody read in the message that he was supposed to search for the body of the long lost Tyler Prinston in the destroyed mansion's rubble. As Kody stepped up to the gates of the destroyed mansion two big black dogs ran up behind him and jumped on his back. Kody screamed in pain as the dog's were ripping at his flesh. He then jumped to his feet and ran to the gates closing them at the last second. As he looked into the dog's direction; they were gone. Not a trace of the dogs were seen. He looked at his arm, not even a scratch. Kody started to ponder in his mind," maybe i am starting to loose it." He smiled to himself and started walking through the rubble. He looked on the ground with his flashlight and found a burnt piece of paper, it was a letter!

September 24, 1960 7:24 P.M.

The House seems almost alive. I regret even rebuilding the blasted thing. I know as being the last living relative that it is my obligation, but something about this place isn't exactly right. I hear strange noises and screams at night. Blood was on the floor, and what seemed to be footsteps walking around in it. I'm beginning to question my sanity, but maybe its not me. Maybe the house really is alive. I have a strong feeling that something bad will happen to me.

Kody looked for a name, but he was guessing that Tyler wrote it. He took the letter and put it in his pocket. As he was walking through the remains of the destroyed house he noticed a part of the floor with a symbol on it. The Symbol looked like a star of some kind. He thought to himself and then came to the conclusion that it was a pentagram! He then turned and moved his flashlight to the floor beneath his shoes. Noises that seemed to echo throughout the yards of the fallen estate. Kody then told himself that he had to find out what that was under the floor. "Maybe even the noises were Tyler'' he thought to himself, “What am I saying thats impossible it would be dead, wouldn't he?" that thought ran through his head like a bullet across a field. Kody then ran back to his car, grabbed a hammer and some rope. He ran back to the floor and started to rip it up with the hammer. After all the pieces of the floor was up, he attached the rope to a rusted metal pipe and threw it down what seemed to be a large black hole. He then took back out his flashlight and turned it on. He went down the rope slowly thinking only of his assignment. As he finally reached the bottom the hole he looked around at what seemed to be a large room. As he was walking he smelled something that made his nose starting gushing blood. He then felt a drop of blood hit his face, and as he looked up his flashlight died. He was now in a pitch black room! Finally he turned on the flashlight and saw bodies of animals and people hanging off hooks attached to the ceiling. Kody's face turned to a look of terror as he fell backwards into a pool of blood. As his head rose up skeleton heads were popping up around him making him scream. Hands were grabbing his torso and were dragging him under. Finally he broke free and ran out of the pool and ran into a room filled with mirrors. He took out his pistol and saw demonic faces smiling in every mirror. He then started shooting at the mirrors screaming at the top of his lungs. “Why are you doing this to me!?" A voice then replied, “Because you took the job of finding me, just like the others." Kody turned his face and saw Tyler Prinston smiling and holding out his hand. Kody held up his gun and yelled," you should be dead!" " Oh don't you worry Kody im dead and so will you." " How do you know my name?" kody replied. “I know everything about you, your love life, fears, likes, dislikes, everything that helped me pick you as the perfect canidate." Canidate for what?" Kody shot back. " Well to join me and the others at the party." " what party?" Kody asked. " The Party of the ages, there will be food, music, and entertainment, Richard Prinston's party." Kody shook his head and held his gun to Tyler's head and pulled the trigger. Tyler smiled and took the bullet out of his head, " i think this is yours." Kody started screaming and started running backwards. Tyler started laughing as blood dripped down his face.

Kody ran with the speed of a man fearing for his life. It seemed as if the bowls of hell spilled around him as demonic faces and figures appeared laughing as he ran. He then made it to the rope and started climbing as a dark shadowy figure started chasing him. Kody made it to the top and cut the rope. He ran to his car and started driving off. As he was driving he noticed on the message by the client a name appeared on the bottom.

Your Client Richard Prinston...

Does anyone like my story?
too long
Reply:No .. What kind of car was it in 1902 ?

sorry try to write a book ,, I think you would be good at that but not here on Jokes and riddles,,

Good luck I will look for your beat seller soon ,,
Reply:Gory, but like it, short and sweet...
Reply:Very nice
Reply:ur a good poet and a good writer keep it up
Reply:I think it was a very nice story about evil and Richard , kody,and tyler
Reply:You think Im gonna read all that crap for two lousy points?

Kody must've been in a rush to not see that name.

It was good. Kind of creepy, but still good. I liked it!

You have great skills in writing, maybe some more?

car audio

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