
Friday, November 6, 2009

Do you like these lists?

You know you’re a musical theater nerd if…..

You turn up the radio when ads for touring shows come on...

You know who Kristin Chenoweth and Jonathan Larson are...

You say "merde" whenever someone says "Macbeth"...

words like "intermission," "scrim," and "cue" hold a special place in your vocabulary...

to you, a facial is a clean pack of baby wipes after a performance...

you own more stage make-up than regular make-up...

even when you're not in your school's production everyone automatically assumes that you are...

when someone calls a show CD a soundtrack, you immediately snap back that it's an "original cast recording"!

You work out to Rent music at the gym...

You can relate anything to a showtune...i.e. someone mentions a shooting and "Cell Block Tango" comes to mind...

You're more concerned with the Tonys than the Emmys...

You know what that last one means...

Your coworkers/classmates, in a moment of pure boredom, ask you what you collect. you reply "Playbills" then you have to explain WHAT a playbill is. idiots.

When your friends asks "what do you want to do?" You can't just say "I don't know." You have to sing it, a la "little shop".

You actually sing all your favourite songs in the correct key because it just sounds wrong anyway else.

When you get in a fight with another MT fan you start naming the randomest shows possible to see who has better knowledge of off- Broadway, off-off-broadway and workshop only shows. You win, of course, with your triumphant declaration "No, Douglas Sills turned down DRS for rehearsal in New Jersey of The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T!" or something of the sort...

when you have to write a paragraph about the music you like in spanish class, and you raise your hand and say: "Senora, como se dice showtunes en espanol?"

you know that Gwen Stefani totally gets it.

when you use part of "La Vie Boheme" as part of your graduation speech.

when you're out past curfew, your mom calls the theater before any of your friends' houses.

You get stared at in the street when you and your friend are walking along sharing one iPod and singing Wicked at the top of your voices!

In your school production you are asked to lead the rehearsals as you know all the songs already and can pick up the dance moves in seconds.

When your music assessment is to write a review of your favourite album in 500+ words, and you pick a show album. And when you're barely started, it's already 870 words...

you know exactly how many minutes there are in a year...

Family friends buy you Broadway soundtracks for your birthday...

You keep ALL your programs from any show you've seen whether it was on Broadway or a local show with your friends in it...

You can convince your parents to let you stay home from school and still perform that night in your show.

Who cares about Bennifer? Idina and Taye are your favorite couple ever!

When you and a friend got so excited just because it was Broadway week on American Idol...

You know anything can be fixed with gaff tape, Mortite,

sculpt-er-coat, a sharpie, tie-line, a safety pin or enough staples.

"Practical" and "flat" are nouns.

You now hate Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz for making Elphie look so bad all these years

You know all the La Vie Boheme references, who they are, what they mean...

Your favorite 5 numbered code is 24601

Whenever someone asks you what the time is, your immediate response is "well it's gotta be close to midnight!"

Your room is painted green...maybe you subconciously dedicated it to Wicked?

You're smiling and nodding your head right now...welcome to the club.


- You've taken a kid's class/gone on a date/played in the waterfall/taken pictures at Maymont. Probably more than once.

- You know what the 'pony pastures' is and know it really has nothing to do with either a pasture or ponies

- You know what Arthur Ashe has in common with Robert E Lee and Stonewall Jackson

- The kids with the multicolored hair and piercings are probably from VCU

- You've been to the midnight movie. Probably in your pajamas

- The landmark is STILL called the Mosque in your heart

- You know how to pronounce Parham and Powhite correctly... and get pissed when non-Richmonders don't.

- You know that by 'snow' we usually mean slush or ice... and that the entire city shuts down for it

- When you say 'The Braves' you don't mean Atlanta

- You can sing the Agee's bicycles song... and probably DO far more than you'd care to admit. You can also fill in this blank "when you're hurt, he'll come to you... call ______"

- You've been to Alley Katz, the Canal Club, or the Nanci Raygun (RIP)

- You've seen Carbon Leaf in concert

- You know that it's northSIDE and southSIDE... but east END and west END. And then there's just lakeside...

- It doesn't confuse you that the nickel bridge doesn't cost a nickel

- You remember when short pump was farmland, and probably ***** about big business ruining the landscape... but still go there on a weekly basis to shop/see movies. Except on Friday and Saturday nights. Because that's just suicide.

- You've been to Brusters and probably know at least 2 people who work there. Ditto for King's Dominion.

- If you're in it, you know its called The Club. If you aren't, it's CCV. And regardless, it's great sledding.

- You know it can be 70 d. one day and 40 d. the next and not think that's strange... but somehow, it's always humid.

- 90% of your senior class went to Tech, JMU, or 'The University'

- One word. Ukrops: where 25% of your school has worked as a bag-boy at one point in their life. And you know that on Sundays you're gonna have to settle for Kroger... and you don't even TRY to buy alcohol there-- cuz they don't have any.

- You know that y'all is an actual word

- You can go from high-end Cary street to Carytown to the ghetto in a matter of minutes

- You know the difference between Carytown, Shockoe Slip, Shockoe Bottom, the Fan, Forest Hill, and downtown

- You've been to Belle Isle or Brown's Island. And yes, you've gone to Friday Cheers

- You're sick of seeing confederate flags everywhere

- You know that Robin Inn isn't actually a hotel and The Tobacco Company isn't actually a warehouse, and don't get confused by that

- You probably know someone who's in the DAR or SAR. Or at least know what that stands for. And know that unless your mother/grandmother was in it, you have NO CHANCE of getting in

- You learned about Jamestown and Williamsburg and Roanoke in your elementary school history classes. Every year. And went on field trips to each at least twice

- You'll find pearl-laden, rainbow-wearing girls in Carytown just as frequently as those with hair dyed purple and nose rings... and not find it weird

- You scoff at subway and know that REAL subs (note, not hoagies) come from Stuffys or Bernies

- You know it's called U of R. Not Richmond. And yes, you've fed the ducks.

- You don't get weirded out when the roads suddenly turn to cobblestone and then back to pavement.

- You remember when Regency was the cool mall. And when you didn't have to fear for your life at Willow Lawn.

- You know which streets are one-way. Which, once you're downtown, are all of them.

- You know where the secret parking lots are in Carytown

- You can't go anywhere without seeing at least one person that you know or the person you're with knows

- You've been to the Watermelon Festival and/or the Greek Festival and/or Arts in the Park. Probably every year.

- You know the stupid stereotypes of all the private high schools... and can probably guess who went to what high school by just looking at them, even though there are like 20 different schools in the area...

- You know that if you go to St Catherine's or St Chris, you will be beaten to submission until you flip that hair and don those rainbows. And if you and your sister both go to St. Catherines, you better have 2 daisies on the back of that suburban

- You know of someone who's had a coming-out party. And know that doesn't mean they're gay.

- You've watched the fireworks at Dogwood Dell... or at least had a picnic there

- You can drive an hour from Chester to Hanover and still consider yourself in Richmond

- You know that you can arrive at RIC airport only 30 minutes early and still make the plane... and you actually EXPECT it to look totally different everytime you go

-Yes, you went to cotillion. Or at least know someone who did.

- You know someone who has worked, does work, or will work at Phillip Morris

- You know that ironically, the 'Open Door Christian School' was always the first to close on 'snow' days

- You've been to Sahara's or Alladin's... or have at least heard of them

- You were (or knew someone who was) an Indian Princess or an Indian Guide. And know that doesn't actually mean they're Indian...

- You know what the rivaH is... and know that it's probably more correct to say the bay

- You've been to the quarry

- You know the goodness that is Carytown Burgers and Fries

- You know that the country's capitol, the first English settlement, the hills, the mountains, and the beach are all about an hour away... but probably rarely take advantage of that... and still complain that there's nothing to do

- You remember the ibook stampede of '05

- 2 words. BOTTOMS UP. and you know that doesn't mean gettin drunk

- At some point in your life, you've gone paddle-boating at Byrd Park

- You've driven around the city on the tacky lights tour. And probably rented a limo and dressed up for it... and you don't think that's odd

- You've been to casa grande... and yes, you've had the casa vs chap vs cap argument. You've also been to Mexico... and you know that doesn't mean the country.

- You know all the clashes that happen between the extremely diverse group that IS richmond... but love it anyway

- AH yes, good ole RVA. You say you hate it but don't fool yourself...we all know you secretly hold a place for it in your heart.

over a hard night, we decided that all musicals and songs from musicals would be better augmented if they ended with "In my pants!"

for example:

*76 my pants!

* my pants!

*litle my pants!

*little shop of my pants!

*my husband makes my pants!

*defying my pants!

* my pants!

*on my my pants!

*there's a place for my pants!

* my pants!

*june is busting out all my pants!

* my pants!!!

*stay with my pants!

*i am 16 going on my pants!

*my my pants!

*totally ****** my pants!!

*a call from the my pants!!

*it takes a my pants!

40 Things High School Musical 2 can teach us:

1. If you wish to show your inability or dislike for dancing, it's perfectly reasonable to break out in a dance number.

2. College? It's not important, as long as you can hang out with your friends.

3. If your love is strong enough, fireworks will go off, and lanterns will fly away as you and your boyfriend kiss.

4.Playing sports is a hint that it's time

to break into song.

5.Don't worry about being rude/mean in the end things will work out for you.

6.School spirit is a must. Especially during the summer.

7. Your friends are not human and should always be addressed by the name of their school mascot.

8. Yes! You can paint your locker pink!Screw the school board.

9. You can be a chef, lifeguard, or golf experience needed!

10. A guy can never wear too much bronzer.

11. Lakes are the equilivant of mirrors. They can show your reflection perfectly!

12. It is possible to memorize a 3 minute song over the course of 2 minutes...and sing it perfectly.

13.It doesn't matter that you're not a staff member. You can still attend any and all staff events.

14.The phrase "more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match" is something that can be used in everyday conversation

15. There are two bells that get you out of school. The first one tells you to start singing and dancing, the second announces you should stop.

16.Even though its the last day of school, its ok to leave stuff in the locker for the summer.

17.If your family is "saving pennies" for your college education and gives you a junky truck to drive, it is normal for their kitchen to have granite counter tops and a $7,000 fridge.

18. Pianos can float now. Go ahead, try it.

19. It's perfectly acceptable for a guy to wear girl's capris.

20. If you're upset, just run through a golf course, jumping and spinning, while singing "Bet on it" won't fall at any point, and no one will stop and think "what the hell?" .

21.You can send telepathic messages to your mom to tell her to pick you up just as you're finishing your breakup song with your boyfriend.

22.A resort can be highly successful when there are more employees than guests.

23."And she stepped on the ball" is actually quite funny. You just need to put it into context.

24.One family can apparently control an entire city, including all educational institutions in the area.

25. It's good manners to refer to your mother as a "backstabber"

26.Turkey imported from Maine is much better than any other turkey. In fact, it's fabulous.

27.Apparently, it is now possible to hire an entire high school to be the staff at an upscale country club.

28.Iced tea from England is blue.

29.Water Bug is a cute funny romantic pet name.

30.Being a teenage paparazzi at school and taking multiple pictures of the same two people is not weird or creepy in any way

31.It is okay to try to grope your girlfriend if she's leaving you, even though you guys have never kissed before.

32.When your girlfriend tells you that your shoes don't match your tie, you must do a stupid looking surfer move to see if she's right, you can't just look down

33.When you frolic with your girlfriend in the golf course, you get in trouble. When you frolic by yourself and sing, nothing happens.

34.It IS possible to have any object in the world come in pink %26amp; engraved with your initials. That is, if you are Sharpay Evans.

35.If you are the basketball star of your school, you can get yourself, as well as the rest of the school, summer jobs.

36. Lava Springs apparently had no employees, since they had to hire a whole new staff.

37.Don't change your friends, change your dreams.

38.Corbin Bleu switched shampoos. Because his hair obviously did not have as much shine, bounce, or body as it did in HSM 1.

39. Even though Chad danced in "Get your head in the game", "Status Quo" and "What time is it", he apparantly does not dance.

40. "What team?" "Wildcats!"


Can fix any problem.

Here are some new ones...Thanks for the input guys!

41.Basketball scholarships at the University of Albuquerque depend on your musical performance skills

42.Guitars and speaker equipment can be placed near a pool safely

43.Take two small saucepan lids and bang them together. You'll find they make the same sound as a large GONG. Go on, have a go

44. Tiffany’s makes hair bands

45. When your girlfriend breaks up with you and gives your necklace back, she obviously will somehow emerge out of a crowd wearing it again and singing

46. Clocks get bigger if you stare at them and chant "summer"

47. When you’re singing about being fabulous, your shoes can magically appear on and off your feet at any given time

48. You can be a male theater geek who wears sparkly hats and pink shirts, without any of the jocks who you kind of hang out with thinking you're gay.

49. It is now acceptable to throw grapes at your girlfriends face

50. Jumping from dangerous rocks is a great idea.

51. It is not at all pompous to give your girlfriend a necklace with your initial on it

52. The high school marching band is on call 24/7 for spontaneous musical numbers

53. It is perfectly normal to switch outfits with your opponent after a baseball game.

54. Helicopters can land on a golf course with no warning.

55. When you're frustrated with your personal life at work, just take off your shirt and shoot some baskets. Your boss won't mind.

56. Sliding on the cafeteria floor like a penguin is totally acceptable. Especially when it’s the last day of school.

57. Even if you weren't a part of the winning number, you can still win the star dazzle award.

56. Italian shoes mean a whole new you

57. Not telling your girlfriend about your new dress shoes you got from your boss, clearly is a reason for her to be concerned and question your relationship.

58. As long as you’re the star player on your basketball team, you can instantly be better at golf than the owner of the course.

59. College basketball players love playing with high schoolers that are better than them.

60. There is no such thing as gay dancing

61. On the last day of school, it is perfectly normal to chant "summer" like a cult.

62. Wanting a little fabulous is not so wrong

63. It is worth risking your relationship with your friends and girlfriend for a college that closed down in 1986.

64.Humans can be imported from Spain.

if any of you have any ideas to add just message me or post them on the board

1) You've probably ridden a giant banana

2) You've become pregnant from being on someone's porch

3) You've either been jumped on or molested by Wiggles

4) You've probably smoked on campus just to spite Ron

5) You or someone you know has stolen cereal from the dining hall

6) You've questioned Ron and Isaac's relationship to each other

7) You've either been to or heard about Rock Shop 3

8) You've been checked out by the asian lunch lady

9) You know who Eamon Foley is

10) You've probably seen Ross' MC act at the Rock Concert

11) You've been frusterated by slow computers

12) You've fought over unused matresses in your bunk

13) You've been to at least 1 show that made your ears bleed and another that made you want to jump up on stage and join in... most likely on the same day

14) You've never seen the horse stables

15) (if your a boy) You've gotten motivated at about 7:30 in the morning

16) You've tried (and most likely failed) to understand foreign people every day

17) You've tried everything to get phone service

18) You've made fun of your conseler's accents

19) You've frozen to death and been boiled alive... all in the same day

20) You've fallen in mud on one of the hills

21) You are so excited at the thought of flash photography during the staff show that you took 50 pictures of an empty stage

22) You've seen multitudes of card tricks

23) You've either moshed at the rock show or witnessed a mosh pit at he rock show

24) You've wondered why there's a vollyball court in the middle of the camp

25) You've jumped out of bed in the morning and ran to the shower just to get hot water

26) You've been pissed off at the fact that the junior lodges have everything

27) You've wondered why Isaac is too lazy to get out of his golf cart

28) You're used to Isaacs idle threats

"You all have ETB... unless you're

quiet... OK you have regular

bedtime again... But I'm still very


29) You miss the old VA porch

30) You wonder why Ron owns a movie theatre

31) You wonder why everything's abbreviated


32) Your amazed when you see black people

33) You think the phrase "Google It" is extremely funny

34) You wonder where all the bugs came from

35) You're surprised when you hear that a guy's not gay

36) You're used to upset girls after sing

37) You know Jimmy Philips

38) You wonder why we can't have the same quality food we have on visiting days on every other day

39) You or someone you know has had something stolen from you despite the fact that this is a performing arts camp and costs about $3,000 per session

40) You think that there's no Christian people at this camp (when, in fact, there's 5)

Okay if you you do not get the name of this saying or were not in schol house rock oh sevs please do not join this group!

only in our show:

-insane "choreographers" (minus jenny and joe) who think they have taught us stuff but realy haven't aka Verb

-a director who hates the show just as much as you do

-2 Dinas and 2 Shulies

-"i'll put good disco lighting on and maybe that will take the audiences attention away from how bad the show is!" -Matt Bond

-Ron comming into the playhouse and yelling at matt right before the 1st show about something he did not even do

-an hour and 2 minute show because we had to cut 1/2 the show because a certain group people *cough cough* could not learn stuff fast enough

- watching a dvd to learn a song never realy being taught it

-Simon having to leave so this random lady tried to teach the leads a song that was like hearing nails on a chalk board to begin with but she made it even 10 minutes a line bad! aka learning verb

-painting our nails alll different colors and black outfits with rainbow pride

-the crash mat!

-coming up from the pit thru a TV

-The bat like attacking us on the bed during verb

Only at FWF School house rock will you find all of the above! So much the end!



Things we learned from High School Musical:

compiled by the lovely ladies and gentlemen at IMDB.

1) High school cafeterias are vast and spacious -- leaving plenty of room to spontaniously break into song and dance -- and are in no way packed, crowded or uncomfortable

2) It's completely acceptable for the female drama teacher to walk into the guys locker room where her young male students are showering.

3) A white, 5-foot-9 junior is the best high school basketball player in the state of New Mexico.

4) Creme brulee is a creamy custard that is totally satisfying

5) There's only one fat person at East High School

6) All Troy could remember was pink jelly

7) In school hallways they put up really big posters of the most popular guy in school so that obsessed girls can sing to it

8) It's okay to practice incest if you're acting

9) Students at East High are allowed to work with chemicals unsupervised.

10) Troy's shower head is very impressed

11) Everyone has a secret, and they have practiced to tell everyone in perfect harmony... while dancing.

12) That girl is named Gabriella, and she is very nice.

13) Kelsi has a magic piano: it not only plays piano but it plays guitar, drums and bass too

14) Lucas is NOT gay... even though he dances, sings, hangs out with his girly sister, wears pink hats, and stares at sweaty basketball players because Disney does not promote homosexuality

15) The hottest gossip is that the new girl and baskeball captain are auditioning for a musical, and that is in no way a euphemism for having sex.

16) In high school, you only have class once a day and it's only about 10 minutes long. For the rest of the day you can sing, dance, play basketball, make/foil plans, and hide out in secret gardens as much as you want.

17) While alone in her bedroom, they sing. No sex? Really?

18) No one in the ENTIRE school has ever told Sharpay to shut the **** up. How is that possible?

19) Gabriella and Troy are 'breaking free'. They are also soaring, flying, and there isn't a star in heaven that they can't reach.

20) You can name a kid in the 21st century "Sharpay"

21) Detention is only 15 minutes long... and a boy named Chad will need you to help him countdown the minutes, as he sadly cannot count that high.

22) It's always good to get extra credit...for college.

23) No one cusses at East High

23) Gabriella can't have people staring her... she really can't.

25) Parents do not teach their children that it's okay to be yourself, only pop songs can do that.

26) Singing and dancing in the hallways is outstandingly normal

27) Playing the cello is very similar to operating a saw.

28) No emos, cutters, or illegal janitors.

29) Gabriella feels AND looks like a girl.

30) Having opera stars' pictures in your refrigerator helps you lose weight.

31) Kelsi can teach you every note, pitch, and word to a song just by singing the first two lines for you.

32) People are doing stuff, stuff that isn't their stuff.

33) The second equation should read 16 over pi.

34) Troy doesn't know that "scared" means the same thing as "afraid"

35) There is only ONE Gabriella Montez on the entire World Wide Web.

36) Ain't nothin wrong with a basketball playing brother who likes to bake.

37) If you're the new kid in school, no one is allowed to look at you

38) If you audition for a school play, you send the entire school into pandemonium

39) Chad can make Troy say things.

40) The jazz square is a crowd favorite. EVERYONE loves a jazz square.

41) Even though you've only sung to your showerhead you will know how to sing harmony in karaoke.

42) Mountain lions are cute, but you don't pet them.

43) Some high schools only have 5 adults on campus. That's how they get away with dancing in the halls.

44) Troy is not just a guy.

45) Apparently the winter musical only requires two cast members.

46) When you're in love with a stranger, you can memorize lyrics at the drop of a hat

47) Corbin Bleu is pretty much white.

48) If you're a stressed jock, you need only to go to the school gardens and sing... nobody will find you or pick on you.

49) It's hard to believe, that I couldn't see, you were always right beside me!

50) Ryan really wants to meet Ashton Kutcher

51) No one said anything about leotards.

52) If you love a girl enough, breaking and entering into her room is not considered a problem.

53) No one on the basketball team is good at math.

54) Ladders can appear out of nowhere.

55) Chad tried to tell him, he REALLY tried.

56) Sharpay is allowed to have a pink locker while everyone else is stuck with an ugly beige one.

57) Troy rides the bus to school even though his dad works there

58) You can bet, there's nothing but net, when Zeke is in the zone and on a roll.

59) If you're gay, you dont know what g-o-d-r-a-m-a-c-l-u-b-! spells

60) If you're heart has been broken by the most popular guy in school, your locker can open automatically - no combination necessary.

61) Where's Gabby's dad!?!

62) Warning bells can be easily mistaken for cell phones.

63) Yes, Troy, you ARE going left.

64) You can have a laptop and a webcam pointing at a person ready to record them and they would NEVER notice

65) It's better to hear it from Mrs. Darbus now than from your friends later

66) You can go to Kelsi's house for breakfast and she has a piano.

67) By taking off your lab coat, the red ribbon in your hair can turn pink.

68) Only fat girls like to pop, lock and drop it.

69) You are allowed to cover your microphone with tacky sequins as long as youre the most popular girl in school

70) All stage fright can be cured by the saying “Like kindergarten”

71) What the heck are those two doing in a tree?!

72) You WILL stick to the status quo or everyone will sing to you until everyone else confesses

73) Gabriella loves pi.

74) Troy's watch is imaginary, but he looks at it anyways and always knows what the time is.

75) Cheerleaders speak a different language than other human beings.

76) Students in high school don't need backpacks... or books for that matter

77) No one finds it weird that you're singing a sexual song to your brother/sister

78) It takes Gabriella's mom and Troy's dad forever to walk to an auditorium.

79) Throwing basketballs at trees is apparently great for stress relief

80) If you climb up to a chicks balcony that hates you and start singing to her, she will fall back in love with you.

81) People keep outfits in their lockers just in case someone spills nachos on them

82) The pregnant teacher stands corrected.

83) If you wear pink and have blonde hair, you are automatically a malevolent popular girl.

84) All fathers with sons in sports are oblivious to their sons's other needs and desires.

85) Teachers from different departments always hate each other.

86) Chad has some pretty awesome shirts.

87) Troy is very slow (Come on! Not even ONE kiss?)

88) If you make good cookies, people fall in love with you.

89) A high school can produce 17 musicals in a span of two years

90) It is possible for the random girl you met at a ski lodge at New Year's to coincidentally move to your school and become your girlfriend

91) Singing absolves a person of any bad thing they've done.

92) An entire school's network can be crippled by the push of a bottom (Taylor must be a really good hacker.)

93) Chili cheese fries and milk are a substantial meal.

94) Interperative dancing is a sign that there is something mentally wrong with you and must see a counselor

95) All practical rules of time and space are lost when Troy and Gabriella hide.

96) The very best way to condemn your friend for singing is to break out into a song yourself

97) If you take your hat off and reveal luscious locks of brown hair you're instantly beautiful.

98) Gabriella always plans ahead thats how she's able instantaneously change into a semi formal dress and heels for a basketball game.

99) You dont mind linking arms with the school ***** that you hate as long as its the final dance number of the movie

100) When the entire East High School student body is decked out in red and white, Troy and Gabriella always seem to be in blue. Until the finale when they finally catch on.

You know you’re in IB when...

You can see individual air molecules vibrating.

You go to bed at 3AM and think, "Oh, it's an early night!"

Your favorite saying is "If I get a hundred on every test for the rest of the year..."

It's okay to fail, so long as you are not alone.

You frequently catch yourself saying "What?? We had homework??"

You finish your extended essay shortly after midnight. Your smile of satisfaction fades when you remember to start on your World Lit. Paper.

You've sold your a teacher...for a C...for the 9 weeks...

Your idea of impure thoughts is whether or not to copy math homework

You don't really cheat - you just tell people the answers.

Your thesis for the Extended Essay is whether or not Bert and Ernie are gay.

Pressed for time, you conclude a history essay with, "And they lived happily every after. Amen."

Can we say EXTRA CREDIT??

You exceed the 4200 word limit on the Extended Essay (by over 1000 words).

You ask what your summer reading assignment will be in October.

When you are home sick, you can't help but wonder what work you're missing and what your homework is.

When you're watching TV, you feel guilty because not all of your homework is done.

You find yourself spelling words out on scantrons. You are deeply saddened when you can only find one letter of "IB SUCKS!"

Your TI-89 has made you stupid.

You actually believe "mental health days" are excused absences.

Brewing coffee takes too long, so you just eat the beans.

You get a full upper body workout putting your backpack on.

You skip breakfast so you can get to school early to get in some extra cramming time and gain that "upper edge" on the rest of the class.

The bags under your eyes are heavier than the ones carrying your textbooks.

You always seem to have one continuous headache.

You can count the number of hours you sleep each week on one missing hand.

You've taught yourself how to take naps while walking to your next class.

You actually put the apostrophe in front of the word "'cause."

You still get kicks saying "Your epidermis is showing."

You clean up your room and find a bed.

Everything you know about sex, you learned from the English reading list.

You find all the "glitches" in movies.

You've mastered the art of procrastination so well that your research paper finishes printing just seconds before you have to leave for school.

You get to college and realize the classes you are taking seem really familiar.

Your college professors' grading systems seem a little too lenient.

You dread the word rubric

You hold "parties" to study.

The only words you ever say in Spanish class are "No sé."

The only French you know is "J'aime manger le poission."

You no longer speak English -- You speak a combination of English, German, Spanish, French, Portugese, Swedish, Dutch, Chinese, Russian, Norwegian, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, and Polish.

Your backpack has an imprint of your back in what little remains of the padding.

16+2= ...wait let me get my graphing calculator!

The urge to shout "Sir, yes sir" overwhelms you and...You do it

You start to laugh hysterically when you're writing a bibliography because a book has TWO authors

You brag that you only got 2 hours of sleep last night

You write a two page answer to a one sentence question

When writing down decimals, you don't understand why you can't write them to the 14th decimal place

You faithfully copy words without vowels in them, yet somehow understand them

You have a thought, and it hurts.

You get angry at someone for being late so you can't copy their homework.

You realize that something is missing when your backpack feels too light.

Do you like these lists?
too long
Reply:sorry your ? is to long Report It

Reply:I like them. It's really funny. Report It

Reply:they are pretty kewl. thanx for writing it. There are three different kinds of people in this world, ones who can count, and ones who cant. :) Report It

Reply:u no ur questions to long if...

its this freakin long! Report It

Reply:u no ur questions to long if...

its this freakin long! Report It

Reply:I only read the Musical Theatre one, and I must admit to quite a few of those! Report It could you possibly have time to write all that....and nobody has time to read that either....
Reply:i didnt read the whole thing..sry about that. didnt understand anything.
Reply:u no ur questions to long if...

its this freakin long!
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