
Friday, November 6, 2009

In any given circumstance; after a woman slaps a man in his face, how should he react?

In any given circumstance; after a woman slaps a man in his face, how should he react?

Is it ever ok for a man to become violent toward the family?

Additional Details

1 day ago

my so has; pushed me out of me shoes, onto the pavement. Bumped my car when he was following me after hunting me down. forced me out of house tossed me off the porch. Pulled me out of truck by my legs (I was climbing into back of pathfinder.)

Now for the material items. sliced side wall on one tire, screwed up valve stem on another, ripped my diamond pendant off my neck, broke my laptop, threw my imac out of the house and onto grass (aprox 20 ft),

been together the past 10 yrs minus 2 yr break up. these r the first signs of violence in our relationship. All happening in less that a 3 week span

In any given circumstance; after a woman slaps a man in his face, how should he react?
Call the cops! Get a restraining order, and MOVE AWAY while this guy is in jail. Don't leave a forwarding address. Don't be stupid and say, "I'm not going to let this guy dictate my life," he already IS dictating your life.

Don't wind up dead over pride. There are other jobs, other houses, other cars, other friends, etc., but get this guy out of your life and in jail with a record before you do anything else.

And since you're probably not going to take my advice, for God's sake, after all of this dies down and he's really sorry, and he just wants to talk? If you really feel compelled to go see this guy, don't go alone. Take a group of friends with you, not just a girlfriend, but some guy friends as well. Anything he wants to say to you, if he really is sorry and doesn't want to harm you, he won't mind saying that in front of everybody else.

Don't assume that because you have a ten year history together that he has no real desire to hurt you. Further, you cannot legitimately believe that his sudden outburst of violence is something new; he has always been this way, you just never saw it before. I'm sure if you look back over the last ten years and really think about it, circumstances and rememberences will come to mind and you will realise that it's true.

Ditch this guy; he will hurt you. And he won't care.
Reply:cmyfingers, first of all my answer isnt going to be one you want to hear, the reason why i say this is becuase a woman putting up with all of this is a woman who is too weak to do anything even if a hand is extended to her she usually turns it down i have only met a couple people in simular sitiuations one was a woman who asked for help but kept running back to the situation time and time again and after this became obviouse she didnt want help she wanted us to be part of her turmoil and we all parted ways. the next couple was from a basball team i coached for our children we went to barbques at their house. the kids rotated which house they would spend the night at every one got along great although we all thought he was a bit gruff with his wife, she had enough and started the divorce preceedings and one morning i woke up from a dead sleep with my wife screaming "he killed her he killed her" apperantly they kept trying to one up each other and the fight escalated to somthing noone could imagin he chased her down infron of her 6 month old and her mother ran her of the road and broke out a gun and shot her dead. our friend is no longer with us and this all happned like a snap of the fingers. " it wont happen to me " would be a very unsafe bet becuase marriage and relationships are not suppose to be like yours , you can either get a backbone and look for a healthy relationship or you can gamble this one wont kill you or worse this one will dragg out the rest of your life and torture you for another 30 to 40 years...... what a way to die in either case. good luck
Reply:any sign of vilonce is a sign of an abusive relationship. If i were i would take matters into my own hands and leave and don't go back to him
Reply:Run.........I said Run.......Run away as fast as you can. You will be killed by this Violent person. As long as the abuse goes on and you take it, it will get worse. This person does not love you.

Again..........Run away as fast as you can.
Reply:roll up into a ball and start crying
Reply:It isn't ok for anyone to become violent. Man or woman. My advice is leave or you will end up really hurt. You are blessed to still be alive. Why do you stay with an abusive person? Get counseling!
Reply:You need to get out of that relationship. It doesn't matter what the woman does to the man, he should NEVER, EVER hit a woman. He needs to be a man and walk away. I'm not going to say it's right for a woman to hit a man either, but he should NEVER hit her in return.
Reply:No becoming violent leads to jail. First off what did you do? I mean it still gives no one any right to slap anyone but you need to communicate about the matter.
Reply:Either move out or have him move out, try and get a restraining order it sounds like this mans violence will escalater very quickly. Better safe then sorry..
Reply:It is NEVER ok for a guy to hit a the the avitar.......
Reply:time to move on,,,and get out,,, been married 11 yrs myself and never hit wife , and i have been tempted but i coulod never do that,, have thrown glass of tea at her and thats about it that i can think of,,,,,,good luck
Reply:Only time a man should ever feel the need to hit a woman is if his "life is at risk",or "someone elses life is at risk" other then that he should never "hit" a woman, although its not right for a woman to hit a man either.. a man is usually bigger and stronger then a woman and should be able to restrain a woman easily from continually hitting him.. and i see nothing wrong with filing abuse charges on a woman .. if man or woman is physically abusive, the police should be called, its not a one way street situation..
Reply:If u put ur feet in a mans shoes and act like a man u should get treated like a man... u hit him 1st he needs to knock the **** out of u !
Reply:I don't know how a man should act if he has been slapped in the face by a woman. That shouldn't happen in the first place.

As for your man, You need to leave him.If you don't leave it will get worse. Don't just leave, stay gone!!!! I'm sure he will try to beg you back with "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, It will never happen again...and so on", but you can bet on it, if you stay or go back after leaving him. It will happen again and again and again. GET OUT while you can , because so many women in your same shoes had a chance to get out and they didn't take it.Those women had to pay for that mistake with their lives, don't be one of them. Good Luck!!!!

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