
Friday, November 6, 2009

Should this girl be mad?

Question: Should I have gotten mad at the following scenario? My boyfriend and I were getting ready to go play basketball. I put on really short shorts. He said, "You can't wear those short shorts." I said, "Yep, that's how I'm gonna distract you and win." At this time he is sitting at the top of the stairs putting on his shoes. I saunter up the stairs and I have to climb over him so I put my junk (for lack of a better word) in his face and he does a fake sniff and one of those awful faces that indicate stinkiness. Prior to, we're laughing and joking and having fun. Should I take it as a joke (as it was probably intended) or rip him a new one?

Should this girl be mad?
I'm sure you just looked too hot in your booty shorts and your man didn't want anyone else seeing you. He probably just did that to joke around and make you feel like putting on longer shorts. Don't you worry.
Reply:No please dont. Ive had plenty of girls get mad at me for sarcasm and stuff that I didnt mean. Like guys always have a crude sense of humor but im sure the boyfriend was just playing around trying to have a good time.

But just incase your curious to know if he was playing or not just be like "you were just playing that one day right?" or something casual showing that your not affected by what he did in any way.
Reply:Take it as a joke, for two reasons:

1) It was

2) You can't go back and yell at him for it now. You have to do it then, or you miss your chance. That's the #1 rule of yelling at somebody.
Reply:I would be offended if my bf did that! It is like, no one can find that funny!

Well, the best thing to do is ignore it for now, but just let him know that there is no way that he is "gonna tap that ***".
Reply:don't let things like this play with your mind and get upset. Life is too short and you need to enjoy it the most that you can. Just let it go. He was just playing with you. You know that he loves you.
Reply:Joke, as you were joking and he presumably was too, although that was kinda an upsetting thing for him to do!!
Reply:No, come on it was funny. He was only joking, trust me%26gt;men will never confront a woman about that
Reply:you should take it as a joke if you were both laughing. It's nothing to get angry about.
Reply:Probably a joke... don't scare the poor guy away...
Reply:nah, stick your junk in his face again and fart hard.
Reply:You should take it as a joke because you are comfortable with yoursel. Right?
Reply:wouldn't it be a delayed reaction now? guys are just silly. he was kidding.
Reply:Depends.......had you showered that day? LOL!!
Reply:Take it as a joke
Reply:it was a joke. relax
Reply:its a joke
Reply:it was a joke, guys like the smell...
Reply:haha he's just messing with you. But seriously, keep it clean down there... nothing we hate more than smelly no-no zones.


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