
Friday, November 6, 2009

I had this weird dream...any thoughts?

Two nights ago I had a dream that keeps bothering me - I kept trying to climb up a grass-covered hill; at first, the hill wasn't too steep but as I got higher it got steeper and harder to climb. I slid to the bottom a few times (I remember being scared to death when I was falling!). Eventually, I got up to the top of the hill, and when I got up there, there was a shoe store. I went into the store and looked at shoes in my size... but none of the shoes matched. There were no pairs of shoes, just single shoes. I knew that there were no pairs, but I kept trying to make pairs out of similar-looking single shoes anyways. As I was attempting (poorly) to match shoes, I woke up.

And now I'm curious... does this dream mean anything important?

Thanks in advance for your input. =)

I had this weird dream...any thoughts?
The hill is whatever your trying to succeed at... a class, your career, whatever, but you find it hard to keep focus on the goal. You are afraid that this pursuit to your goal may not be exactly for you, that you may be headed for the wrong domain, that you may not ”fit in” that life you chose for yourself.

Seek other interests....
Reply:you sense a task ahead of you that others have imposed upon you. It is difficult but you think you can manage. When you get there you fear yet another task is given you - this one may be a reward for gettign up the hill / completing the task, but the reward involves you doing most of the work and then not getting an adequate reward (one shoe only)

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