
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Did your dog change your way of life?

I am divorced 41 y/o career woman living in a fancy condo with white carpet, white furnitures and white silk curtains. For a few years life has been about making money and climbing to the top in my field...till %26lt;Duncan%26gt; my American cocker came into my life.

Now life is about him.

My floors are covered with dog's toys...I don't care

My precious white carpets have spots all over...I don't care

My fancy furnitures are covered with blankets ....I don't care

He lays at the bottom of my silk curtains and....I don't care

My black suits are covered with blond dog hair...I don't care

My running shoes are wet inside, not sure if it's dog pee or spit....I don't care...haha.

I am at the dog park every day, my city will issue me my own tag soon.

I used to spend my weekends shopping for shoes, now I shop for fat and sugar free dogs treats.

He's in the back of my mind all the time and going home to him is something I look forward every minute of the day.

Did your dog change your way of life?
I used to spend my days off playing video games and avoiding being at home.

Now Im home playing tug-o-war and fetch.

I hated being just outside during the day

Sarge doesnt like darkness, so we do an hour walk every day in the beating sun.

Slobber has always revolted me. I almost didnt get him because Rotties are so well known for their gaping mouths full of goo.

Now I happily pick up the slobber soaked dog toys all over my car and house (he is still learning to put them away--from what Ive read most dogs never fully learn that).

I hadnt touched fast food in 6 months before we went through a drive thru one day in a hurry. He liked the experience (he doesnt get the food of course, but the people all talk to him) so now I eat fast food once or twice a week.

I spend hours every week homemaking food for him.

Like everyone else, I wouldnt have this any other way. I didnt know what I was getting into getting a dog-Ive always had farm dogs who just run around on their own before now. Sargent has been so much work and so much time that I never spent on an animal before, but he's also one of the most fulfilling parts of my life. Everything done for him or with him is worth it. Even the poop stain on the driver's seat of my car doesnt make me angry anymore-it just makes me smile and be glad he's fully potty trained these days.
Reply:That is the nicest thing I have read in a long time. I am glad you are so happy. And have someone to look forward to coming home to.

All animals can change people's lives. They sure have changed mine. I love them all and miss them when they or I am gone.

Thank you for shareing your story.
Reply:haha I love your story!

Yes my dog has changed my life in so many ways - including the types of ways you have already mentioned.

The biggest way is that he has taught me that dogs are wonderful and life is so much better with them around. You see, I was scared of dogs all my life until I fell in love with black labs. We brought Maverick home 3.5 years ago now and he is my best friend. I love him so much - he brightens my day! I look forward to the work day ending just so I can go home and cuddle with him. Thanks to him, I am no longer afraid of dogs, he opened a whole new world to me - a much better one. (and we're bringing home doggy #2 in a few weeks!!!)
Reply:What an awesome post! Your dog has given you an unconditional gift of love and companionship. And you've embraced it whole heartedly. Love it!

My husband had never had an inside dog before we got married (we were in our late 30's when we tied the knot). We have FIVE dogs and everyone of them sleeps with us! No kidding. He loves these dogs like they were his kids. They have changed is obsessive-compulsive personality. He has some dog hair on him when walking out the door and picks up any accidental poop or pee without thinking twice.

YES! I think a dog completes your home. Good for you!!!
Reply:this never happened to me but it might happen coz dogs are lovable and they are like anything that would make u in love so you are not weird .
Reply:Most definitely! I just got a 3 month old Maltese, he comes to work with me but he has changed my life in all aspects!!!
Reply:My life was changed by a b*tch who I bought as a pet.... and whose breeders talked me into "just try a show or two".

Now I dream of pedigrees and breedings, have nightmares about puppy placements gone wrong (which they haven't) and winning the big one.

I can't imagine my life without dogs... it would be cleaner, I'd have time to do different things... but I'm sure I wouldn't be happier without the unconditional love they give me.
Reply:You never really know how wonderful they are until you have one. I'm 46 and divorced, also. I have had dogs all my life and insisted I take custody of ALL pets when I got divorced. That included 2 Cockatiels, 1 cat, 1 tarantula, 2 dogs. (and I can't forget the human kids!) My dogs at that time (Chow and Min Pin) were allowed to be on the beds and furniture at their discretion. I also had eggshell colored carpet and would have them cleaned every 3 months and like you, I didn't care! They were happy. After my divorce, I moved to a different house 12 years ago, but bought the house because of the yard and the layout of the house for the dogs, not the kids. It's ALL about the dogs!


I have to say that my daughter, now 21, thinks there is something wrong with me because when we go shopping, I MUST bring home a surprise EVERY single time. I think she's a bit jealous. My son, 25, thinks it's amusing and just laughs at my obsession.
Reply:I can totally relate. My living room is covered with toys, there's a dog bed in the living room and the bedroom, even though my dog Roxi (Westie Mix) sleeps on the big bed. My life revolves around her. When I have to go somewhere without her, I can't wait to get back home to her. I even bought her a stroller, so I can take her to almost anywher I can go. When I go on vacation, it has to be a place where she can go. No cruises for me!

I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!

Kim at:
Reply:Oh yes he's changed my life! LOL

But I would'nt have it any differently.

Soon I'll need a new vacuum cleaner because I need to vacuum almost everyday.

My truck has been bapitzed with nose prints all over the windows.

My seven year old cat has lost weight from playing tag instead of being a couch potato.

I've become "good buddies" with the owner of our town's specialty pet supply store and local butcher.

I feel safer than ever before.

My home is now redecorated with an array of throw rugs and a doggie towel at each door.

I've become extremely familiar with every inch of our 3 acre yard.

Instead of being happy to see the deer on my property, I think "Oh no... more ticks!"

I wouldn't have it any other way. The love and devotion he shows me is unlike anything I've ever experienced.

Dogs and other pets are members of the family. They love you unconditionally, don't gossip or make cutting comments behind your back, and they are always glad to see you.

My female german shepherd died at the age of 13, and it was hard to lose her. She was so loving and gracious.
Reply:My dog changed my life from the day webrought her home from the Humane Society.
Reply:What a great question! Ya, our lives have changed dramatically since we have had dogs. We found one wandering the streets 12 years ago, which we took in. We just lost her to a sudden onset of a disease this past May. We still have 2 toy breeds and 3 cats. Our lives seem to revolve around the animals. We love it that way because they enrich our lives tremendously! We really don't have much of a social life other than going to work. Just about everything we do is planned around the animals.

We have toys everywhere..we don't care

We have spots on our carpets...we don't care

Our furniture is covered with blankets...we don't care

Our living room windows and doors are covered with nose prints and dog spit...we don't care

We get awakened every morning by cold noses poking at us or being smothered with kisses..wouldn't have it any other way!

What we love most is that no matter how long or how short of time it has been since you walked out the door, as soon as you come in, these little guys are so happy to see you, and just smother us with kisses. The minute we sit down, they jump up on the recliner, couch, bed, whatever, and insist on being in your lap or right by your side. The toy poodle crawls up on our lap, stands on her rear legs, puts her front legs around our neck and just kisses and kisses and kisses. We are truly blessed to have such loving and adorable animals in our lives. And you are so right- they are constantly on your mind, no matter what. Thank God.
Reply:Yup! My house has gone to the dogs for many years! I always said if you dont like dog hair don't come to visit! lol

My home is full of Golden Retrievers! I don't care either! lol
Reply:Yes they have changed my life. I used to have a bit of OCD when it came to orderliness and cleanliness. Dogs have helped me to relax some. Also, I am quit shy in person, they have helped me to overcome that. They have made me more active'less bored. I used to get, so bored all the time, then I would start having negative thoughts, and end up having a crying jag. I don't do that anymore. I'm just to busy to think about myself. They keep me company and safe while my husband is in Iraq. They really help me to relax about things. Yesterday we were in the woods. They became intrested in a mud puddle I started to say no come back to me, but I thought why not I can just rinse them off when I get home let them have some fun. The old me would of been thinking, dirt, bacteria, filth, stench!
Reply:My famillies dogs have changed the way we do everything. Our vacations include them, any day trips,if we go somewhere on the weekend we try to go to a place that is dog friendly.They have complete run of the house(beds,couch,upstairs,downstairs) and we spent quite a bit of time and money making our home and yard dog appropriate so they don't get hurt or eat something they shouldn't. Anytime we go shopping we buy something for them(new chew toy,treats)and they are loyal beyond belief.They follow my children around no matter where they go,even if it's to the other side of the room.I don't think we could live without them-well at least live happily without them.
Reply:i don't have a dog but i have a cat and i just love him to death his fur gets on my clothing all the time but i don't care either. I just love him so much he has changed my life in so many ways. If someone offered me a million dollars but the catch would be that i would have to give up my cat screw the money i love my cat.
Reply:Yeah. Dogs are the most amazing things everrrr. People mistake them for being stupid. They are highly intelligent actually. Lmao. I don't care either :D
Reply:Yes! He changed the lives of every member in my family - we are all yelling:






Don't let it get out of control - go watch "Year of the Dog" with Molly Shannon...LOL

and for you those that think what I said above was just utterly horrible...I was being sarcastic!
Reply:If my dog had to die- I'd die.

I got him when I was really really young- and he's on his aging now. I suppose if i didn't get him- io would have grown up differently...
Reply:Definitely, both of our dogs have changed our lives. My husband and I have two dogs who are our top priority. If we are doing something after work we make sure that someone can go home at lunch and play with them, let them out, and feed them. Their health and well being are always on my mind. I love the impact they have made on my life and on our marriage. We are more caring and thoughtful people because they are in our lives.
Reply:My first Basset Hound (not my first dog) changed my way of life. I took him to a dog show and discovered a whole new world.

Now I have a houseful of bassets and my life revolves around them.
Reply:It is amazing how a little wet nose will change a life.

I have a mixed (G.S/ Border Collie) female that I got when she was 10 weeks now this spring she will be 12 yrs...The 2 of us have seen 4 states, divorce, re marriage, new houses, travel.

My world will go dark when she passes.

In April of 07 my husband and I have bought a 6wk old male Boxer puppy, now at 9 months there is not a lot of quiet time in the house but he has seen 3 states, traveling with us and having a ball..

Can't imagine our lives without a cold wet nose rooting around in the covers of the bed every morning.
Reply:The spots would bother me. Why are there spots all over your carpeting?

You need to get control of your dog. Peeing in shoes? Spots on carpeting. You are the pack leader, so you need to show him what to do.

BTW, our dog (a shar-pei) is named Duncan as well. Duncan Hines Brownie. He has more toys than we do.
Reply:I love my dogs too i think they are amazing pets and they become part of your family after a while.
Reply:In my book, you are perfect home. There are others like you, but they are few and far between. You are what I look for when I place one of my rescues.

And to answer your question, YES. My dogs have most definitely changed the way I live my life.
Reply:yes, my dog peed and pooped all over my floor and even on my couch, that is a change that I will never forget.
Reply:Absolutely, my house has become their house. Their toys are everywhere along with blankets, pillows and anything else they drag out.

My family and I are big on camping. Every year we go for 2 weeks. We use to tent camp but we got 2 dogs so we got a camper. This year we got another dog in June and our camper is not big enough for the family and the dogs so we did not go this year. Hopefully next before next summer we can get a larger camper to accommodate the 3 dogs-7 yr old lab/retriever mix, 6 yr old lab/shepherd mix and a 9 mth old lab-and our family. I just could not leave them in a kennel while we camping, would not have been the same.
Reply:My wife and I have 2 dogs. One is a lab and the other is a lab/shepard mix. We could not picture our lives without them.


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