
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Where can I find surfboard ratings/reviews?

I'm trying to find surfboard ratings/reviews. For example, 'Climbing Magazine' and 'Rock and Ice Magazine' both review and give their Editor's Choice to the best gear like climbing shoes. 'Transworld Snowboarding' and 'Future Snowboarding' rank their top selections for snowboards for each year. Is there something equivalent for surfboards? Thanks.

Where can I find surfboard ratings/reviews?
Surfer Magazine has a web site that can get you that information. Try this it should be some help.
Reply:i personally like to go here. they don't have many reviews yet but they get added all the time. Report It

Reply:its really hard to find reviews on specific boards because each board is unique. the best thing to do is look at what the manufacturer intended the board for. one thing ive done is look up the different qualities of areas of the board, for example the tail. if i want a board for steeper surf i find a board with a round tail or thumb tail (for really steep hollow stuff you want a pin tail, but we dont get that too often on the gulf). if i want a board for smaller mushy surf i go with a larger tail shape like a fish or bat tail. next follow the same logic for rails, concave, rocker, fin set up etc. if all else fails ask your bros what they ride and try some of their boards.

the one thing i have found reviews on is fins, which can really effect the performance of a board. if you dont like how a boar is riding try some different fins (almost all boards have some sort of interchangeable fin system now instead of glass ons). pick some fins that will suit your surfing style, weight, and surf your riding in. for example dont throw on huge fins if you weigh 120 lbs and are riding waist high garbage, your board will never turn. on the same not if you weigh 200 lbs and are dropping into double overhead bombs you want a large fin so you dont slide all the way down the face. hope this helps

ps ask the guy at your local surf shop, they usually know what type of boards work best at your local break
Reply:This sounds wierd because I'm a woman, but men's Journal usually has good shortboard reviews, pretty right on with their ratings too.
Reply:Screw ratings. Just ask around in the lineup (don't ask the kooks of course). Most people will gladly give you an honest opinion of their board. Call the shaper - tell him what you're looking for and ask to borrow a demo. All shapers have at least a couple of demo's you can borrow. Then you'll have any idea of what works for YOU.
Reply:I have never seen actual ratings for boars. I've seen some performance description but since everyone surfs different it's hard to rate. Also, unless your dealing with something like surftechs or popouts no two boards are gonna be exactly the same.
Reply:I have seen surfboard ratings, but I don't believe in them. All boards are not created equal, unless they are sleazy, mass produced pop-outs. Surfboards, even ones made from templates, that are hand crafted are all individuals. I would be skeptical of any review, except the reviews that knock the pieces of crap that are being mass produced (whether in China, Europe or USA). To get a REAL review, go to a local surf shop (surf shop, not a bathing suit store that sells surfboards) and talk to real surfers about what is the right board for the local break. Many (all of the 'good' ones) of the big names, still hand shape and glass their sticks with love. and craftsmanship

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