
Saturday, October 24, 2009

What is appropriate for a female to wear to a jury trial to testify?

I have 2 trials coming up soon that i will be testifying at, both times i will be climbing many steps and would prefer not to wear a skirt, dress or dress shoes if i can avoid it. Any suggestions would be wonderful.

What is appropriate for a female to wear to a jury trial to testify?
I think a pant suit would work very well. Try black, brown, dark blue or grey. Those are the most professional colors. you dont want to walk in wearing orange or pink, you'll stand out to much and wont be taken seriously. Try pin stripe pant (i like grey with thin black stripes, not only do they look professional, but they elongate the legs to make you look thinner. yay) and wear a tight white shirt with not too much clevage underneath, and wear the jacket over it buttoned enough but still show the shiry. And with that you can wear like 2 inch heals (which dont hurt, you can wear them all night.) I wouldnt reconmend flats because its not very professional. try 1-3inch whatevewr you can handle, but remember to try on the shoes in the mid day after your foot has had time to swell a little bit, because of you go in the morning your foot isnt its " regular" self and after you have been walking around, it will hurt. Good luck!
Reply:I think anything that is acceptable to wear to church, is good for court. You can wear a nice pair of slacks and flats.
Reply:Dress pants are probably the best !
Reply:A pants suit is fine. Actually you don't even need to wear a pants suit. As long as you wear pants and a nice blouse and sweater and nice shoes you should be fine. You are testifing, not on trial, just look as professional, well, not professional, but nice as possible. As long as it's not jeans you should be fine. I agree that a dress, unless it's a pretty long one,but not one you are going to trip on, is not a good idea. But neat, ironed pants will be fine. If you wear a pretty blouse, you will look great. If you do have a blazer that would work, so it doesn't really have to be a total suit.

Hope I helped and good luck.
Reply:To testify at a jury trial, you should dress conservatively. Since you do not want to wear a skirt or dress, I would recommend dress slacks with a nice blouse and jacket. You could wear either a low heel or flat with this. No sneakers. Fair or not, juries judge witnesses, at least in part -- and perhaps in large part, by their appearance. We are a very image-conscious society.

The party who subpeonaed you (or the attorney) may be able to shed more light on customary dress of witnesses in your particular region.
Reply:pants, shirt and a jacket. make sure they are plain, smart and feminine because that'll give you more credibility.

also not too bright colours or too much jewellery, you don't want to take the focus away from what you're saying.

the golden rule: keep it simple and plain.


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