
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can you pick up worms on your shoes and transfer them to your cat?

I went to the shelter today to donate some food, kitten city, wish I could take them all home, I went in a room full of kittens, some of them had worms I was told, they climbed up my pants. I stopped by my moms and changed my pants just in case something can transfer like that, and I washed my hands, but I forgot to remove my shoes before I came in and walked all over my apartment, can you transfer worms like that to your cat?

Can you pick up worms on your shoes and transfer them to your cat?
I will tell you what I will do. My daughter is a Zoologist and has two cats herself. She works at a zoo. I am going to send an E-mail to her and ask this same question. It may take her a day or so to get back to me, but as soon as I hear I will let you know. That is very interesting question. I can't wait to hear the answer myself. Just to be safe though I would get rid of shoes or wash them. Get back to you soon!
Reply:By the way folks, UPESKYMO's answer, from the vet at the zoo, was that transferring eggs or worms from my shoes to the cat was unlikley, but if I was still wary to go ahead and use a dewormer as it wouldn't hurt the cat even if it didn't have worms. Vet at the zoo, now that's what i call a vet. Report It


Ringworm is NOT a worm. It is a fungus and people can have it too. Kids get it. You could transmit ringworm, but it is highly unlikely.

Other worms like roundworms and tapeworms can not be trasmitted by your shoes.
Reply:Yes you can. Ringworm (fungus) can be transmitted that way, too. That is why we recommend annual dewormings for even strictly indoor-only cats.

Puppy Teeth

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