
Sunday, October 11, 2009

How can i stop my little boy from climbing..............?

he is 18 months old nearly,he climbs the fire guard,the arms on the sofa,he climbs onto the window sill in our living room,anywhere he can get,he gets,we've moved the furniture around so it's a little safer,and we put on his shoes to stop him from climbing up the fire guard,this works untill he takes them off.dont get me wrong,i'm all for him discovering things and working things out for himself but i spend nearly all day trying to stop him from getting where he should'nt.i can only babyproof so advise would be greatfull

How can i stop my little boy from climbing..............?
I find in a lot of cases, its the thrill of doing something you're not supposed to! If you allow climbing on certain things (the furniture would probably be better than the fireguard) climbing may have less of an appeal. A lot of the fun is seeing how far up you can get before mom pulls you off, and how quickly you can go back to it again.

Other kids are just climbers. I still think an acceptable outlet to climb, will lessen climbing on other things.

Decide on whats REALLY unsafe, versus an annoyance more than dangerous, VS probably okay.

Be really strict with whichever is REALLY unsafe. Do not allow it, and make a big fuss.

The one thats mostly an annoyance, still remove him, but with less of a urgency.

And, the one that isn't that bad, allow him to do it.

Kids will fall and bump their heads. They'll either decide it hurt too much to do again, or it was still a lot of fun and they're right back at it. Just pick the safest of the things he likes to climb and let him have a go.
Reply:a kiddie leash. preferably tethered in the same room as you.
Reply:Let him fall a few times. He'll learn :-)

Seriously, you just need to babyproof as much as you can.
Reply:this is worrying,i know my little one gets things and climbs, the more you try and stop them the more they want to climb, best to just keep a close eye on him and make it as safe as you can, i know its worrying as you hate to think that he could fall and hurt himself, other than telling him no there isn`t much you can do except make it safe for him.. good luck,,
Reply:there is nothing you can do , THATS WHAT THEY LOVE TO DO , when they fall they will start again
Reply:Congratulations, welcome to the world of being mom to a little boy! They will get into everything, climb everything, pull out everything, and most times when they fall they get up and do it all again! It's just what they do.
Reply:My third is a climber and theres nothing i can do about it except ensure the window locks are on and try and breath and deal with situations calmly. She has no fear and i dont want to put my fears on her. To be honest i do leave the room or look the other way if its scaring me, she is good at climbing and very self aware. She also will shout for help if she gets stuck. She is now just over 2 and a half, has been climbing since she was 7 months, is the most challenging of my 3 children. I have never put up stairgates or fire guards and none of my children has ever had a serious accident, i believe its because they have been allowed to work out for themselves what they are capable of, learned from their own experiences etc.
Reply:You really should get your son his own "climber". Having his own small playground is perfect for your situation, then when he climbs on furniture say "the couch is not for climbing on, you can climb on your climber." You could also get him his own little chair that he can safely climb into and sit on.
Reply:my daughter used to and still does do this, luckily our window sills are high so she cant get on them too easily.

When your son does climb up on thigs he is not supposed to just tell him no and remove him, keep doing it. it is tiring and annoying but it will work in the end.
Reply:i have twin boys and they used to climb everything at that age... anything that was high i used to put my quilt under it incase they climbed it and i didnt see them do it...... better safe than sorry
Reply:The ONLY way to totally stop him will take him learning that he can get hurt. My second son is like this and he doesn't believe it until after something happens. You can tell him no all you want, but it just takes a second of you cleaning up a mess for him to climb up somewhere.
Reply:Put tacks tack side up on all of the furniture. After a little good old fashioned negative stimulus conditioning he won't even want to put his hands anywhere he can't see them.


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