
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

OK, can you put yourselves in my shoes and tell me what you would do?

Ok, I am from Sacramento which is the capitol of California and a big city. I recently moved and have been living in a town for about 10 and a half months. This is a very small town up on the foothills, and is close to Yosemite National Park. 97% of the population is white. Some of them are racists. My mother runs a motel in the middle of this town, there is a back creek behind the motel. I like to take both of our dogs there. We have neighbours next door in a small red house. They were drinking last night and they were all at least 30. My dog goes over to the fence and their dog starts barking. He kept saying "kill kill" so I came around and stared at him and he was still saying that. So I said fu** yo dog. He didn't say anything so I took my dog back, then all the sudden he got up and said what my problem was. I told him it was his redneck a** . He said something about me going back to where I came from, and said "don't make me climb that fence". So I stood there and told him to do

OK, can you put yourselves in my shoes and tell me what you would do?
Leave it alone NEVER GO ON HIS PROPERTY. You don't need to add to it just be ready for the day he is drunk enough to come out and say something to your face.
Reply:Wow. Well, you need to give this neighbor space. Esp. when they are drinking. Also, try to step back a bit and be assertive and not aggressive. This guy makes you mad, but you need to watch how you respond because you will be judged on it. Make sure you let your mom know what is up as well.

If most peeps where you are are white, you are setting the example to them of who black people are. I know, color should never have anything to do with it, but it is a sad reality in small towns. Be polite and respectful no matter how much you have to grit your teeth, be the bigger man and make your neighbor look bad.

Remember too that drinking changes people. Some people are mean drunks no matter if you are black, white, or fuchsia. I am white, but my two younger brothers are black and I know that if I even think some one is dealing with them inappropriately I want to kick some a**, but again, you need to set that example and let people sink their own ignorant ships. Good luck and be safe!
Reply:Start documenting the times this happens. If he does come over the fence or does something threatening call the cops. That way if something happens they and you a record that this guy was messing with you before. And from my experience the cops tend to side with the (please excuse me for saying this) weaker of the two, especially if they're the ones to call them.
Reply:Dat racists f u c k e r probably wouldn't say nothin to my face cuz I'm black,Then start talkin his s h i t when I'm gone.And if he still talk s h i t I'll make his life livin hell.
Reply:I think you should do something really evil to the neighbour.... something really evil!

Or else, talk to the nearby authority.... or something.
Reply:well,if there was other people you shouldn't lie about what you said but you could call the cops on him for disturbing/ being rude/ being racist to you.....

Good Luck!!!!!
Reply:I would just avoid him and his friends whenever possible. Obviously don't drastically change your life or your habits to avoid the guy but don't give him any reason to start crap. If he does run his mouth, as hard as it is, ignore him. People like that cannot be reasoned with and will take any opening to start crap. Whether he is a racist or just an obnoxious drunk, you don't want to aggravate things with him, it will just make things worse. If he gets agressive towards you or does anything to your property then you can call the cops. But calling him names or engaging him in anyway won't help matters any. I know it's hard to walk away or ignore someone when they are being an ignorant a**hole but that's the best way at this point (with the information you've given) to deal with the jerk.
Reply:Take a bit of advise from a small town girl! Avoid the s.o.b.!!! No matter how unfair what I am about to say sounds, it is true. Being it is a small town, this guy may have grown up there, and there for probably grew up with everyone on the pd, around here they call it the good ol' boys club! And they would take his side! So.......not only would you ruin your life with a record, you could also endanger your mothers job! You need to think about the bigger picture sometimes!

Don't lower yourself to his ignorant ways! Try to keep your dogs away from the fence for a while and give him some room and time to cool off!

When in dout think "Deliverance", if you have not seen it rent it!

Classic redneck hick movie. Since you don't know him, it is best to avoid him! Ya just never know!!!
Reply:i am very pleased you didn't lower yourself to that low life piece of scums level. i would ignore him and his ignorance. how dumb to you have to be try and start a fight with a kid when you are a full grown adult? i think that says more about him than the actual contents of the fight.
Reply:I thought L.A. was the capitol of California.

That's not sexy.

I would totally try to jump his bones, that's really sexy.

Thanks for the points, gorgeous.

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