I want to get my partner some good climbing shoes for xmas, but Im not sure where to go.
Where can I find climbing shoes in Manchester,UK?
By the sounds of it you're not a climber yourself. So one thing to consider. You can't go getting a climber a pair of shoes as a surprize cause climbing shoes need to be a particular fit. They might try all the sizes of a certain brand or model and not be happy with them. They also need to be worn quite tight and snug, usually they're bought a couple of sizes too small. For this reason unless you don't mind bringing them to the shop with you to pick them out, go for something like a helmet or harness, they're adjustable so you can't go wrong. The Petzel Corax or Petzel Calidris harnesses are pretty popular and good, would make a super gift for me. There's also a new helmet that folds called the 'Edelrid Madillo' which is something I as a climber would find really useful and cool. Something he can play with on the day, I read about it a few months ago, not sure if it's out yet.
Anyway I kind of strayed off the question there. I'm not from the place myself but I did a quick search. Here ya go, maybe they're near to you. Most outdoor shops will have climbing shoes, and try and find a place with a wall so that he/she can try on the shoes as they'll be using them. Remember that they'll stretch out. So they should be a little uncomfortable, in fact they should be just about bearable.
Well why not go for a nice pattern chalk bag and a load of chalk, or a book on climbing technique, something she'll need to work on as a beginner. Perhaps even sign her up for a session on some real rock with a guide somewhere, Whales would be the best bet, amazing climbing there.
Reply:For some great prices and good selection, check on-line at:
You could also go to www.rei.com if you don't mind paying retail prices. Don't you have discount and clearance stores for these items since many of the best brands are made in Europe?
Good Luck
pale skin
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