
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Any good camp pranks????????????????/?

so i go to karate camp every year. it is SO fun. my cabin always has the best pranks. one year we stole one cabin's pillows and shoes. another year we stole a cabin's karate belts, hid them, then put them on the stairs and they had to climb up and down on the spiky stairs in front of everybody. then we changed all the guy's shoelaces with pink and purple friend's laces, and covered them with sparkles. this year, i'm kind of stuck for a prannk idea, so if you could help that ouwld be great! thank you =D

Any good camp pranks????????????????/?
Prank #1

You will need:

1 drinking cup full of water.

1 funnel

1 coin

1 victim

Have the water near by (but not in plain sight) as you ask your friend to place the funnel into the band of his/her pants. Then ask your friend to balance the coin on his/her nose (acting like you're going to have them drop it into the funnel). While their head is tilted back, dump the water into the funnel.

Prank #2

You will need:

1 egg

A door

Ask your friend to reach through the inner part of the door at the hinges (above the second hinge) and have them hold the egg between their forefinger %26amp; thumb. Once they have the egg, walk away. They won't be able to move (unless they drop the egg %26amp; break it).
Reply:hoist clothes up on a flagpole (if available).. no one thinks to look up.

move kids' suitcases/trunks into other cabins

pile suitcases/trunks around someone sleeping so that they're "boxed in" when they wake up

put glitter on someone sleeping (its really hard to get all of it off)

put suitcases/trunks on the roof of a cabin

be creative. just dont do anything destructive/dangerous.
Reply:Well. . . .. if your camp has a pool take a few of the other cabin's clothes, put them in a garbage bag and put some weights in it. Sink them to the bottom in the deepest part.

Saw that one done before was quite entertaining.

PS: There is always the good ol' vaseline on the toilet seat trick.
Reply:i got a good one ... you could pee on every1s pillows early in the day so that it has time to dry or you could catch the other cabins on fire and as the ppl are running out you could thro water balloons at them and hav a giggle
Reply:Turn off the water heater in their cabin - cold showers.

Short sheet their beds.

Put rubber snakes in their beds.

Steal their light bulbs.

Put some Limburger cheese in their cabin.

Thanks for the question. That brings back some memories.
Reply:Well, not that i have ever played any pranks ^^

but if you could get all of their shoes together tie them together by the laces and 'decorate' the camp with a string of smelly shoes.
Reply:heres what u need

Prank #1



Fill the white parts of the oreo with toothpaste!

Prank #2


-Coffee grinds

Give them some "hot chocolate" exept it's coffee! DO NOT PUT IT IN THE COFFEE MACHINE!! give them the grinds of the coffee!

Prank #3


-Toilet paper

Raid their cabin!
Reply:This one must be done at the end of camp, preferably after many other pranks. Switch all their dirty underwear with all their still clean underwear. Socks too. It won't be a laugh out in public until someone starts itching in certain places.
Reply:Haha sounds like a lot of fun I think that you should put hawian punch on the croch of every guys' uniform sense it is white and it will look like they had their period! LOL sorry I think of weird things!
Reply:water balloons

shaving cream fights
Reply:lol pee on everyones clothes
Reply:**** in sum1s bed
Reply:crap all over the bathroom but not in the toilet.... holy **** that would suck for them
Reply:steal all of their clothes???

credit report

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