
Sunday, March 14, 2010

How high in the rankings will Notre Dame climb before their reality checks agains USC and in their bowl game?

Once again because they started the season as the most over rated team in america. . .Notre Dame is poised to make a run into the top 5. They are lucky to have only one loss but really should have two. They have beaten nobody in the top 25 and had their butts handed to them by Michigan (Hail to the Victors). Now. . . for the next several weeks their schudule looks like that of St. Mary's School for wayward boys! I believe they play Who R U, Whatsa Matter U, Cupcake U, and Dubba U! I'm sure they will beat all these sacrificial lambs and rise undeservedly in the rankings once again! Eventually they will go to USC and be lambasted and then get hammered in a bowl game. The question is. . . how high will they rise before they play some real teams again. . . . They already rose to #2 without doing anything but lace up their shoes!!! If the rankings didn't come out until octover 1st. . . . would anybody really even rank them in the top 30?

How high in the rankings will Notre Dame climb before their reality checks agains USC and in their bowl game?
My guess if they win out from here until the USC game they will be ranked in the Top 6.
Reply:Obviously you havent been paying attention to college football. Notre Dame has played some really good football. They only have and only should have one loss. That loss is to a really good Michigan team who is probably going to go undefeated until they reach the OSU game. The near loss to Michigan St. showed what type of team they are not how vulnerable they are. And lets see who Michigan has played or is going to play this year: Vandy, C. Mich., Minn., N'westrn, Ball St., and Indiana. Wow! Better bring their A game for those teams. And about being lambasted at USC? USC is one of those overranked teams that everybody is talking about. IF and thats a big if they make it through their schedule undefeated (doubtful) Notre Dame will have no problem getting revenge from last year. They almost lost to Washington St. give me a break. And they didnt come from 16 points down in the 4th Q so I didnt look spectacular by any means. Should Notre Dame be ranked in the top 3 by the end of the year, well maybe maybe not but definately in the top 5.
Reply:First of all, they have beaten a Top 25 team- Georgia Tech is ranked #24 on the AP poll and will likely be ranked higher since they beat Virginia Tech. Second, USC barely squeaked out a win over Washington St.! Notre Dame will beat them! And third, Notre Dame is still #1 in my book. I want to play Ohio St. badly, because I know the Irish can take them!
Reply:MSU handed them a win on a silver platter, so people should remember it, but won't, since it's Notre Dame.

They'll be about 7 or so when they head to USC to get demolished (Jarrett will be back by then and Notre Dame's secondary is still a sieve).

pale skin

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