I asked this question before, however this is a really difficult thing to me so I just want some additional advice.
I went out with my friend to the club. In the club some how we got separated. There was a guy that I've known and hung around for about five years now who offered me a ride home. I had previously had two shots of Patron, a mojitio, and two long island ice teas, so I was pretty messed up, but still able to know what was going on. Then when he was taking me 'home' we smoked some weed. By then I was so messed up I had no idea he was taking me to his house.
Yes, I flirted with him in the club. He flirted with me to. We had a mutual flirtation for years all the while I had always told him I just wanted to be friends. He tried to come on to me in the past while we were all alone at my house, a little ****** up, and once I told him no, he didn’t make a big deal out of it or try anything and we remand friends.
Anyhow, on this night, once we got to his house, he said he needed to go in for a minute and said I could come in to. I trusted him so I didn’t really think anything of it. I sat on the stairs, I didn’t go to his room like he invited me to do. I didn’t take off my shoes or my jacket. I just waited for him to take me home. He didn’t. He climbed on top of me, I keep telling him to stop, and he dragged me off the steps by my legs onto the floor, got on top of me kept trying. I kept fighting. He got tired of trying and said he would take me home. He knew where I lived, which I never ever told him, he stopped a block away from my house, opened the car door and kicked me out. What would normally take me five minutes to get home took me like ten or fifteen because I stumbled so much.
Like I said last time, he’s this local celebrity and I don’t know if I can handle the heat of calling the police on him. What would you do?
If some one did this to you would you report them to the police?
First, PLEASE get help for you to deal with the emotional issues of the attempted sexual assault. This may cause all sorts of relationship problems that are bubbling under the surface that only a professional can really help you deal with.
Second, whether to report him is a very difficult question. What proof do you have? Do you have any physical evidence whatsoever? Can your friend at the club confirm that you were even with him? These are questions that the prosecutor or the police are going to ask (especially in the wake of the Duke lacrosse scandal!). If the case goes to trial, your name should be sealed to protect your privacy, but everything's over once you testify in open court. You WILL be the victim, and regardless of how much the system wants to protect you, you WILL be blamed, and you WILL be accused of lying. Do you have any sort of sordid past? Have you had sex with lots of men? Even though this may not come out in trial, it WILL come out (because if the guy's a local celeb, he will hire a private detective to find out everything about you).
Another option is to talk to a prosecutor or perhaps a women's rights or domestic violence victim advocate (who may be more willing to listen) to help them evaluate your case. They can tell you your chances of success, the likey outcomes, how victims are treated in your jurisdiction, and what would happen if you'd change your mind later.
We support you; good luck!
Reply:you can try the cops but they might help the ****** ****** all i can say is that's ****** up gotta be careful there are some evil people out there
Reply:To be honest he really didn't do anything legally wrong
Reply:Well you held him off once before but this time a little drink and a little smoke was over the edge for him. You should have searched out your friend that you got seperated from and you wouldn't be asking this question. Actually your behavior is also at fault. He did not rape you did he? You didn't say that he did. So what would you tell the police? He would say he gave you a ride home and that you both were drunk. I don't think you have a case against him. In the future be more lady like and hold the drink and smoke if you can't control the situtation. I don't feel sorry for you. You got what you deserve based on past behavior with him and now.
Reply:I f you can work up the courage yes report him he assaulted you and tried to rape you. In the uk a man can be charged with rape if the woman is to intoxicated to consent. No means No
Reply:learn my lesson and move on...
Reply:Just keep you distance from this guy. If he comes with you again, then call the authorities. He's defiantley lacking maturity.
Reply:I think you should call the police, otherwise he will think he can just get away with it and may be even worse with someone else or you in the future.
Reply:I would
Reply:First, I'm sorry this happened to you. It is not your fault, no-one deserves this type of treatment. I know the incident is weighing heavy on your mind, but you have to pray and search inside for the answers to this one. If this person is a big celebrity the backlash can be painful. Yet, you need to tell someone, this person will do it again and maybe go further, speaking out can save someone.
Reply:i would so tell the police. its not right that he got on top of you and you kept telling him no but he still ingnored you but stopped. and the fact that he knows wher you lives is kinda scary i would report him.
Reply:If u can't take the heat, don't go in2 the kitchen.
But if he did it 2 u, what about the other girl that can't fight so well.
Think about ur best friend, or the girl next door. Gees u maybe the solution 2 the next bundy.
Reply:That is awful!! YOu probablyy should not have gone with him!!
Reply:Well do you have any evidence? Otherwise, you've got yourself a tight situation. I feel really sorry for you, I think it was an off night.
Reply:so what he famous he raped you
Reply:I personally would contact the police, what would he have done if you were really out of it and couldn't control yourself?
Just because he's a local celebrity doesn't mean he can get away with it, would you be able to handle it if he did this to another girl? Or other girls may have been in the same situation as you were with him and don't want to go to the police either.
Just remember, you have done nothing wrong, it's him with the problem and he needs to be stopped.
Reply:Run it by the police it may be considered assult of some kind.
It seems to me that was attemped rape. Run it by the police you could be saving some girl. Don't let some bullSh*t local clebebrity crap stop u from doing the right thing.
Reply:Doesn't matter what kind of eyes catching games u play when u say no it means no.If it was me i would call the police or go have a visit with him with a base ball Bat.
Reply:Bust him. Even if he doesn't learn his lesson he needs to be punished.
Reply:That's assault, battery, and attempted rape. That warrants a police report.
If you cut back on the drinking and pot you will be able to take better care of yourself in the future.
Reply:If any man forced me to do anything I didn't want to do than it is rape. Rather it is a simple kiss or fondle it is rape even if you didn't have sex. He was sexually assaulting you.He touched you with out your consent. Rather he is famous or not, a crime is a crime. Have enough respect for yourself and resolve your fears.You will sleep better at night knowing that that you did do something about it. Think about how it made you feel when that happen to you. Do you want some other woman to go through what you did. He did it once, he will do it again if you let him get away with it
Drunk or high, he is still responsible for his actions. Same as you. Even if you were high or drunk, no man has the right to do those thing to you.
Reply:That is certainly attempted rape. I would be DAMN sure that he knows that you remember what he did!! Personally, I would report it. What he did was wrong and the police should be made aware of this.
Stay away from this LOSER!!
Reply:Stop flirting with him. You are giving him the wrong impression. Thank the Gods he had more restraint than most men.
Stop teasing if you are not going to give it up !!!!!
Reply:you deserved it
Reply:I'm sorry for you but you deserved it you act like a b*tch just forget it.
Reply:Call the police girl!! If he did it to you, he probably has done it to others and will do it again.
skin problems
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