
Friday, March 12, 2010

How to teach children to be kind?

I have children ages 1 and 3. They fight a lot. The 3 year old will get bored and go looking for entertainment and hit his sister. She will take a toy she knows he is playing with- I think on purpose!

Now, before you tell me to "keep them busy" that is hard! Occasionally I have to do things like vacume the floor or cook dinner or answer the phone.

My mom keeps saying that the teachers at the school she works at prevent the kids from arguing. I agree- they have older kids and a very very structured enviornment. I want my kids to be kind to each other, but I think that it is easier to say than do.

Also, my children are extremely kind to each other the other half of the time. They play with each other and will help each other with things (Haley will go get Benjamins shoes and hand them to him when it is time to get dressed, or he will help her climb up the stairs at the playplace.) They say thank you and hold doors open for each other and are very very sweet loving kids

How to teach children to be kind?
The best way to teach your kids to be kind is to be kind to them and to others. To use the old phrase, which is a wise one, they'll "do as you do, not as you say."

Some sibling rivalry is normal at their ages, as they figure out the boundaries of mine/his/hers and where they stand with each other. Let them figure that out, and continue modeling kind, consistent behavior. If they have kind and tender moments with one another, you're doing fine!
Reply:I agree with Cindy, children need to have conflicts in order to develop the skills needed in life to confront them later on. Kids are kids, you can only encourage and reward good behaviour like being kind to each other.
Reply:I have a 5 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. I am still trying to figure this one out all the way. They have never got along that well because they are pretty much complete opposites! But one thing I did find that worked well was whenever they start getting annoyed with eachother and I have to clean or something that is "art" time and they will do that for hours it seems without a single fight. I just set up an area in the kitchen and give them all kinds of supplies and they are wonderful. Just change up the "special sibling time" so they don't get bored. One week its arts and crafts the next week its bored games or outside time(if the weather permits it). To much time together doing nothing will drive them insane!
Reply:You needith enforce the Discipline.

That's the way my "people" do it. xD

But don't over do it! Just when you see your kid do something wrong, inflict some pain each time he does it to make your kid know not to do it anymore!
Reply:Have you try putting them in daycare or some program like.

The reason I said that is because, certain program help them interact with other kid. It help them to be more social with their peer and more caring. Besides, you probably need the time for yourself to recuperate. Having kids, is another full time job.
Reply:My children are 4 and 2. My son (2) likes to push/hit his sister (4) and she likes to take toys from him. I've decided that it is sibling rivalry and now I let them work it out. Unless they are hurting each other (which they haven't), I don't interfere.
Reply:my kids are the same way. It's like they have multipe personalities. My mil says that's just the way kids are (she had 8).Her kids grew up to be very supportive of each other and get along very well.At that age, it takes many times telling them something before it sinks in.Be patient and don't sweat the small stuff. Very corny but true.If the arent hurting each other,try to ignore it. Try to have some alone time with each. I know its hard, it'll only get better.
Reply:when children fight, they are learning skills such as problem solving, cause and effect, pain, danger, self confidence. not all fighting is bad. Only the fighting when some one gets hurt is when you need to interrupt.

if you can't handle them fighting, and you need to do something else E.g. cook tea. then put them in separate rooms to play in with lots of toys and things to do so they know they aren't being punished.

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