
Sunday, March 14, 2010

I dont know why i dreamt this!?

ok! i had a dream that i was like some amusment park. i saw this old creepy building with stairs in front of it so i walk up to it. i look at the stairs and there about 2ft wide and there not really stairs there like flat so wheel chairs can go up it. i try to go up it but i cant like i keep slipping. then i decide to take my shoes off but the stairs are hot and i finally make it up them. then the stairs ver to the right and thier normal stairs so i go up them and open the door. its like a hotel and i go up to my room and there are there are two full size beds. the room is in pink.thr is high bed not like a bunk bed but really close to the celling.i got to the bathroom and there is a little bed by the sisters room is threw the bathroom and the rooms look just like our bed rooms(- all the beds) i go climb the high bed and for some reason i jump off and run i run thr the hall and thr r 2 rombies i hav a bat and i hit both and run away with my sister. i ran out of room 2 all of it

I dont know why i dreamt this!?
You would think one would go to an amusement park for fun, but you seemed to be attracted to a creepy building. I guess you are drawn to mystery or like to explore the unknown to a degree. You struggle up a ramp like stairs which is slippery and hot. You try not to let obstacles in your path or difficult conditions easily stop you, one you are set on a particular course. After all this you end up at your hotel room. A pink room is nice and feminine, and the high bed is unusual. This hotel room may represent an advancement in status or position in this world, while your sister remains in a position similar to conditions at her home. You may be motivated to improve the conditions in your life. But, there seems to be negative forces or people who are determined to give you trouble{zombies}. You do fight them off well. Life can be a struggle especially when you want to improve on your conditions and advance torward one's goals. But at least you have a lot of fight in you. Meditate/pray, exercise, and eat healthy, so that you will be strong spiritually, and better able to fight to create a positive future for you and keep negative type people or influences from interfering with your plans.
Reply:i think you are frustrated with life and are trying to reach a specific goal but are not succeeding. keep trying and maybe you will find a way
Reply:Neither do I.

skin problems

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