Stolen a car
Been in love X
Been dumped
Shoplifted X
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back X
Been arrested
Made out with a stranger
Done more with a stranger
Had a crush on a teacher X
Seen someone die
Been on a plane
Met someone in person from internet
Been moshing at a concert
Been in an abusive relationship
Love someone or miss someone right now X
Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by with a guy or a girl that you cared about
Had a tea party
Flown a kite X
Built a sand castle X
Gone puddle jumping
Played dress up X
Jumped into a pile of leaves X
Gone sledging X
Cheated while playing a game X
Been lonely X
Fallen asleep at work/school
Used a fake ID
Watched the sun set with someone that you cared about
Felt an earthquake X
Touched a snake/held a snake X
Slept beneath the stars with someone you cared about
Been tickled X
Been robbed
Been misunderstood..?? X
Patted a reindeer/goat
Won a contest X
Been in a car accident
Had braces ...NO BUT I WILL
Felt like an outcast X
Eaten a whole bucket of ice cream in one night X
Had deja vu
Danced in the moonlight
Hated the way you look XXXXXXXXXX
Witnessed a crime
Pole danced
Questioned your heart X
Been obsessed with post-it notesX
Squished barefoot through the mud X
Been lost X
Been to the opposite side of the country
Swum in the ocean
Felt like dying X
Ever thought of going into the army X
Cried yourself to sleep X
Played cops and robbers X
Recently coloured with crayons/coloured pencils/markersX
Sung karaoke
Paid for a meal with only coins
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't X
Made prank phone calls X
Laughed until some kind of drink came out of your nose X
Danced in the rain by yourself/with someone you cared about
Written a letter to Santa Claus X
Been kissed under a mistletoe
Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
Blown bubbles X
Felt sick in the stomach because of a girl/boy you thought about X
Made a bonfire X
Crashed a party X
Gone rollerskating X
Had a wish come true X
Humped a monkey
Ate dog/cat food X
Told a complete stranger you loved them
Kissed a mirror X
Sang in the shower/the bath X
Have a little black dress
Had a dream that you married someone X
Glued your hand to something X
Got your tongue stuck to a freezer
Going out with some one now
Worn the opposite sexes clothes X
Been a cheerleader
Sat on a roof top X
Screamed at the top of your lungs X
Done a one-handed Cartwheel
Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
Stayed up all night X
Didn't take a shower for a week/bath X
Pick and ate an apple right off the tree X
Climbed a treeX
Had a tree houseX
Are scared to watch scary movies alone
Have more then 30 pairs of shoes
Worn a really ugly outfit just to see what others say
Gone streaking
Got pushed into a pool with all your clothes on X
Broken a bone
Been easily amused X
Caught a fish and cookd it and ate it - I have caught one but never eaten it
Caught a butterfly X
Laughed so hard you cried X
Cried so hard you laughed
Mooned/flashed someone
Had someone moon/flash you X
Cheated on a test X
Had a Britney Spears CD
Forgotten someone's name X
Slept naked
French braided someones hair
Gone skinny dipping in a pool
Been kicked out of your house -no but my sister locked me out many times
Gone and huged the wrong person
Talked about marriage with your boyfriend/girlfriend
Gone swimming with dolphins
Bothered to do this more than once
Like the person hu sent this 2 u
What have you done?
Stolen a car X
Been in love X
Been dumped X
Shoplifted X
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back X
Been arrested
Made out with a stranger X
Done more with a stranger X
Had a crush on a teacher X
Seen someone die X
Been on a plane X
Met someone in person from internet X
Been moshing at a concert X
Been in an abusive relationship
Love someone or miss someone right now X
Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by with a guy or a girl that you cared about X
Had a tea party
Flown a kite X
Built a sand castle X
Gone puddle jumping X
Played dress up X
Jumped into a pile of leaves X
Gone sledging X
Cheated while playing a game X
Been lonely X
Fallen asleep at work/school X
Used a fake ID X
Watched the sun set with someone that you cared about X
Felt an earthquake
Touched a snake/held a snake X
Slept beneath the stars with someone you cared about X
Been tickled X
Been robbed
Been misunderstood..?? X
Patted a reindeer/goat X
Won a contest X
Been in a car accident X
Had braces
Felt like an outcast X
Eaten a whole bucket of ice cream in one night
Had deja vu X
Danced in the moonlight
Hated the way you look
Witnessed a crime X
Pole danced
Questioned your heart X
Been obsessed with post-it notes
Squished barefoot through the mud X
Been lost X
Been to the opposite side of the country X
Swum in the ocean
Felt like dying X
Ever thought of going into the army X
Cried yourself to sleep X
Played cops and robbers X
Recently coloured with crayons/coloured pencils/markers X
Sung karaoke X
Paid for a meal with only coins X
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't X
Made prank phone calls X
Laughed until some kind of drink came out of your nose X
Danced in the rain by yourself/with someone you cared about X
Written a letter to Santa Claus X
Been kissed under a mistletoe X
Watched the sun rise with someone you care about X
Blown bubbles X
Felt sick in the stomach because of a girl/boy you thought about X
Made a bonfire X
Crashed a party X
Gone rollerskating
Had a wish come true X
Humped a monkey
Ate dog/cat food X
Told a complete stranger you loved them X
Kissed a mirror
Sang in the shower/the bath X
Have a little black dress
Had a dream that you married someone X
Glued your hand to something X
Got your tongue stuck to a freezer X
Going out with some one now X
Worn the opposite sexes clothes
Been a cheerleader
Sat on a roof top X
Screamed at the top of your lungs X
Done a one-handed Cartwheel
Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours X
Stayed up all night X
Didn't take a shower for a week/bath X
Pick and ate an apple right off the tree X
Climbed a tree X
Had a tree house
Are scared to watch scary movies alone
Have more then 30 pairs of shoes
Worn a really ugly outfit just to see what others say X
Gone streaking
Got pushed into a pool with all your clothes on X
Broken a bone X
Been easily amused X
Caught a fish and cookd it and ate it Stolen a car
Been in love X
Been dumped
Shoplifted X
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back X
Been arrested
Made out with a stranger
Done more with a stranger
Had a crush on a teacher X
Seen someone die
Been on a plane
Met someone in person from internet
Been moshing at a concert
Been in an abusive relationship
Love someone or miss someone right now X
Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by with a guy or a girl that you cared about
Had a tea party
Flown a kite X
Built a sand castle X
Gone puddle jumping
Played dress up X
Jumped into a pile of leaves X
Gone sledging X
Cheated while playing a game X
Been lonely X
Fallen asleep at work/school
Used a fake ID
Watched the sun set with someone that you cared about
Felt an earthquake X
Touched a snake/held a snake X
Slept beneath the stars with someone you cared about
Been tickled X
Been robbed
Been misunderstood..?? X
Patted a reindeer/goat
Won a contest X
Been in a car accident
Had braces ...NO BUT I WILL
Felt like an outcast X
Eaten a whole bucket of ice cream in one night X
Had deja vu
Danced in the moonlight
Hated the way you look XXXXXXXXXX
Witnessed a crime
Pole danced
Questioned your heart X
Been obsessed with post-it notesX
Squished barefoot through the mud X
Been lost X
Been to the opposite side of the country
Swum in the ocean
Felt like dying X
Ever thought of going into the army X
Cried yourself to sleep X
Played cops and robbers X
Recently coloured with crayons/coloured pencils/markersX
Sung karaoke
Paid for a meal with only coins
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't X
Made prank phone calls X
Laughed until some kind of drink came out of your nose X
Danced in the rain by yourself/with someone you cared about
Written a letter to Santa Claus X
Been kissed under a mistletoe
Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
Blown bubbles X
Felt sick in the stomach because of a girl/boy you thought about X
Made a bonfire X
Crashed a party X
Gone rollerskating X
Had a wish come true X
Humped a monkey
Ate dog/cat food X
Told a complete stranger you loved them
Kissed a mirror X
Sang in the shower/the bath X
Have a little black dress
Had a dream that you married someone X
Glued your hand to something X
Got your tongue stuck to a freezer
Going out with some one now
Worn the opposite sexes clothes X
Been a cheerleader
Sat on a roof top X
Screamed at the top of your lungs X
Done a one-handed Cartwheel
Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
Stayed up all night X
Didn't take a shower for a week/bath X
Pick and ate an apple right off the tree X
Climbed a treeX
Had a tree houseX
Are scared to watch scary movies alone
Have more then 30 pairs of shoes
Worn a really ugly outfit just to see what others say
Gone streaking
Got pushed into a pool with all your clothes on X
Broken a bone
Been easily amused X
Caught a fish and cooked it and ate it - I have caught one but never eaten it
Caught a butterfly X
Laughed so hard you cried X
Cried so hard you laughed X
Mooned/flashed someone X
Had someone moon/flash you X
Cheated on a test X
Had a Britney Spears CD
Forgotten someone's name X
Slept naked X
French braided someones hair X
Gone skinny dipping in a pool X
Been kicked out of your house X
Gone and huged the wrong person X
Talked about marriage with your boyfriend/girlfriend X
Gone swimming with dolphins
Bothered to do this more than once X
Like the person hu sent this 2 u
Reply:I think you need to get a job.
Reply:i have to burst some laugh first before answering this one.
no. i prefer not answer for some reasons.
Reply:Stolen a car
Been in love X
Been dumped
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back X
Been arrested
Made out with a stranger
Done more with a stranger
Had a crush on a teacher X
Seen someone die
Been on a plane X
Met someone in person from internet
Been moshing at a concert
Been in an abusive relationship
Love someone or miss someone right now X
Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by with a guy or a girl that you cared about X
Had a tea party X
Flown a kite X
Built a sand castle X
Gone puddle jumping
Played dress up X
Jumped into a pile of leaves X
Gone sledging X
Cheated while playing a game
Been lonely X
Fallen asleep at work/school X
Used a fake ID
Watched the sun set with someone that you cared about X
Felt an earthquake
Touched a snake/held a snake
Slept beneath the stars with someone you cared about
Been tickled X
Been robbed
Been misunderstood..?? X
Patted a reindeer/goat
Won a contest X
Been in a car accident
Had braces ...NO BUT I WILL
Felt like an outcast X
Eaten a whole bucket of ice cream in one night
Had deja vu X
Danced in the moonlight
Hated the way you look X
Witnessed a crime
Pole danced
Questioned your heart X
Been obsessed with post-it notes
Squished barefoot through the mud X
Been lost X
Been to the opposite side of the country X
Swum in the ocean X
Felt like dying X
Ever thought of going into the army X
Cried yourself to sleep X
Played cops and robbers X
Recently coloured with crayons/coloured pencils/markersX
Sung karaoke
Paid for a meal with only coins
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't X
Made prank phone calls
Laughed until some kind of drink came out of your nose
Danced in the rain by yourself/with someone you cared about
Written a letter to Santa Claus
Been kissed under a mistletoe
Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
Blown bubbles X
Felt sick in the stomach because of a girl/boy you thought about X
Made a bonfire
Crashed a party
Gone rollerskating X
Had a wish come true X
Humped a monkey
Ate dog/cat food
Told a complete stranger you loved them
Kissed a mirror
Sang in the shower/the bath X
Have a little black dress X
Had a dream that you married someone X
Glued your hand to something
Got your tongue stuck to a freezer
Going out with some one now
Worn the opposite sexes clothes
Been a cheerleader
Sat on a roof top X
Screamed at the top of your lungs X
Done a one-handed Cartwheel
Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
Stayed up all night X
Didn't take a shower for a week/bath
Pick and ate an apple right off the tree X
Climbed a treeX
Had a tree houseX
Are scared to watch scary movies alone
Have more then 30 pairs of shoes
Worn a really ugly outfit just to see what others say X
Gone streaking
Got pushed into a pool with all your clothes on X
Broken a bone
Been easily amused X
Caught a fish and cookd it and ate it - I have caught one but never eaten it
Caught a butterfly X
Laughed so hard you cried X
Cried so hard you laughed
Mooned/flashed someone
Had someone moon/flash you
Cheated on a test
Had a Britney Spears CD
Forgotten someone's name X
Slept naked
French braided someones hair
Gone skinny dipping in a pool
Been kicked out of your house -no but my sister locked me out many times
Gone and huged the wrong person
Talked about marriage with your boyfriend/girlfriend X
Gone swimming with dolphins
Bothered to do this more than once
Like the person hu sent this 2 u
Your Answer No spam please! When in doubt, please refer to our Community Guidelines.
Check Spelling
Know your source? List it here:
Reply:i have done every single thing on that list. I AM THE MAN. a better question would be...hmmm. let me think: what havent i done?
Reply:i like stuff!
Reply:Bobby, I really dont think this meets Y guidelines......
Reply:some of the above.
credit report
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