Some friends and i were going to vegas. All I remember is really getting ready to go so that I could get wild. For some reason on the day that it was time to go.I was at one time either at the airport or already in Vegas and realized that I had left my digital camera, and my flip flops. All I had were dressy shoes. Some how I ended up back home looking for my digital camera and putting my flip flops in my bag. My aunt was there but it was not at my house, it seemed to be the air port, helping me find flip flops. She was fussing about her kids.we found them. later I was at home again, I had everyone looking for my camera including my brother.while this was happening I had my mp3 player and was playing gospel music.. Every one was still looking for my camera. Someone sum1, told me to look behind the TV. I pushed the TV to the side, the whole was really deep behind the TV and went a long ways back. I think I had shoe boxes and movies behind the TV. But as I pushed them all out of the way it looked like I saw my camera all the way to the end of the tunnel at the very back. I had to climb on a chair to get to the camera.
Please help with this crazy dream?
Seems like you have a lot of responsibility at home, lots of relatives and a home life with a solid religious background. OR maybe this is how things were in the past.
There's a desire to escape to experience LIFE outside of the norm for you.
The tunnel in back of the TV seems like going back into your past. TV being central to the family life- shoe boxes and movies behind- leading to a room where the camera was.
Seems like the camera is representative of life- snapshots record times in life. Shoes represent paths in life.
Climbing the chair to get the camera for your future path represents one of many obstacles holding you back from your desire to experience life outside your home and what's familiar.
When you got there it wasn't a camera, it was snapshots form the past. Your sister and SAM see a "secret" room in the house and they see a little girl and you all start to look for her. The room you found up that went thru your closet was a childhood room. Did you have decorations in this color or is this something you wanted when you were a kid? You slept in the room and you found a doll there that seemed to be for you. This room was attractive to you as if decorated for you. I think the little girl is you.
That door led to the room that I was discussing earlier. You didn't go in the attic where the spider webs were. Spider webs symbolizing the past. You were sleeping in your room (which is also the child's room, though different in the way it looks in the here and now.
The big fat scary guy was in your room? You wanted to warn your brother but when he came in, it seemed they were friends.
The secret rooms may represent parts of your past you are reluctant to revisit.
I believe the little girl is you. Maybe there is some fear of what will happen to you in Vegas based on lack of restraint you feel you will have when there. Also most little girls want to feel like their brothers are safe to them, but maybe your brother views you (at least when his friends are around) the same way some of the "scary" guys view women in general.
How safe are you feeling in life right now?
The little girl was running and was not found. You (and the little girl in you) took comfort in that room that was decorated just for you.
Maybe it is a part of you that is not sure you are ready for that "Vegas" experience. Not yet anyway. Or a bit of fear of losing yourself there.
Reply:yw, tks for choosing my answer Report It
To see a busy airport in your dream, signifies the desire for freedom, high ideals, ambition, and hopes. It is an indication that you are approaching a new departure in your life. Some new idea is taking off or is ready to take off. You may be experiencing a new relationship, new career path or new adventure.
To see a camera in your dream, signifies your desires to cling on and/or live in the past. Alternatively, it may represent you need to focus on a particular situation. Perhaps you need to get a clearer picture or idea.
In general, shoes represent your approach to life. It suggests that you are well-grounded or that you are down to earth.?It also represents your convictions about your beliefs. If you are changing your shoes, then it refers to your changing roles. You are taking a new approach to life. If your forget your shoes, then it suggests that you are leaving restraints behind you. You are refusing to conform to some idea or attitude.
To see your home in your dream, signifies security, basic needs, and values. You may feel at home at your new job or you finally feel settled and comfortable in a new environment.?
To see your childhood home in particular, suggests your own desires for building a family. It also reflects aspects of yourself that were prominent or developed during the time you lived in that home. You may experience some feelings or unfinished expression of emotions that are now being triggered by a waking situation.
To see your aunt in your dream, represents family characteristics and values. It is a connection to your own heritage. The aunt may also represent aspects of yourself that you like or dislike. She can also be seen as a substitute mother.
To hear harmonious and soothing music in your dream, is a good omen of prosperity,? pleasure and the expression of your emotions in a positive way. Music serves to heal the soul.
To hear discordant music in your dream, signifies unhappiness and troubles in the home.
To dream that you are watching television, represents your brain, mind and its flowing thoughts. It shows how you are receiving, integrating, and expressing your ideas/thoughts. The programs you dream of watching is an objective view of the things that are in your mind.
To see a box in your dream, signifies your instinctual nature and destructive impulses. Alternatively, you may be trying to preserve and protect some aspect of yourself. The box may also symbolize your limitations and restrictions.
To see a tunnel in your dream, represents the vagina, womb, and birth. Thus it may refer to a need for security and nurturance.
To dream that you are going through a tunnel, suggests that you are exploring aspects of your unconscious. You are opening yourself to a brand new awareness. Alternatively, it indicates your limited perspective.
To see the light at the end of a tunnel, symbolizes hope. It may also indicate the end of your journey or goals.
To see a chair in your dream, symbolizes your need to sit down and take time out to contemplate a situation before proceeding.
To see or dream that you are on a couch, represents rest, relaxation, laziness or boredom. It may also mean you need to clear you mind and thoughts. Consider also who is on the couch with you as the dream may also have sexual connotations.
To see children in your dream, signifies your own childlike qualities or a retreat back to a childlike state. It is an extension of your inner child during a time of innocence, purity, simplicity, and a carefree attitude. You may be longing for the past and the chance to satisfy repressed desires and unfulfilled hopes. Take some time off and cater to the inner child within.
Toy Box
To?see a toy box in your dream, indicates that you are putting your childish ways behind you. Alternatively, the dream may represent your need to sort out unresolved issues from your childhood.
Purple is indicative of devotion, healing abilities, loving, kindness, and compassion. It is also the color of royalty, high rank, and dignity.
To see an attic in your dream, represents hidden memories or repressed thoughts that is being revealed. It also symbolize your mind, spirituality, and your connection to the higher Self. Alternatively, it signifies difficulties in your life that will hinder you from attaining your goals and aspirations. However, in the end, after a long period of struggle, you will overcome them.
To see a cluttered attic, is a sign to organize your mind and thoughts.
To see cobwebs in your dream, suggests that you have not reached your full potential. You are not utilizing your talents.
To see your brother in your dream, may symbolize some aspect of your relationship with him. It can also serve to remind you that someone in your waking life has certain characteristics/behavior similar to your brother's.
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