
Friday, March 12, 2010

Do guys really only want the Girly Girl......?

I am a very independent 24 year old, I have a very physical job that has been argued and is very predominatly male. I do very well at my job but it took a lot of work and toughing up. I find that I now get along better with guys than girls and find that I make most of my friends in guys. the problem is that I am tired of always being the friend. I am constantly looked over and thought of as one of the guys. I have to admit i do enjoy many of the same things as guys, like cars, sports, same type of movies/humour but I am very much a girl when it comes down to it.

So my question is... are there guys out there who find a independent woman who is not afraid to climb on to a roof or repair a broken fauset or change her own oil/ tire?

I am starting to feel that I should start wearing the tight skirts and pointy shoes in order to prove my feminity.... but I hate pretending to be someone I am not.... but I am tired of feeling alone and undesired.......

Do guys really only want the Girly Girl......?
Yes, there are such guys out there, but I will not give you mine...

I have my girlie sides, and my man helped me develop them further. (Nice way to say he made me wear skirts...) That was obviously important to him. But he never had any problems that I never had to ask for help when making repairs or taking care of the family economy. And of course I joined him in all kind of outdoors activities, from hiking to swimming and tree climbing. Sometimes I was almost as man as him, I just look different.

It is always dangerous to explain a lack of success with only one cause. It is true that being girlie helps towards many men, but it is definitely not important for all of them. You should look for other causes.

The most important aspect may be which signals you give men. Do you signal that you want to be one of them, and that you don't want to be treated like a woman? I am quite sure that you look for the special one and not just everyone. But how do you turn down a man? The signal you give him will also been seen by other men.

You say you are strong, and I am sure you want a man on your wavelength, just as he wants one on his wavelength. You have too look for a man that is strong enough for you, and not just one that looks if he is strong enough. Finding a match for a strength is difficult for both sexes, but you will feel it with all you body and mind when you find him. I'm talking from experience.

Despite common claims of the opposite: You have to consider how you advertise your assets. No matter how sexist it may feel, it helps to be beautiful. There are several ways to improve, and you have to find your style. But invest some interest, money and time in taking care of your outer self. It makes you feel good and it makes you look better. It helps you to give the signals you want to give, and it tells that you want to give such signals. The latter may be very important.

You have your girlie side, every girl has. My man helped me develop mine, you have to do it yourself. For me it was worth it, and I never felt that I had to compromise on my strong sides. Just trust yourself, seek success, and don't care if anyone envies you your success.

Life is there to take. But you must want it enough to go for it, and not stay stuck on the sidetrack.
Reply:omg, I'm only 15 but I have the same prob. Guys always consider me as just a friend never anything more. I hope that ends soon.

it is true that some guys prefer a girl who will depend on them when their car breaks down, or they've broken a table, but it really comes down to the guy.


don't dress up for a guy, don't put on makeup for a guy, do it for yourself.

the secret key is to be yourself, and having fun being yourself, try to enjoy life as it is, even though you aren't wearing a short skirt or pointy heels.

and when guys see how fun you are, they'll realise what they're missing out on.

of course there are guys out there, maybe he might just be under your very nose...

good luck, and remember, you're not alone ;-)


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