
Friday, March 12, 2010

What do you think of my Poem?

Fall Foliage

Fall is in the Air

Air that is abundant with Childhood memories

Memories that bring back thoughts of Apple bobbing

Apples that fell from my Grandfathers Ochard trees

Tree's where me and my Brother climbed

Climbed up a rock hill were I fell while my brother laughed

Laughter that stopped when he passed

Passed to a better place a place where Heaven is always Fall

Fall where my Grandmother would trip over the old linoleum floor in her kitchen

Kitchen where she would make my favorite Blackberry cobbler each Thanksgiving Dinner

Dinner where all my family were Happy and Cheerful

Cheerful despite the the pain and suffering we experienced being poor

Poor wearing Bread sacks over my shoes to protect my feet from the Snow

Snow that made my life hard while I feed the Cattle while it brightened my spirit by it's beauty

Beauty my Mother baking Aapple pies while weeping that my father's love was gone

Gone but not lost is my memories of Fall and Love

Love of my family and loved ones that have passed

Passed is summer and Fall brings back wonderful memories of Love

Love that I give to all that I encounter

Encountering a fall filled with love

What do you think of my Poem?
I like the pattern here, especially the part about grandma tripping over the linoleum floor. And the sad part about your brother.

This is good. my elderly mother would love to read this.
Reply:Thats a really nice poem ........really goood one
Reply:i thogutht that was relly cool the way u set it up. ending with a certain word and then starting with that same word. thats pretty neat. And it was very nicely written

men skin care

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