
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dogs destroy can I stop this behavior?

We have 4 dogs (Cocker spaniels: 9 years and 5 years, Basset hounds: 1 1/2 years and 6 months). The bassets have a terrible problem with destroying anything and everything that hits the floor (mops, hairbrushes, shoes, towels, you name it). They have their "dog toys" and we make a point to play with them only with "their" toys. We try our best to keep them from getting to things their not supposed to and make sure they know where their toybox is an have access to it at all times. They even climb up onto the couch to get my purse off the table to chew up the contents! I am pregnant with our first child and don't want the babies eating the baby's toys. What can I do to curb this behavior? We have tried time outs, slaps on the nose, acting angry, nothing works!

Dogs destroy can I stop this behavior?
Try making or buying some interactive toys for them. I make mine toys out of old socks,t-shirts or whatever I have on hand and stuff them with newspaper since it crinkles when they bite it and they want to know what it is inside. I have also taken old soda bottles and put some other their food inside,put the cap back on and watch and they try to figure out how to get the food out. When the dogs get to things they are not supposed to have simply take it away from them not saying anything and give them one of their toys praising them when they show interest.
Reply:Like children, exercise often leads to obedience. Tire them a little and they may tone down.
Reply:1Step OneProvide plenty of appropriate dog toys to keep your pooch’s chewing needs satisfied, but don’t give him objects that may confuse him in the process. If you give him an old shoe you no longer use, he will think chewing on shoes is appropriate behavior and he will promptly chew on any within reach. Only provide dog toys and rawhides that he will recognize as his own.

2Step TwoKeep important objects out of his reach. Dogs, like children, are tempted by items that are directly in their paths. Put your shoes in the closet and your baseball mitt on the shelf to thwart destructive behavior.

3Step ThreeStore dirty laundry in a hamper. Male and female dogs, both, will chew the fabric out of unlaundered underwear. No, there is nothing wrong with your dog; his sense of smell tells him chewing on unlaundered “undies” is a good thing. Put them in the hamper and close the lid if you don’t want to keep replacing your undergarments.

4Step FourSpray pet deterrent on the legs of chairs and tables if your dog develops a furniture-chewing habit. This is also a good technique for keeping him from digging holes in your garden. In that situation, saturate a small piece of fabric and place it in his favorite digging spot.

5Step FiveMake some noise. Motion detectors that emit a loud shriek can be purchased from your pet store or hardware store and set up to startle your pooch before he takes a bite out of your new sofa.

6Step SixReprimand your dog immediately. If you catch him in the act, speak sharply and in a low tone to let him know you are angry with his destructive behavior. Remove him from the vicinity of the crime. If you wait, he will not understand why he is in trouble.

Tips %26amp; Warnings

Physical punishment is rarely effective and will only cause your dog to become anxious, which could increase the problem. Spare the rod no matter how important the item he destroyed may be. He doesn’t know its value.
Reply:I agree with savethep... Exercise!! I also have a Cocker and if she does not get to go for a walk, trouble,trouble,trouble. After a walk, what a joy to be around.
Reply:I agree with the exercise response; they're probably doing it because they're bored. But after exercising them, you can try bitter apple spray. There's that bitter apple spray that you can purchase at a pet store. It's supposed to taste really bad to the dogs, so you just spray it on your things that they're supposed to leave them alone. I've never tried it, but I've heard really good things about it.
Reply:Make sure nothing's on the floor for them to get and and put everything away....try going to your nearest pet store and get a bitter lotion that you spray on everything and that will detour them from eating your stuff ...worked great with our 2 dogs.
Reply:Exercise!! How much exercise do your dogs get? Lack of exercise can result in serious frustration, and then the dog finds other ways to release it's frustraion (excessive barking, digging, chewing). Your dogs are probably also seriously bored. Could you and your husband walk the dogs together? Four dogs would be a lot for you to handle on your own! If you have a backyard, take them outside and play fetch with them. Give them exercise and activities that will challenge them!

Good luck!

Try to keep stuff out of their reach as much as you can!

car makes

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