
Friday, March 12, 2010

Four humans two dogs what should I do? I cant do it all.?

I'm a mom of two. There is four of us. We have two dogs, that I dislike a lot. They are big and I am allergic to the dogs. Ever since my husband and I moved in with each other the dogs got jealous and destroyed our house, but my husband refuses to let one of them leave, because he has had one of them for 6 years. One is 8 and the other is a 10 month old. These dogs have destroyed carpets, couches, chairs, shoes, floor, and pooped and peed all over the place. We can't leave the dogs out so we lock one in the bathroom and the other in the laundry room. If we left the 8 yr old one out she would climb all over our son's bed getting it dirty and sucking on the comforter. I have caught her at night destroying the bathroom door, and pooping all over our things. The other one, destroyed our laundry room floor and chewed our gas line to the hot water heater. It's horrible. I am highly allergic to the new dog. I have tiny scabs on my body from stratching and benadryl doesn't work. What to do?

Four humans two dogs what should I do? I cant do it all.?
Bless your heart....sounds like you are about at your wits end. These dogs have some serious behavioral issues! Even if dog training could help, you are still allergic to the dog. If you want to keep your sanity, you gotta convince your husband that the dogs need to go to another good home. The dogs are being confined anyway, so what is the difference? You should find a dog you can both agree to....a pug is a suggestion. They can be expensive, but they are great family dogs with great personalities. They were bred to be lap dogs and that is just what they are...lap dogs. They just want to be loved and needed...laid back and relaxed. We just got our 2nd one...wish I could have 100 of them. In any case, best of luck to you and your family!
Reply:Clearly you can't live like that.

Tell him it's you or the dogs.
Reply:I would strongly suggest that you get the dogs obedience trained or something like that. It sounds that they are bored, from the destructive behavior. How old are your kids? It might be good for them to interact w/ the dogs more: play catch, etc. Maybe they could even brush the dogs if they are not allergic, as that will get rid of some of the loose hair and dandruff. If you can afford it, send them (dogs) to the groomer or perhaps update the quality of the food, as that can make a difference.

As for the allergies, I've heard that there are some shots you can take... did you ask your doctor about options yet?

I just want to say that I greatly admire your husband for standing his ground and keeping the dogs. Marriage is a compromise; you don't have to like the dogs, but it is a package deal. He's had one of them for 6 years, and more than likely considers it a loved family member. If you put pressure on him to get rid of his friend, some hostility might result. The 8 year old is considered a senior, and if she is having problem with her bowel control, it might be a medical issue. Take her to the vet if you can. Do you even know for sure that they destroying the house out of jealousy or is it just lack training and socialization? Dogs are social creatures, they need a pack and a pack leader.

If I didn't impart enough information, please visit the message boards at There are very knowledgeable people there... in fact, I know that some are allergic to their dogs/cats/etc, yet still somehow manage to do rescue and foster. Perhaps they can give you some more advice.

Once again, please take more proactive measures to ensure that everyone is happy. Please don't give up too soon and dump them in a shelter, as shelters are already full of dogs on death row. They don't deserve that. Thank you for asking for help. :-)


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