
Sunday, March 14, 2010

I dreamt that my brother was murdered. Details below. What could it mean?

This was a few nights back, but I dreamt that Mum, brother and I were driving to see my cousins.

I remember we were in a log cabin in the East Midlands of England (I don't even know if it was an actual area but the landmark my brother was killed and/or found by had the word Devil in it.)

The woods by the cabin were dark with lots of tall thin confer-type trees (pines?).

I remember seeing a Bichon Frisée dog (my cousin has one) and seeing a dark wood wardrobe (Not necessarily in the same place).

The 'camera' gave a bird's eye view of the wardrobe, which was ajar and I could see cream and mustard-coloured clothes/fabric in it.

I think the wardrobe had some shelves by it too, which were 'climbed up' by the 'camera' or a brown mouse.

A couple (or maybe three) people came to take my brother out of the cabin. Brother was wearing white shirt, black V-neck jumper with black trousers and shoes.

I think he tried to struggle, but didn't manage.

I dreamt that my brother was murdered. Details below. What could it mean?
The log cabin symbolizes a sense of solitude, lonliness or a feeling of exposure to the unknown, this is further emphasized by the darkness around the cabin. It may have had a familiar feeling yet you haven't ever been to a place like that before. Normally, it's impossible to actually read in a dream, you must have simply been sure what was written on the landmark.

You seem to find some similarities between your brother and your cousin perhaps? or more likely that your cousin's dog provides you much comfort. It's not a young dog, but a more relaxed and mellow dog most of the time. (am I wrong?)

The camera view of the wardrobe is more likely emphasized the feeling that you have never been in this cabin before. Then you took a child/infant's point of view by climbing up the wardrobe to "explore".

I think you're worried about your brother or feel guilty about something that might happen to him due to who he associates himself with. you probably feel a little helpless about the matter. You might even feel that he as committed a 'Sin' and is in danger losing his soul in some way, even if you're not religious.

Whatever it is, you may not consciencously know what to feel guilty about or not have anything to be guilty for at all.

you know, one thing that didn't make too much sense. Does your brother not live at home? or isn't home often? Because you say that you dreamed that you heard about his death on SKY, which is the news I'm guessing. If that's the case then the whole interpretation is different: as much as he annoyed you, he provided some sort of security in your life and now you feel exposed that he's not around. Even if he's been gone for a while, you're just now feeling his absence.

by the way, if I'm WAY off, feel free to email me and tell me so.
Reply:The dream is just a dream, nothing more.

The content of the dream mearly reflects your underlying concern for your brother despite the fact that at times he annoys you.
Reply:by the sounds of it the cabin represents a close home feeling, i think you probably miss your brother and wish to see him more and maybe the place he was 'killed' has more to do with you life than his .


you may have been close with your brother at one point and you may feel he is in danger of something .

hope this helps

computer virus

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