
Friday, March 12, 2010

He tried to rape me, should I go to the police about this?

I went out with my friends to the club. In the club some how we got separated. There was a guy that I've known and hung around for about five years now who offered me a ride home. I had previously had two shots of Patron, a mojitio, and two long island ice teas, so I was pretty messed up, but still able to know what was going on. Then when he was taking me 'home' we smoked some weed. By then I was so messed up I had no idea he was taking me to his house.

We got there, he said he needed to go in for a minute and said I could come in to. I trusted him so I didn’t really think anything of it. I sat on the stairs, I didn’t go to his room like he invited me to do. I didn’t take off my shoes or my jacket. I just waited for him to take me home. He didn’t. He climbed on top of me, I keep telling him to stop, he tried to rip off my clothes, dragged me off the steps onto the floor, got on top of me and tried to rape me. I kept fighting. He got tired of trying and said he would take me home. He knew where I lived, which I never ever told him, he stopped a block away from my house, opened the car door and kicked me out. What would normally take me five minutes to get home took me like ten or fifteen because I stumbled so much.

Basically, he’s a local celebrity and I don’t know if I can handle the heat of calling the police on him. What should I do?

He tried to rape me, should I go to the police about this?
Well you were not raped, thank goodness and you learned a damn good lesson. You should never get so messed up that someone even thinks they can take advantage of you. Look I am so glad you did not get raped, but I say drop it, tell your friends what happened and they will hate him to, and the word will get around about him. I would make sure never to talk or be around him again either.
Reply:Go and tell somebody you trust then ask for their opinon.
Reply:I have been in way to many situations like this, so many that I cannot count. I was the party girl and often went off on my own and put myself in really bad positions. I'm not saying at all that this is your fault, but in the future I hope that you will stick close to friends at all times and never get in a car with a guy when you are drinking. They know that you are vulnerable and most guys will try. This guy took it too far though. You told him to stop and he kept going. He would have raped you if you weren't a fighter. Something needs to be done. Regardless of who he is. He will do it to someone else and will succeed. He didn't care about your feelings did he? Talk to counselor or call a rape hot-line. They will be able to tell you what to do. If I could change anything about my past, I wish I would have told. I have been raped three times and have survived many attempts. It is important that you stop him from hurting other girls. I wish you the best.
Reply:No, don't call the police. Just let him do it to someone else and let them call the police for you.

WTF is wrong with you. Have his *** arressted.
Reply:ARE YOU SEROUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wtf is wrong with you does this decision actually require thought of course you should

ps thanks 4 2 pts
Reply:I dont know.I mean you were pretty wasted and thats bad already and the local police wouldnt really do much.Then he is a local celebrity that is even worst.But i still advise you to call the police and tell them everything you told us.Dont say you cant because you put all this in cyberspace so you definidley could say it to the police.Dont worry about what they say.If they reject you go to a different precenct.If they reject then i would recommend that you file a report for how they treated you.
Reply:Dearest child... go to the Police NOW. Don't let this so called celebrity do what he wants with you or anyone else. He belongs in JAIL. The intent even without penetration is still a crime. Do it for yourself and who knows what other innocent girl. who know, the next one might be your baby sister etc etc. DO IT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Reply:CALL, HONEY. ALWAYS CALL. He violated you in every possible way, and it sounds like he's been following you. I also suggest a restraining order. Good for you for fighting!

Good luck and God bless.
Reply:Call the police on him. Keep in mind that you will get in trouble for smoking pot.
Reply:Call the law. Think of all the other girls you can save. To H*** with his celebrity A**. People like him need to be in jail. Unless of course you liked it.
Reply:I am sorry that you have a bad experience,I will keep quite and forget the incidence if I were you.You are on the losing end,you went to his place,and you are so messed up.If you call the police,it will go to court,swabbing your vagina for semen evidence is degrading and you have no evidence.He will definitely sue you for defamation. Forget that experience ,men are disrespectful to drunk women, so learned that lesson.
Reply:Yes, call the police and file a report. Nothing will come of it, most likely, since you were not raped and you were drugged up and drunk, which was stupid. But your report will put him on notice that he can't get away with what he tried to do.

If you don't want to file a report since you were smoking weed, which is illegal, you can always just publicly OUT him next time you see him at some social occasion, let everyone around you know publicly that he tried to rape you and is a potential rapist.
Reply:Shouldn't let yourself get messed up in the first place, but are you seriously going to let him get away with that? If he does it once, he could try again. Best to shut it down. Doesn't matter who he is, if he thinks he can get away with it, his success or fame has gotten to his head. He needs a reality check.
Reply:you should go to the police. he tried to rape you and it doesnt matter if hes a 'local celebrity' or just some random guy. its still the same thing and he had no right to do that. plus, he took advantage of you because you were drunk%26amp;%26amp;high. go to the police asap.
Reply:Yes, and if he was successfull, do not shower, do not change your clothes. If you still have those clothes DO NOT wash them, bring them with you.

Report it. If you don't stop him....who will? Someone else may be next.
Reply:You know exactly what to do. Go to the police. It doesn't matter who he is.
Reply:Call the police and report it. He could do it to others and they may not be as lucky as you were.
Reply:Honestly, he could have rape other girls like you and terrorfied those girls to not call the police. Get over it and put him in jail. Call your lawyer and ask he/she what you can do.

What if he actually did rape you, youll be traumatized and probably wouldnt post this in yahoo. Youll feel disgusted and humilated. So do it, and get some people to back you up.
Reply:yes go to the police!
Reply:It's pathetic that a "local celebrity" would compromise his repuation by trying to force sex upon a girl under the influence. You have to really think about the situation and if it was preventable in any way. Was it unavoidable? Could you really trust a guy like that? Taking this to the police would set up a lot of drama and stress. Only do it if you are sure you can handle what happens as a result. Maybe a lot of his friends would come at you, you may be known for getting this guy in trouble, and all sorts of other things. But also think- is this something he has or will still try to do with other girls? Do you really want him to get away with that? Either take it to legal matters, or wait for karma to strike. Remember, everyone gets what they deserve, sooner or later.
Reply:hmmm... yeah maybe! and if this is fake the police already saw this the moniter this and you will be in huge trouble. just saying in case you wanna take this off.
Reply:call the police!! you should tell them every single detail because if you even try to cover up that you were drunk and stuff, they'll think you're lying! Even if nothing really happens to him, he'll know that he should NEVER touch you or any other girl like that! especially if you made it clear to him that you wanted him to stop!! and if he's a local celebrity, if people are smart, they'll stay out of it or they'll chose you're side because he's just a pig!!
Reply:TELL THE POLICE. kick his asss. screw him

If u ever see him wear heels and kick him wear it HURTS
Reply:Yeah, tell the police. He was stinking a weed anyway. Rape is wrong. You don't want him to do it again. And maybe... yep, drunk and weeded. Tell the police.
Reply:Call the police. I don't care if it was Zac Efron. If any guy tried that, he needs to be put away for good. Don't think because hes a celeb. that he can get away with these things, because he can't. Its the cold truth. So, please I beg of you, call the police and report him.
Reply:No. I think you also made a mistake. You were not good friends and he was not a trusted friend. So, going out with such a person alone were your mistake, if you are not willing enough to have every relation with the guy including sex. So, a man may become hot with a girl like you at any time and want to have sex. I think, may be he became very hot and tried to have sex only, not rape. When you refused and made him unsuccessful he became furious and misbehaved with you. So, don't worry and don't think about this any more. Thank God that you were not really raped. Somehow you could escape. Keep aware for the future and roam with trusted friends only or with friends whom you will like to have sex with.
Reply:this could be serious! he might try to rape you again! if he knows where u live. or worse to someone else. and write down wht happened so you dont forget. nc if u forget and u sue him for trying to rape you. you wont forget wht happened!
Reply:Who cares who he is he attacked you and violated you. It does not give him the right to be a pr!ck. Report it to the police, action should be taken against him.
Reply:Um...yeah. If he tried to shoot you in the foot, do you call the police, hell yeah!!! Call 5-0 on his *** and maybe he will keep his junk in his pants!!


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