
Friday, March 12, 2010

Does anyone have a strange phobia or habits?

mine is being alone

bears(because they swim, run, and climb trees)

i never want to see one ever again

bugs and roaches in my shoes before i put them on

and an a obsession with everything having a top or the top of everything being clean, like toothpaste, ketchup, lampshades, usb tops things like that

Does anyone have a strange phobia or habits?
I take meds for a brain injury I had several years ago, and I have noticed the older I get the goofier I get, age, or damage I dont know...I have a real problem with "second guessing" every thing I do or say. I do not want to make commitments to anyone or anything, because I will obsess with second guessing if I did right or wrong.

I will honestly hurt someone if they touch me with wet hands, like if you were washing dishes and you tried to touch my arm or face....lordy that will make me come out fighting....why I dont know, but everyone in my world knows not to do it.

I get physically ill looking at mens feet, I mean puking choking ill. I never look at a mans feet in the summer time, I will throw up immediatley. It does not matter if the feet are groomed well or yukky old fungus toenails, it is all the same.

My husbands feet do not bother me at all, but the thinks they do, so he is conscience of keeping them covered when I come into a room, or in bed....

It irritates me to see dust on towel racks in bathrooms, you know the little things that hook to the wall to hold the bar....(:

I am a real nutcase the way a dishwasher is loaded!

I am even nuttier about the way my linens are folded and put in the linen closet!

other than those, I think I am pretty loveable, easy going:))))))))))))
Reply:I am terrified of being a victim of a serial killer, being eaten by an alligator or giant snake, and millipedes/centipedes. I watch way too many documentaries and have a tendency to freak myself out, so it's my own fault, I guess.
Reply:everybody has a phobia of some sort whether its old age... heights etc. anything can be a fear.
Reply:I have a strange habit where when i see words on the television , I remember it and I recite them alphabetically. ( Although I think i Have really bad OCD. )Phobias? I've had reoccuring NIGHTMARES where rod stewart was trying to take my gym shoes and beat me up. I'm really scared to ever see him in person.
Reply:Some times when I am driving and I change to volume on the radio, I have to scratch the turndial with the top of my nail. I always check if my doors are locked, and if I leave the house I have the urge to come back. Oh yeah and toilet paper always has to be put in so when you pull it, it has to be on top lol.

I think everyone has little habits for some people this stuff is hard to control and that is usually diagnosed as OCD.
Reply:I make a growl in the back of my throat then immediately after I have to hum three notes descending. i wouldn't worry too much, you may have a very mild form of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), a lot of people suffer it (like me). Only if you feel it starts to take over your life, see your doctor.
Reply:Im not really scared of anything but I hate when things are not clean and orginized
Reply:I have some phobias as well, I have to check for my cats outside even though I know all of them are in. I have to eat the same amount and have it has to satisfy me or my day is ruined. I havel to rinse my mouth after I brush 4 times. I am scared to listen to certain music because it brings back bad memories but I am slowly getting over that. I kinda made it a habbit to chew a piece of gum after every meal. Have to run 5 days a week and I have to do it at 5 in the morning or else I am afraid it is a no go, and I have many more.
Reply:my phobia is public speaking(and being judged by those i'm speaking to) and being claustrophobic. Another strange thing that i don't realize is that i do is bite my nails until someone tells me to stop. Oh, i love to clean ...even at work!

Reply:how about, dentist phobia??
Reply:I'm terrified of undercooked food. The only way I'll eat eggs, bacon, chicken etc.. is if it is burned to a crisp lol. You can be the best chef in the world and I still won't eat your food unless it's almost burned.
Reply:I'm absolutely terrified of empty chairs. All the chairs in my apartment have things sitting on them and if not, (as sometimes my fiance refuses to let me put things on chairs), I turn the chairs upside down.

It's not really the chairs that scare me as much as I'm afraid 'ghosts' will sit in the chairs. I have a tendency of letting my imagination run away with me...

I'm also terrified of becoming an amputee. If I get a cut or something I'll freak out and think I'm going to contract flesh eating virus, funny thing about that is that I used to cut myself almost daily.

I'm also afraid of panic attacks. I get them, so it's scary. I don't like to leave my apartment because I'm afraid I'll panic. It's worse during the summer. If it's too hot, I'm afraid!

I'm afraid of the dark and silence as well.
Reply:I'm very afraid of frogs. Snakes, worms, lizards......don't scare me, but I can't even stand to see a frog on TV, books, or anywhere else. The thought of them makes me scared.

When going thru channels on the TV, I have to start with the lowest channel........I have to have the same routine when taking a shower, or I have to start over........I don't like my food touching each other on a plate........
Reply:I used to have this thing where I would open a car door twice.

I also had this obsession with golf ball pencils. I used to steal them from my art teacher. I felt horribly guilty afterwards but felt if I didn't keep the pencil I would obsess over whether or not I should have kept the pencil.
Reply:this isn't weird but i think i have arachnaphobia
Reply:I think I can top everyone...emetophobia...fear of getting sick and throwing up


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